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“Progress in dialogue important for pace of accession process” (Tanjug, RTS)

Chief of the Austrian Diplomacy, Sebastian Kurz said he sees no added value in comparing situation in Catalonia and Kosovo, but dialogue with Pristina should continue as the progress in the dialogue is of high significance for Serbia’s path to the EU, Tanjug news agency reported.

Catalonian referendum on independence is an internal matter of Spain, and it has to be resolved within the Spanish Constitution, Kurz said to Tanjug.

He avoided to directly respond whether Serbia, prior to joining the EU, would have to recognize Kosovo, underlining that the EU always pointed out that the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is of high importance for Serbia’s path to the EU, RTS reported.

Speaking about the most important preconditions Serbia would need to fulfill, Kurz mentioned that the rule of law, fundamental rights, combat against corruption and general regional stability are of decisive importance, adding that Serbia can give significant contribution while Austria would do its utmost to support the Western Balkans states, in particular Serbia, RTS reported.