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Dacic to TV Prva: “Whatever happens Serbs are to blame, we have no information” (Serbian media)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic told Prva TV “for Pristina authorities the Serbs are always to blame.”

Dacic added he has no information that would confirm accusations of the Kosovo FM Behgjet Pacolli who claims that diplomatic office of Pristina in Copenhagen was attacked by the Serbian citizens in Denmark.

“Last night, hearing that news, I have contacted our people because nobody informed me regarding that. They said nobody informed them either, neither Denmark authorities nor that any of our people was arrested or suspected. Therefore, for the time being we do not have such information, nor anyone has addressed us,” Dacic said.

Dacic noted that Pacolli’s words about “Serbian bandits and hooligans” probably refer to the football fans attending the Copenhagen-Red Star match that took place on Tuesday evening.

Dacic also said the authorities are not obliged to inform if someone is arrested or looked for, unless the person is Serbia’s citizen and expresses the wish to contact the Serbian embassy, something that the person is entitled to.

“For the time being there are no information about that. Red Star fans, as far as I know, have returned,” Dacic said.

Dacic went on saying “that such attacks by Pristina authorities happen several times a day.”

“They are constantly accusing the Serbian side, whatever happens Serbs are to blame, they complain about our aggressiveness, and what our people have to say about how they treat them”, Dacic said.

Commenting on Tomor Morina’s case, and decision of the North Macedonia not to extradite him to Serbia, Dacic said it was a political decision. “If someone is on Interpol arrest warrant, why one needs to think whether to extradite him or not, these are political reasons then,” Dacic underlined.

Dacic told TV Prva that the process of withdrawing Kosovo's recognition was an unstoppable and irreversible process and that another such decision had to be announced, but Serbia "did not want to disturb this week."

"We did not want to harm the health of those who wrote the Quint and Pristina statements," Dacic explained.

In his view, the announcement by the Quint on the continuation of the dialogue with Kosovo was understood "a little too serious" in Serbia.

"They said nothing new. What they announced now, they have been trying to impose for months on us," Dacic said, noting that it started with pressure on Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

He noted that Pristina's behavior was a blow to the integrity of the European Union, which, like the international community, behaved irresponsibly.

"No one mentions any more the Community of Serbian municipalities (ZSO), the attempt to create an army, everything that has been violated so far under the Brussels Agreement," Dacic recalled.