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Kurti: Dialogue with Serbs, ZSO imagined as new RS (RTS, Tanjug)

Self-determination movement candidate for the Kosovo Prime Minsiter, Albin Kurti said he is not against the dialogue, but thinks this dialogue should be held with Serbs from Kosovo, while for the Association of the Serb Communities, he said it is imagined as a new Republic of Srpska, Serbian media reported.

Kurti said that during the last six-years of dialogue there was too much investment and too little benefits.

According to him, “the time has come to think why it went that way. We need to talk with the EU about negotiations with Belgrade.”

“In a principle we are not against the dialogue, but we are against the dialogue without principles. Before everything, we would establish dialogue with the Serbs from Kosovo,” Kurti went on saying, adding “it will be an open dialogue, democratic and social, from the bottom level up,” focused on economic development and employment.

Kurti also said that with the current dialogue in Brussels, Serbia wanted to get closer to the EU, and at the same time “strengthen its position within Kosovo,” adding Kosovo was the topic of a dialogue, and not a party in it, due to the negligence of a corrupted Kosovo authorities, RTS reported.

As reported by the Serbian media, Kurti said that the Government of Serbia now wishes to replace the old slogan “Kosovo is Serbia,” with a new one “Kosovo would become Bosnia,” comparing the Association of the Serb Municipalities with the way how the Republic of Srpska was created.

Asked whether he supports the establishment of the Association of Serb Municipalities and how he would ensure security and normal life of Serbs in Kosovo, Kurti said that an idea and the request to establish the Association did not come from the Kosovo Serbs but from Belgrade.

He thinks that the integration of Serbs and their well being could be achieved by “social integration though full equality and development,” and not as he puts it “by institutional integration though privileges given to the Serb ministers and MPs,” RTS reported.