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Pantovic: Podujevo detainees almost completely isolated after police officers from the North were detained in the same facility (KoSSev)

The Serbs and non-Albanians detainees of the new prison complex in Grdovac near Podujevo have been in near total isolation for four months without any contact with the outside world – a lawyer from North Mitrovica, Ljubomir Pantovic said at a press conference in Zvecan.

Kosovo Police prohibit Serbs the Holy Trinity celebration in the Petric village (KIM radio, Radio Mitrovica Sever, Kossev)

Kosov Police banned the Serbs to celebrate the Holy Trinity in the village of Petric near Klina, reported Serbian media based in Kosovo.

KIM radio reported that Kosovo police did not allow lithium for the Serbs who gathered in the village Petric.

Resident of the village, said that about 30 Serbs gathered for the lithium to celebrate the holiday of the village, where they used to live once.

Twenty years since the arrival of NATO, Pristina almost without Serbs (RTK2, Kontakt plus radio)

There was almost no return of Serbs to Pristina in the last 20 years, who mostly sold their apartments and houses, reports RTK2.

Prior to the conflict in 1999, about 40,000 Serbs lived in the city, who left the city after the signing of the Kumanovo Agreement, which had stopped the NATO bombing of Serbia and agreed the withdrawal of the Serbian army from Kosovo, creating conditions for the return of almost a million Kosovo Albanians who were expelled from Kosovo by force, manly to North Macedonia and Albania, writes RTK2.

Vucic: Kosovo cannot become a consolidated state without Serbia (KoSSev)

When it comes to Kosovo we are all lost in space and time, Europe is asking for a delay of the solution, the Serbian public does not want to accept any solution, and Kosovo public does not want to accept that Kosovo cannot be a state without Serbia – the Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic said at an international conference in Belgrade yesterday.

Declaration on reconciliation of Serbs and Albanians soon (N1, NOVAs)

A deputy leader of the opposition Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) said late on Sunday that organisation would soon present a declaration on the reconciliation between the Serbs and Albanians which, according to SSP, both Pristina and Belgrade parliaments should adopt.

Marinika Tepic told Nova S television the declaration would be the beginning of the reconciliation process between the two nations.

"37 Serbs currently in Kosovo Security Force, as 70 leave" (Tanjug, B92, Lajmi)

The KSF (Kosovo Security Force) commander Rahman Rama said that "due to pressure from Belgrade," 70 members have left this formation. He submitted a report to a relevant parliamentary committee and said the focus of the KSF was on "including members of minority communities.”

Currently, the KSF has 10 percent of minority communities’ members and eight percent of women.

"Due to pressure and blackmail that came from Serbia, more than 70 members have left the KSF and now we have 37," Rama claims, Albanian daily Lajmi is reporting.


All the houses of Serb returnees robbed in the in the village of Grabac (RTK2, Kontakt plus radio, TV Most)

In the first returnee village Grabac, in the municipality of Klina, almost all the houses of the Serb returnees were robbed, where 28 houses for returnees were built, which are now empty, reports RTK2.

RTK2 reports that until the last year the only returnees in this village were Ilinka Nesic (87), and Borka Konic (82) who were often targets of robbers. Two women left the village last year, whereby the village became completely empty.

Sustainable return of Serbs impossible in the municipality of Klina (Kontakt plus radio)

Except in the town itself, in the municipality of Klina, a number of Serbs live in the surrounding villages: Bica, Berkovo, Klinavac, Grabac, Straza, Vidanje ... However, every year there are fewer of them, some died, while others go in search of better living conditions, writes today Kontakt plus radio on its web portal.

RTV Puls: Kosovo police arrest Albanians for stoning Serb family home (N1, FoNet)

The Kosovo police arrested two Albanians suspected of stoning a Serb family home in the town of Vitina, RTV Puls reported.

The two suspects were arrested for what the police said was a ''harassment '' of the Savic family which lives in the centre of the town, police regional spokesman in Gnjilane Ismet Hashani said.

The Savic family home was stoned a week earlier at 01:20 am. The police said that was the sixth reported attack on the family this year.

Jeremic: Serbs will never accept Kosovo as an independent state (RTK2, Beta)

Vuk Jeremic, the leader of the People's Party and one of the leaders of the Alliance for Serbia, stated that most of the Serbs would never accept Kosovo as an independent state. Jeremic said this during lectures at the Diplomatic Academy of Georgetown University, quoted RTK2 the National Party of Serbia statement. Recall that he also met the U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Matthew Palmer at the Department of State.