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Belgrade lessons to Kosovo Serbs (RFE, Blic, N1)

The decision of the Serbian List to freeze relations with Kosovo President Hashim Thaci is absurd, destructive and ordered from Belgrade, according to Thaci's Cabinet, Radio Free Europe (RFE) reports.

The Serbian list has decided to freeze every communication with the president of Kosovo, because it has determined that his policy, as far as the position of the Serbs in Kosovo is concerned, is "anti-constitutional, unlawful and at the expense of the Serbian people."

RFE reports that through an open letter addressed to the president, this list protests and considers Thaci responsible for the bad position of the Serbs, because he did nothing to establish a Community of Serbian municipalities. The list accuses the Kosovo President, and that he interferes in political affairs of the Serbs in Kosovo, and puts pressure on the election process in the municipality of Partes.

The Central Election Commission annulled the results of the first round of elections in the municipality of Partes, due to proven manipulation and buying votes of the candidates of the Serbian List, reports RFE.

Serbian List MP Igor Simic told RFE that the Serbian List will be a responsible partner in the work of all institutions, but that the primary interest is a better life of Serbs.

"This letter aims to make aware those who think that we will easily go over actions that show disrespect for Serbian representatives in institutions, but also of the Serbian people in general," says Simic.

Head of the Cabinet of President Thaci, Bekim Collaku, in a statement for RSE, says that this letter was surprising and unexpected because it had not preceded any meeting, and that the reasons for freezing communication have no weight.

Collaku points out that it is surprising and for many members of the Presidency of the Serbian List because he does not think any discussion has been conducted on this, reports RFE.

On behalf of the President, Bekim Collaku expressed his regret for this kind of action and "not serious approach of the Serbian list."

"I believe that such a decision and the letter do not prove that the Serbian List stands behind it, but I believe that the only author of the letter is the Government of Serbia, which initiated and imparted such a decision for political, tactical and strategic reasons. This is not the first time that representatives of the Kosovo Serbs are manipulated for the needs of Serbia," Collaku pointed out for the RFE.

However, RFE reports that Igor Simic stated that the decision to freeze the communication was the position of the entire Serbian List.

"What is most important is that the official Belgrade is absolutely dissatisfied with the behaviour of the Pristina representative when the fulfilment of the Brussels Agreement is about. The first agreement on the normalization of relations was signed in April 2013, and it envisaged the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities. , but to date, no step has been taken to form the Community of Serb Municipalities," Simic said to RFE.


Transformation of Armed Forces is a brake


On the other hand, Collaku states for the RFE that Kosovo is better than any other country in the world in guarantying equal rights for all communities.

Concerning the Community of Serb Municipalities, the concern of the Serbian List stands, but however, adds Collaku, this is a process that cannot be solved quickly.

"Although much time passed since the 2013 Brussels Agreement, we know that both sides in the dialogue still have to work on technical issues that have not yet been implemented. Kosovo will remain committed and, in the optimal time frame, will implement the Agreement on the Community, in accordance with the decision of the Constitutional Court. But this delay, and delay in the implementation cannot serve any party, in this case, the Serbian list, to make absurd decisions, such as freezing communication with the most important institution in the Republic of Kosovo," Collaku says for the RFE.

Bekim Collaku adds that one of the reasons for this action of Belgrade and the Serbian List is precisely because the president of Kosovo is involved in an intensive campaign to promote the transformation of the Security Forces into the Armed Forces.

"It is certain that Belgrade is not happy that Kosovo will soon have an army and, accordingly, uses the most important card, the Serbian community, as a hostage of that process. In addition, we are rapidly entering the final phase of the dialogue on the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia that will not be easy, but will have a sure ending - a full normalization of relations, which is the only key to the European perspective of the two countries, and in our case it means ending the centuries conflict, a new perspective of peace and cooperation, but also a reciprocal recognition," Collaku says for the RFE.

However, Collaku emphasizes that the President of Kosovo maintains communication and cooperation with all Serb representatives who "are not subject to the dictate of Serbia".

Petar Miletic says to RFE that he does not understand the decision of the Serbian List to freeze communication with the president, which, despite the important function, is not a source of power, such as the Government of Kosovo.

"To protest over the Community not being formed yet, by interrupting communication with the president, makes no sense and I think that there are other reasons behind it," Miletic concludes for the RFE.