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Sutanovac: Parliamentary debate instead of staged dialogue (N1)

President of Democratic Party (DS), Dragan Sutanovic commenting on the first roundtable within the internal dialogue on Kosovo, said that DS expects a true debate in the parliament and not a staged dialogue, TV N1 reported.

Sutanovac also said the parliament is the only place where the dialogue on crucially important topics for the state and society should take place.

Participants at the first roundtable within the internal dialogue on Kosovo include law faculties’ professors from Serbia, Serbian Minster of Justice, Nela Kuburovic and Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Director, Marko Djuric.

TV N1 also runs the statement of the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), Cedomir Jovanovic, as saying that we should and want to talk about the most important topic the Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic is currently dealing with.

Jovanovic also added, he and his party are fighting for the truth for years, promote it and it cannot be avoided, being it about Kosovo, Serbian economy, foreign policy or relations in the region.

According to him, the issue of Kosovo is moving toward solution, good or bad, but it is moving toward it, N1 reported.