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IPU gathered 2.000 participants from 150 countries (Tanjug, Beta, B92)

President Vucic opened the 141st session of the Inter-Parliamentary Union last night, sending the message that a world of dialogue and compromise is possible.

The opening ceremony of the 141st Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) began with the intonation of the Serbian anthem at the Belgrade Sava Center. The IPU will run until October 17, gathering 2,000 participants from around 150 countries.

Jeremic: To boycott elections, then all decisions, including the ones on Kosovo, illegitimate (Kosovo-online portal)

Leader of Peoples’ Party (NS) Vuk Jeremic called for the boycott of elections in Serbia, arguing that in that case all decisions made by the institutions elected after the poll and international agreements that the authorities would sing, including the eventual agreement on “delineation” by which Pristina would get seat in the UN would be illegitimate, Kosovo-online portal reports.

Number of states withdrawing recognition of Kosovo will continue to drop, says Serbian FM Dacic (Beta, N1)

Serbia aims to reduce the number of countries which recognise Kosovo’s independence to bellow a half of the UN member states and that will happen by the end of the year, Serbia’s Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has said on Wednesday, the Beta news agency reported.

His words came despite the newly appointed US special envoy for the Western Balkans Matthew Palmer’s warning to Belgrade to stop campaigning against Kosovo’s eventual membership to the international organisations.

Vucic with Botsan-Kharachenko: I do not expect swift continuation of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Botsan-Kharachenko and said he does not expect a swift continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, N1 reports. On the other hand, Ambassador Botsan-Kharachenko said Russia is ready to contribute to the resolution of the Kosovo issue within the international law.

NATO: Scientists say no health risks from depleted uranium used in 1999 bombing (FoNet, N1, BBC)

NATO deputy spokesperson and the head of Press and Media Piers Cazalet told BBC in Serbian on Thursday there was no health risk from depleted uranium used in the Alliance’s bombing of former Yugoslavia during the 1998-1999 was in Kosovo.

Serbia’s media reported that the German soldiers who took part in NATO missions in the Balkans demanded compensation for their exposure to depleted uranium.

Dacic: Very important meeting with Pompeo for the Kosovo issue (Danas)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's meeting with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is very significant - both for relations between our two countries and the Kosovo issue, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic tells Belgrade based daily Danas, commenting on the meeting between Vucic and Pompeo, happening in New York today, at the margins of the United Nations Security Council session on the Middle East.

Dacic: Somalia to reconsider decision on recognizing Kosovo (Tv Pink, RTS)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic told TV Pink the aim of Belgrade is to bring down the number of states that recognized unilaterally declared Kosovo independence below 97, adding that Somalia is on the way to reconsider its decision as well.

“Our aim is that the number drops below 97, respectively less than half of the UN member states,” Dacic told TV Pink, saying it is also the aim, so Pristina, when it comes to the voting would have no perspective to pass.

Jeremic: If you want to get rid of Kosovo vote for Vucic, Djuric reacts (Danas, TV Most)

Leader of Peoples’ Party (NS) Vuk Jeremic said yesterday that all those who would like to “get rid” of Kosovo and Metohija should vote for Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), Danas daily reports.

“(…) Kosovo and Metohija can become an independent state only by a signature of the Serbian hand on the agreement that would enable Pristina’s membership in the UN. We must not allow Vucic to do it,” Jeremic said in Pancevo during the talks with citizens and members of the organizations and parties of the Alliance for Serbia (SzS).