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“Same killers shot at Oliver and his godfather?” (Vecernje Novosti, KIM Radio)

One of directions into an investigation of Oliver Ivanovic murder leads towards possibility that order givers and the perpetrators are the same persons who have organized the murder of Dmitrije Janicijevic, four years ago in Mitrovica North, Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti reported over the weekend.

According to the daily “there are many similarities between the cowardly murder of Oliver Ivanovic and his godfather that directed part of the investigation towards identifying possible connections between these two cases”.

“Both were killed with 9 mm calibre weapon, on the same day, 16th January, with difference of four years. Some events that happened before the murder were similar. Janicijevic was murdered on his home doorstep, in Rudarske cete Street, in the northern part of Mitrovica. His killers, motives and order givers were never found. Vehicles owned by Janicijevic, member of the Autonomous Liberal Party (SLS) were burned down several times, his business premises were shot at. Many linked these “warnings” with his political engagement,” daily reported.

Ivanovic’s property was the target of several attacks as well. “His vehicles were burned twice, his party premises were set on fire as well. His family was not spared either, an unknown person entered his flat attacking his wife and underage son,” the daily reminded.

Meanwhile, the Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP) whose leader was Oliver Ivanovic told the media they are permanently trying to get in contact with investigative bodies and Kosovo police to find out how far the investigation has reached, however they remained without answer.