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Blic: Indications that EU will appoint Special Envoy for Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (NMagazin)

There are indications that some countries will ask the new chief of European diplomacy, Josep Borell, to appoint a special representative to directly handle the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, reports Belgrade based daily Blic.

The daily finds out that as the main candidate for the post is mentioned Dutch Angelina Eichhorst, who has been working for the EU for two decades.

It's too late for lobbying on Kosovo (N1)

The editor-in-chief of the Novi Magazin, Nadezda Gace, assesses that engaging lobbyists is always an important activity, but that Ivica Dacic's statement that they should be engaged in representing Serbia's interests in resolving the Kosovo problem comes late and that it comes from the wrong man, reports regional broadcaster N1.

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said that Serbia should hire a lobbyist to defend the interests of Serbia in resolving the Kosovo problem.

Zubin Potok: Identified Serbs who threw a bomb (NMagazin, Blic)

Three Serbs from Kolasin were identified as people who threw bombs at the hall in Zubin Potok, night before the rally of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), write Blic.

The Kosovo police are still searching for the Serbs. Three attackers around 3 am, in the night between Saturday and Sunday, first fired from automatic weapons, and then throw "grenades". In the explosion was damaged a car of the Director of the sports centre, which was parked nearby, while the detonation has shattered the windows of the hall.

Stojanovic: Pristina to take the responsibility and implement the agreed in Brussels (Blic, Novi Magazin, RTS)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic says that he expects much greater involvement of the international community in order to implement all the agreed from Brussels. Stojanovic was a guest in the show "Dogovor" (Agreement), broadcasted on the independent Serbian television network in Kosovo and B92 Info channel.

Cvetkovic: There is no information that terrorist attacks in Serbia are being prepared (Vecernje Novosti, Novi Magazin)

Director of the Military Security Agency (VBA) Petar Cvetkovic said that there is no information that terrorist attacks in Serbia are being prepared or organized, but that does not preclude the possibility of individual actions. The threat derives from returnees from the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, bearing in mind that the majority of them have participated in combat operations and went through a process of intense religious indoctrination.

Brush: Kosovo without a defined status is not good (RTS,Blic, B92, NMagazin,RTK2,TV Most)

The Deputy Head of UNMIK, Jennifer Brush said today that Kosovo without a specific status is not good for the people who live in it, whether Albanians are in question or non-Albanians.

Brush said in an interview in the program "Slobodni Srpski" (Free Serbian), that she hoped that the dialogue in Brussels would help to come to the normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo in order to live normally.

Nikolic says "Europe won't like" his Kosovo platform (Novi Magazin, B92)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic has said that he was glad that the agreement on the judiciary in Kosovo was reached in Brussels.

Speaking for the Novi Magazin publication, he at the same time expressed concern that Serbia is not ready to, "with the number of judges and prosecutors," immediately begin its implementation.

"I did not see anybody in the past year preparing for a solution that can be immediately applied. Do we even have such personnel in Kosovo and Metohija? I think we do not," said Nikolic.

Balkan is the largest security hole in EU (Novi Magazin)

Balkan is the biggest security hole in Europe, which was recognized and by terrorists, because most of the arms that they are using is coming from the region, according to the Vienna daily "Kronen Zeitung".

List indicates that the assassins in Paris used a weapon that is originating from the Balkans, where currently, according to estimates, there are four million unregistered weapons on the black market.

For decades, criminals of all kinds, use Balkan route as a "criminal highway" to and from Europe.

Stefanovic would like that the report was not accurately transferred (NMagazin)

The head of the Democratic Party opposition parliamentary group Borislav Stefanovic said today that he would like that hope still exists and a chance that the report of the Chief Prosecutor for investigation of trafficking in human organs in Kosovo in 1999 was not the most accurately transferred.

Vukcevic: Time for a decision on the case of "yellow house" (NoviMagazin)

War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic said today that the investigation into organ trafficking in Kosovo (the case of the yellow house), came to an end and now should be decided whether charges will be filed or they will give up from it, saying that the evidence Serbia has speak about the existence of war crimes.