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B92: ''Albanians returned eight buses transporting Serbs from the south of Kosovo to a rally in Belgrade'' (Tanjug)

Eight buses with Serbs from three Kosovo South municipalities, who were going to Belgrade for the "Future of Serbia" rally, were returned from the administrative crossing Konculj.

The president of the temporary authority of the municipality of Vitina, Srdjan Nikolic, said that refusing to allow these buses to pass was justified by the fact that the drivers did not have ''adequate administration for the buses owned by the Albanians''.

RTV Puls: Kosovo police arrest Albanians for stoning Serb family home (N1, FoNet)

The Kosovo police arrested two Albanians suspected of stoning a Serb family home in the town of Vitina, RTV Puls reported.

The two suspects were arrested for what the police said was a ''harassment '' of the Savic family which lives in the centre of the town, police regional spokesman in Gnjilane Ismet Hashani said.

The Savic family home was stoned a week earlier at 01:20 am. The police said that was the sixth reported attack on the family this year.

Two Serb houses in centre of Vitina stoned (Tanjug, FoNet, RTS, RTV Puls)

Two Serb houses were stoned last night, after the midnight, in the centre of Vitina, Serbian media reported today.

One house belongs to Slobodanka Savic, while the other one belongs to a Kosovo police inspector, working in Gnjilane, Aleksandar Jacovic, whose car’s windshield is also broken, media further reported.

The cases are reported to the Kosovo police and there are no injuries apart from material damage caused.

Following the March pogrom in 2004, around 40 Serbs remained living in Vitina.