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Kosovo police attempt to "arrest and deport" Marko Djuric (media)

Marko Djuric has said that "a crude and unlawfully attempt to arrest and deport him from Kosovo" took place in Gracanica last night.

The Kosovo police in this Serb enclave late on Wednesday stopped and held a car in which the director of the Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo was traveling, demanding that he leaves Kosovo.

However, Djuric was later told that he would be able to continue his visit "according to the protocol," Tanjug's reporter in Gracanica said.

Djuric said he came to Gracanica "to be with his people."

"The shameful attempt of the Kosovo police fell through thanks to the Serb people spontaneously gathering and showing their unity," he told reporters, adding:

"We showed with the citizens' unity that the Kosovo police - who are never there when they should be protecting the Serbs and the Serbian holy places - cannot act in any way they please."

He then "stressed that nobody will ever be able to stop the Serbs in their desire to remain and survive in Kosovo and Metohija."

Djuric said the reason given for the attempted arrest and deportation was his "violation of the agenda," which he said had not occurred.

"I don't know why all this has happened and what it has to do with, but I know it has nothing to do with common sense," Djuric concluded.

Tanjug said that the Kosovo police members first stopped Djuric's car, telling him they were under orders to escort him to the administrative line crossing of Merdare, and threatening to arrest him if he refused to comply.

Djuric's visit to Kosovo was properly announced and its duration expired on Thursday morning, in line with the agreements reached earlier between Belgrade and Pristina, the agency said.

A large number of citizens then gathered at the crossroads where Djuric's vehicle was stopped, from time to time chanting, "Serbia, Serbia."

After between half and hour and an hour of this standoff, the police told Djuric and his associates that they would be allowed to pass and continue their visit, to which those gathered reacted with applause and chants of "Marko, Serb!"

Djuric then left the vehicle for the first time since it was stopped to salute back the gathered citizens.

At the scene were also Deputy Kosovo PM Branimir Stojanovic and Gracanica Mayor Vladeta Kostic.