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Serbian and Albanian analysts: Belgrade and Pristina far from agreement (Blic)

The October 6 elections have changed the political situation in Kosovo, one of the conclusions of the panel "Prospects for normalization and dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina" held in Belgrade, with participants - Serbian and Albanian analysts - who all agree that a final agreement between the two sides will not come anytime soon.

The citizens of Serbia do not care much about who will lead the government in Pristina, and most believe that nothing will change (Blic)

As many as 62 percent of Serbian citizens believe elections in Kosovo will not significantly affect the flow of negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina, according to a study by the Factor Plus agency.

According to the same survey, 16 percent of Serbian citizens believe that negotiations will stop completely, 10 percent that it will accelerate and be closer to agreement, while 12 percent said they did not know the answer to this question.

Guterres: The challenges of today require a multilateral world (Dnevnik, Blic, Tanjug)

In meeting the challenges of today, we need a multilateral world with strong multilateral institutions, as well as universal respect for international law, said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who addressed the opening of the 141st Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) via video link, Belgrade based news agency Tanjug reported.

Vjosa Osmani: "Little Schengen", big mistake (Blic, KTV)

LDK candidate for Prime Minister Vjosa Osmani called the idea of the Balkan "mini-Schengen", agreed Thursday by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, and Northern Macedonia Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, "a big mistake."

- I think it's an accident that something like that happened. I do not know if Prime Minister Rama consulted with anyone in Kosovo before reaching such an agreement, however, it is a total mistake - Osmani told Pristina based KTV's Rubicon show.

Vucic's invitation to the Visegrad Group summit is a precedent, sending clear message (Blic, Politika, B92)

Belgrade based daily Blic writes on the importance of Czech President Milos Zeman invitation to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to participate in Visegrad Group Summit.

Daily considers that the invitation was "a kind of precedent" and added that, "as a rule, these meetings do not discuss topics on which participants have divergent views, Kosovo could be a topic".

Rakic says that the future of Serbian people is being decided (RTS, Vecernje Novosti, Blic)

President of Serbian List Goran Rakic told Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) that these elections directly decide the future of the Serbian people in Kosovo.

''It's simple situation, on October 6, our citizens are deciding whether they will have representatives in the Assembly in Pristina who will bravely fight for their interests or we will allow ourselves to be represented by Pristina’s favourites, who no longer hide but brag about the support they receive from Albanians,'' Rakic said.

US envoy: Humiliation of partners in Kosovo dialogue doesn’t help (Blic, Beta, N1)

Outgoing US ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott said on Monday that Belgrade and Washington had a different opinion about Kosovo but that they agreed that the only way towards progress was the resumption of the dialogue on the normalisation of relations, the Beta news agency reported.

Blic: Indications that EU will appoint Special Envoy for Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (NMagazin)

There are indications that some countries will ask the new chief of European diplomacy, Josep Borell, to appoint a special representative to directly handle the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, reports Belgrade based daily Blic.

The daily finds out that as the main candidate for the post is mentioned Dutch Angelina Eichhorst, who has been working for the EU for two decades.

Djuric: The elections in Kosovo are important for preserving Serbia's influence in Kosovo (TV Pink, TV Most, Blic)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric told TV Pink on Sunday that October 6th elections are essential important for Serbs and important for preserving ‘’Serbia’s influence in the province’’ and called all the Serbs to use their voice and be united.