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Stefanovic on Serb KSF members, murder of Ivanovic (Kossev)

"Anyone who our security services assesses to be able to have certain knowledge or to participate in the demolition of our constitutional order, security conditions, is called for an interview, that person has not been arrested, none of them have been arrested," said Stefanovic. He talked to Ljubica Gojgic, on RTV's latest show "Pravi ugao", revealing that the Serbian information agency has called on people for an informative interrogation.

"As this is sensitive information, I would not share the information on the show, but these people are certainly not taken without certain knowledge that the security services do have," Stefanovic added.

Serbia will disagree to the Kosovo Army, concluded Stefanovic:

"And if somebody thinks that he will introduce the Army of Kosovo on a small door, Serbia will not agree."

He also spoke about the investigation of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic.

Another meeting of the Serbian police, EULEX and the Kosovo Police is expected to be held. Still, Stefanovic is dissatisfied with the cooperation, and he sees the responsibility on the other side. "Here's months, what did they do to get to killers or organizers?" he asked. He also commented on, as he said, "insinuations from Pristina" that "some persons" were the organizers or perpetrators of the murder. "How can you insinuate that someone is a murderer, and then you meet this killer in the middle of Pristina, and you are completely okay?" he asked.

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