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That gang of terrorists - Vucic reacts to events in Pristina (B92)

Terrorists dressed in special police uniforms of a non-existent state of Kosovo wanted to show they can occupy northern Kosovo, says Aleksandar Vucic.

They were doing this with the help of the EU rule of law mission in Kosovo, EULEX, he continued - "for every one ROSU (special Kosovo police) vehicle, there were two EULEX vehicles."

The president said this while addressing media in Belgrade late on Monday, after the head of the Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric was arrested in Kosovska Mitrovica and then taken to Pristina, before being turned over to Serbian authorities.

Speaking after a session of the Council for National Security, called in the wake of the incident, Vucic said Pristina's accusation that Djuric went to Kosovo "illegally" was not true - instead, "he sent an announcement 75 hours prior to his departure for the province, although according to an agreement, this should be done 24 hours before the visit."

The Serbian government announced on its website that the president "explicitly explained the procedure that is applied when our officials go to Kosovo and Metohija, and added that Djuric announced his visit to the provisional authorities in the province three times."

Vucic added that this procedure is "not about asking for permission, but about informing."

He also revealed that he spoke with Djuric, who will be admitted to a medical institution because he has "certain problems."

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