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Lawyers have not received Ivanovic case judgement (TV Most)

Civic Initiative SDP Oliver Ivanović announced that "twenty-three days since the EULEX panel announced Oliver Ivanovic's political sentence due to political pressure and lack of professionalism, a legal team, professionals and the general public are still waiting for the judgment." SDP emphasizes that "obviously it is problematic to write a judgement explaining why Ivanovic has been condemned, seeing as the witnesses were not able to connect him with the indictment. However, this is not an excuse for deliberate stalling, which goes against international rules on the right to trial within reasonable time".

"It is obvious that EULEX has delayed the delivery of the judgment, and has thus directly affected the implementation of the appeal," stated the CI SDP. Civic Initiative SDP Oliver Ivanović has invited EULEX to give the judgment to not only the lawyers without further delay, stressing that the delay will not reduce public interest, but also independent experts and fighters for human rights, who are eagerly waiting to see the legal reasoning of the political judgment.