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“Northern Kosovo isolated island” (KIM Radio)

Economy in the northern Kosovo is isolated from the rest of Kosovo and central Serbia, representing an island with around 3.000 enterprises and very unfavorable commercial structure.

These remarks were made during the presentation of a study on the state of the economy in the north of Kosovo, following the signing of the Brussels agreement, KIM Radio reports.

Trade, agriculture and manufacturing industry, along with a large number of micro enterprises, without medium and only one large enterprise are dominant in the north of Kosovo. This is unfavorable situation, Professor at the Faculty of Economy from Belgrade, Blagoje Paunovic said while presenting the study.

There are around 7.000 unemployed persons registered in the north of Kosovo, while “black market” represents a problem affecting entire Kosovo society.

The study includes analysis of the state of the economy in the four northern municipalities and it is part of a project “Analysis of the state of the economy in the north of Kosovo, following the signing of Brussels agreement – where are chances for employment.”

The project is implemented by the Institute for Territorial Economic Development and RTV Mir from Leposavic, financially supported by the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society, KIM Radio reported.