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Đurić met with the representatives of Serbs from Kosovo (TV Most)

The Serb representatives in the Kosovo government have informed the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija of the reasons for freezing their participation in the government, inter-ministerial committees and other government bodies, and today's submission of the request to the constitutional court in Pristina for the assessment of the constitutionality of the law of Trepča.

Đurić said that the Serb representatives at the time have made the only possible decision on freezing participation in the government and parliament. He said that it was not the signal that the Serbs do not want to participate in making decisions, but they do not want to be completely marginalized in things that are of interest to the Serbian nation.

The meeting agreed to continue regular consultations with a goal of synchronized and unified action in the fight for the interests of the Serbian people in Kosovo.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanović, ministers Ljubomir Marić and Dalibor Jevtić, the mayors of Štrpce/Shtërpcë and Gračanica/Graçanicë, Bratislav Nikolić and Vladeta Kostić, the general director of Trepča Jovan Dimkić.