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Serbs being chased - warning on escalation of violence (KoSSev)

Intimidation and ill treatment of the employees of the National Theater of Pristina, is a symptom of hatred against Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija and warning that violence could escalate, stated Director of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić.

Even though this incident went without tragic consequences, this is a warning that hatred and violence in Kosovo and Meothija have presented a latent threat for years now and could easily escalate if decisive measures are not taken to prevent it, warned Đurić. He further said that indolence and lack of professionalism demonstrated by Kosovo Police with regards to this case unfortunately prove that they lack the will and capacities to recognize the danger of such random and mindless acts of violence.

On the regional Mitrovica - Pristina road, near Vučitrn/Vushtrri, last Friday, a vehicle with three female employees of the National Theater of Pristina was chased by a vehicle driven by two youngsters, who eventually stopped chasing them and turned into a petrol station. A similar scene was shortly repeated near Pristina with another vehicle driven by four youngsters. The same day the Deputy Director of the Theater, accompanied by one of the employees who got chased, went to a Police Station in Gračanica/Graçanicë to report the case, but police officers refused to register the case and referred them to the police station in Vučitrn/Vushtrri.
