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Đurić: Roadblocks in Kosovo an attack on the freedom of movement of Serbs (Kontakt plus radio)

Vice President of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and Director of the Office for KiM Marko Đurić says that the barricades, placed this morning throughout Kosovo, were synchronized and were an organized action, and in fact are an attack on Serbs in Kosovo, their freedom of movement, and their right to elect.

Đurić says that “we are thus witnessing the attempted obstruction of the arrival of people to the rally of support for Aleksandar Vučić, and the violation of their fundamental human rights.” He adds that “we see that the institutions in the province are not functional, because at these barricades and roadblocks we did not see any police officer who would try to enable the citizens to pass”.

Marko Đurić says that they have information about the intentions to arrest or detain Aleksandar Vulin at one of the crossings, if he attempts to come to the rally in Leposavić/Leposaviq. According to Đurić, this shows Pristina's fear from the the support that Vučić enjoys among the Serbs in Kosovo.