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Vlajic: Joint investigation theoretically possible (Danas)

Cooperation between Serbian and Kosovo investigative bodies is theoretically possible, but it is necessary to have a political agreement beforehand, a lawyer and a close friend of murdered Oliver Ivanovic, Nebojsa Vlajic told Danas daily.

“If there is no political will from both sides, then this cooperation will not happen,” Vlajic said.

He is not an optimist when it comes to a swift resolution of the murder case, adding he is trying to realistically look into the efficiency of the Kosovo police.

“Kosovo police proved itself in the past as incapable and uninterested when it comes to the attacks against Serbs in the north of Kosovo. None of the attacks against Serbs in the last couple of years have been resolved,” Vlajic told Danas.

One of the cases, remaining without legal epilogue, was a case of burning down the vehicle owned by Oliver Ivanovic. Regardless, five months have passed since this incident, the police did nothing to find the perpetrators.

“I cannot exclude the possibility that this case is connected to the murder. If this murder also remains unresolved then definitely it is a sign that something seriously have to change,” Vlajic said, Danas daily reported.