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Kurti for NIN: "ZSO - dead letter on paper; Serbs to turn to more moderate Serb parties" (Kontakt plus radio, Danas, N1)

I am aware of the pressures Serbs are experiencing from Serbia's parallel structures in Kosovo, one of which is the Serbian List, but the Serb community in Kosovo should gain strength and rebuild behind the more moderate Serb parties and politicians in Kosovo, Self-determination leader Albin Kurti said in an interview with Belgrade based weekly NIN.

Russian FM Lavrov: United States make efforts to revise Brussels agreement (TASS, B92, Tanjug)

Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov says that United States intend to revise Brussels agreement, in part related to Community/Association of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO), TASS reported, Serbian media is quoting.

In that way, the US is trying to "pull Kosovo into NATO" and keep its military base there.

Dacic to TV Prva: “Whatever happens Serbs are to blame, we have no information” (Serbian media)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic told Prva TV “for Pristina authorities the Serbs are always to blame.”

Dacic added he has no information that would confirm accusations of the Kosovo FM Behgjet Pacolli who claims that diplomatic office of Pristina in Copenhagen was attacked by the Serbian citizens in Denmark.

What does the draft Conclusions of the EU Council of Ministers contain? (Vecernje Novosti)

Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti reports that a comprehensive legally binding agreement between Belgrade and Pristina should cover all outstanding issues in line with international law and EU acquis and contribute to regional stability.

"Given framework'' placed on the table in front of Belgrade and Pristina? (B92, Vecernje Novosti)

According to the Belgrade daily daily Vecernje Novosti, in that "given framework", there will be room for possible "amendments".

This should speed up the closure of the Kosovo issue, according to Western leaders, reports the daily.

Vecernje Novosti writes that at the Paris summit, if it comes to it, could be revealed what is among these "recommendations".

Damon Wilson: Kosovo and Serbia people may vote with their feet and leave if no solution (N1)

Damon Wilson, executive vice president at the Atlantic Council, told N1 that the world was moving on fast and it was really "in the interest of Serbia and Kosovo to close that chapter so that they can compete in the future otherwise their populations are going to vote with their feet and leave" their countries.

Ahead UN Security Council session, Dacic and Lavrov about Kosovo in St Petersburg (Tanjug, Beta)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in St Petersburg about the situation in Kosovo, prior to the June 10 session of the UN Security Council.

Dacic told reporters in St. Petersburg, where he is taking part in the International Economic Forum, that he introduced in detail the plan of Serbia on the issue of Kosovo to Lavrov, and that the head of Russian diplomacy told him that Moscow absolutely supported Serbia and that the support would be clearly expressed and at a session of the UN Security Council on Monday.

Serbian List met with Matthias Lüttenberg (Radio Mitrovica Sever)

On the second day of the visit to Berlin, the delegation of the Serbian List, the President Goran Rakic, Vice President Dalibor Jevtic and members of the Presidency Bratislav Nikolic and Sasa Milosavljevic spoke with Advisor to German Chancellor Matthias Lüttenberg.

Vulin: Thaci's statement is the killing of dialogue (KIM radio, TV Pink)

Statement by Hashim Thaci that Community/Association of Serbian municipalities (ZSO) will not be formed is the best test for the authority of the European Union, said Aleksandar Vulin, Serbian Minister of Defense, reports KIM radio, quoting Belgrade based TV Pink.

According to Vulin, if this statement goes without sanctions, it will mean that the EU is leaving the Western Balkans both in diplomatic and security terms.