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Vucic asks British Ambassador: On which election did Kurti win and whose flag is it? (B92)

Belgrade based B92 portal reports on Serbian President tweet with a question for the British Ambassador in Pristina, photographed with leader of Vetëvendosje next to Albanian flag.

"I have a question for the Ambassador of the United Kingdom in Pristina: On whose elections did Kurti and his party win and whose is the flag in front of which, Your Excellency, you proudly got photographed with Kurti? I will keep asking you this until I get an answer," Aleksandar Vucic wrote on his Twitter account, portal quotes.

Russian Prime Minister Medvedev in Belgrade on October 19 (Beta, B92)

Belgrade based news agency Beta quotes press service of the President of Serbia announcing that Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev will visit Belgrade on Saturday, October 19.

Serbian media reported earlier that Medvedev comes to Belgrade on the occasion of marking 75th anniversary since the liberation of Belgrade in the World War II, as well as that he will address MPs on the Special Assembly of the Serbian Parliament.

Detailed agenda and timetable for the Russian Prime Minister's visit will be announced later.

IPU gathered 2.000 participants from 150 countries (Tanjug, Beta, B92)

President Vucic opened the 141st session of the Inter-Parliamentary Union last night, sending the message that a world of dialogue and compromise is possible.

The opening ceremony of the 141st Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) began with the intonation of the Serbian anthem at the Belgrade Sava Center. The IPU will run until October 17, gathering 2,000 participants from around 150 countries.

Serbian FM Dacic: "Pristina will lose. Everyone knows that, even they do" (Politika, Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told Politika daily that he is sure Pristina will lose if a vote is taken at the Interpol General Assembly in Chile.

"Everyone knows that, even they know it", Dacic underlined for Belgrade based daily Politika.

Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic and Foreign Affairs Minister Dacic hosted yesterday's briefing for diplomats attended by representatives of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Algeria, Angola, Korea, the Russian Federation...

With EU incapacitated and US discredited, idea on unification with Albania disturbing (B92, Der Standard)

Austrian analyst Paul Lendvai warns that what seems to be disturbing after the Kosovo election is Albin Kurti's political agenda for reunification with Albania.

The facts that the EU is incapacitated by the drama surrounding Brexit, and that the discredited US administration no longer acts as an anchor of stability in the Balkans, make the victory of Albanian nationalists in Pristina even more explosive and meaningful, Lendvai said.

Jevtic: It is impossible to form a Kosovo government without talking to the Serbian List (RTS, B92)

Dalibor Jevtic says that the Serb people in Kosovo in the Sunday parliamentary elections made it very clear that they remain firm and unique with their country Serbia.

Vice President of the Serbian List Dalibor Jevtic stresses, in an interview with Radio Television of Serbia (RTS), that without a discussion with the Serbian List, it is impossible to form a new government in Pristina, as stipulated by the Constitution of Kosovo and the laws.

Office for KiM Director Djuric: "Kurti could easily carry the title of Kosovo Baron Münchhausen" (Serbian media)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said last night that the “Greater Albania” project and the erasure of Serbia and Serbs from the map are the backbone of Albin Kurti’s program, saying that he does not want to talk to Serbs which were elected by Serbs's votes.

"If China, India and Russia do not recognize Kosovo, it will not achieve statehood" (B92, Tanjug)

Newly appointed EU Foreign Minister Joseph Borrell says Belgrade-Pristina dialogue is taking too long

He added that the current situation cannot be continued and that an agreement must be reached, on which he will strongly engage, and will first visit Pristina, because, he says, he already knows Serbia well.

“One thing is clear: Kosovo and Serbia must reach an agreement. That is important. I will do everything I can to meet this priority”, Borrell said.

Serbian List, an absolute winner in Sunday’s election for Kosovo’s assembly (KoSSev, RTS, B92, N1)

Among the Kosovo Serb parties, the absolute winner of this Kosovo election is the Serbian List party, portal KoSSev writes.

This party has achieved its goal and won 10 out of 10 parliamentary seats reserved for the Serbian community and will be the only Serbian parliamentary party in the next Assembly of Kosovo (unless something changes when votes are officially counted, including votes by mail and conditional votes).

President Vucic last night: "Serbs showed love for Serbia - this is 10: 0" (B92, RTS, Tanjug)

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic held a conference last night at the Palace of Serbia declaring the Serbian List victory in Kosovo’s elections on Sunday 6 October.
He said the Serbian List won more than 98 percent of votes in Serbian areas in Kosovo.