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FETO organized Turkey coup, they're same as KLA - JS leader (Tanjug, B92)

United Serbia (JS) leader Dragan Markovic Palma said in Ankara that the coup attempt in Turkey was organized by FETO, which is the same as the KLA for Serbia.

According to him, when two years ago the attempted coup was organized in Turkey, Serbia was among the first countries to give support to the Turkish people and President Erdogan.

"This coup attempt was a terrorist act triggered by Gulen's terrorist organization FETO, and FETO is the same as the KLA ("Kosovo Liberation Army") in Kosovo and Metohija," Markovic says.

Agency Tanjug reports that Markovic, while in Ankara, spoke with several Turkish officials, and that the meetings concluded that Serbia and Turkey have never enjoyed better relations.

Markovic thus met with Turkish Parliament Speaker Ismail Karaman, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Hakan Chavushoglu, Parliament Speaker for European Affairs Mehmed Gurpinar, chair of the parliamentary group of Turkish-Serbian friendship Mustafa Isen, and Vice President of Turkey's ruling AK party Mehdi Eker.

"Serbia and Turkey have never had better relations than today, especially after the meeting of the presidents of the two countries, Aleksandar Vucic and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, all of my interlocutors confirmed this," Markovic said.

According to him, religion cannot and will not be an obstacle to relations between the two countries, and he stressed that Turkey is a strategic partner to Serbia in the future.

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