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Serbian and Albanian analysts: Belgrade and Pristina far from agreement (Blic)

The October 6 elections have changed the political situation in Kosovo, one of the conclusions of the panel "Prospects for normalization and dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina" held in Belgrade, with participants - Serbian and Albanian analysts - who all agree that a final agreement between the two sides will not come anytime soon.

IPU gathered 2.000 participants from 150 countries (Tanjug, Beta, B92)

President Vucic opened the 141st session of the Inter-Parliamentary Union last night, sending the message that a world of dialogue and compromise is possible.

The opening ceremony of the 141st Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) began with the intonation of the Serbian anthem at the Belgrade Sava Center. The IPU will run until October 17, gathering 2,000 participants from around 150 countries.

US envoy: Humiliation of partners in Kosovo dialogue doesn’t help (Blic, Beta, N1)

Outgoing US ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott said on Monday that Belgrade and Washington had a different opinion about Kosovo but that they agreed that the only way towards progress was the resumption of the dialogue on the normalisation of relations, the Beta news agency reported.

Schwarz-Schilling: EU should appoint envoy for Kosovo dialogue (FoNet, N1, DW)

Washington has taken the first step to shake up the European Union which is focused on its own problems and the initiative taken by US envoy Matthew Palmer should motivate the countries of the Balkans to find a solution for their problems, former High Representative for Bosnia-Herzegovina Christian Schwarz-Schilling told Deutsche Welle on Tuesday.

It is a pity that Belgrade only supports the Serbian List, says President of the Progressive Democratic Party (RTK2, Slobodno Srpski, Kontakt plus radio)

President of the Progressive Democratic Party Nenad Rasic said that he was sure that the Assembly would decide to dissolve the Parliament on August 22, after which early parliamentary elections would be called.

Rasic said that to Serbs was irrelevant who would form the new government among the Albanian political parties, but that it was important that the Serbian politicians “position themselves” in the realization of a possible coalition agreement, which they themselves must defend.

Civic Initiative SDP: 19 months without progress in Oliver Ivanovic’s murder investigation (BETA, TV N1)

Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP) assessed today that 19 months since the murder of their leader Oliver Ivanovic, investigative bodies in Pristina only create impression they are working on the case, adding “that in Mitrovica North neither street nor a square were named after Oliver Ivanovic,” despite strong promises “of Belgrade authorities”, BETA news agency reported.

Russian Ambassador to Serbia "rebuked" his US counterpart: Those are fabrications (B92, Vecernje Novosti, Tanjug)

Statements by US Ambassador to Serbia Anthony Godfrey "on the malign influence of Moscow in Europe" is Washington's fabrication, striving for global domination.

Russian Ambassador to Serbia, Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko told Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti that Washington "makes great efforts in waging its awkward ideological battle, putting to use its overt propagandistic machinery, no longer worrying about any arguments in support of its fabrications".

Merkel: Dark clouds lean over Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Tanjug, B92)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the dark clouds lean over Belgrade-Pristina dialogue after Kosovo introduced tariffs on the Serbian goods, Tanjug news agency reports.

Talking to news correspondents in Berlin, Merkel emphasized that Germany has a major interest for European integration “of Serbia and Kosovo” there is a progress on that way, but as she underlined, it is necessary to restore the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

Dacic after meeting Bolton: USA know problem is not in Belgrade, but in Pristina (RTS)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister met in Washington with US National Security Adviser John Bolton, RTS reports. Dacic said he has received during the meeting “very good remarks” on what Serbia is doing regarding Kosovo.

Speaking for the RTS main news edition, Dacic noted the meeting with Bolton proved that Kosovo issue is high on the list of foreign policy priorities of the US President.

Without disclosing the details of the meeting, Dacic added “the meeting was extremely useful.”