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Simic: Arguments are on the Serbian side (RTS)

Serbs from Kosovo will wait another seven days to see if there will be a progress, and on 20th April, all the presidents of the municipalities with the Serb majority will decide on the next moves, said the guest in the RTS News Igor Simic .

"It is difficult to expect a shift, but I still hope that President Vucic will use his potential and credibility that he has built in relations with international representatives and that he will use it in these ten days to make the international community exert additional pressure on Pristina to achieve what it has signed by the Brussels agreement. The argument is that on one side we have Serbia that has fulfilled an agreed deal, and on the other hand we have silence and a non-doing of Pristina,'' said Simic.

According to Simic, the argument in Vucic's hands is that, on the one hand, we have authorities in the state of Serbia that have acted responsibly in the negotiations in Brussels and have fulfilled what was up to them.

"On the other hand, we had silence and non-doing of Pristina when it comes to implementing what is most important for the Serbs within the framework of the Brussels Agreement, which is the Community of Serb Municipalities," Simic said.

The Kosovo government has reactivated the management team for the drafting of the ZSO Statute. There are four Serb representatives.

"These are people who were already in the team in 2013 and two who were added in 2016. It is a management team as it was agreed by the Brussels agreement, these are people who live in Kosovo and have the support of the people," Simic said.

According to the spokesperson and deputy of the Serbian List, at this moment, no one is considering returning to the ruling majority.

"We are in technical capacity, and we work only where there are the interests of the Serbs and the deputies act oppositional completely. The return at this moment is not in our agenda," Igor Simic told RTS.