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Message to Kurtz: Stop "inflaming" Balkan region (Tanjug, B92)

Leader of Austrian People's Party (OVP) Sebastian Kurtz should stop "inflaming" Balkans, Steffi Krisper and Douglas Hoyos from Austrian party NEOS underlined

He reacted to the interview that former Austrian Chancellor had given to Tanjug News Agency.

Serbian Defence Minister wants demarcation with Albanians (Vecernje Novosti, N1)

Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin told Friday’s Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti that demarcation between Serbs and Albanians should be implemented as soon as possible.

The sooner we achieve demarcation, the sooner Serbia can focus on itself and the Serbs outside its borders, he said and added that he would like to see his stand adopted by the president and government.

Dacic: Very important meeting with Pompeo for the Kosovo issue (Danas)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's meeting with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is very significant - both for relations between our two countries and the Kosovo issue, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic tells Belgrade based daily Danas, commenting on the meeting between Vucic and Pompeo, happening in New York today, at the margins of the United Nations Security Council session on the Middle East.

Trump set August 25, 2020 as a deadline for Kosovo? (Vecernje Novosti, Srpski Telegraf, Tanjug)

Srpski Telegraf daily writes today that US President Donald Trump has set August 25 next year as the deadline for resolving the Kosovo issue, and states that it includes a demarcation deal.

"The deadline to put an end to the Kosovo node is August 25 next year, two months before the US presidential election (in November), when Donald Trump will fight for another term in the White House," Serbian media quotes Srpski telegraf.

Jeremic: Vucic must not be allowed to broker demarcation deal (Kontakt plus radio)

Leader of the opposition People's Party Vuk Jeremic said, while visiting the village Pasjane on Saturday that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic must not be allowed to make a "demarcation" deal which would be equal to recognizing Kosovo as an independent state, reported Kontakt plus radio.

According to the party's press release, Jeremic made the statement while meeting with the residents of the village of Pasjane, Gnjilane region.

Vucic: I’m for demarcation with Kosovo, people are not (Serbian media)

In an interview with the Belgrade-based Prva TV, Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic said he believed the demarcation with Kosovo was “absolutely the healthiest solution for Serbia and the Serbs,” but added the people would not accept it, the Beta news agency reported on Thursday.

Vucic said a referendum on the issue would be held if he had something to tell the people, but that currently there was no suggestion.

Dacic to Politika daily: They never asked us what we want with Kosovo

There was never a talk with representatives of the international community about what Serbia would like as an outcome in the negotiations with Pristina, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said in an interview for Sunday's edition of the Belgrade based daily Politika, answering the question of whether in the past the issue of the Serbian position has been raised in discussions with influential Western officials.

Abbot Sava Janjic warns of possible Serbs' migration from Kosovo caused by the idea of demarcation (TV Hram, RFE, KIM radio)

Abbot of the Visoki Decani monastery Sava Janjic told the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) TV Hram that due to some political solutions mentioned, it may happen that the Serbian people disappear from Kosovo, citing the idea of demarcation.

"Today we are facing a particularly great temptation, because with certain solutions that are sought on a political plan, it can happen that our people completely leave this region, or more than ever before in history," said Abbot Sava.

Russian daily: Putin's visit is a test for Belgrade (B92)

Putin's visit to Belgrade is of political importance and should answer the question: is Serbia ready to be Moscow's key ally in the region, B92 portal reports, quoting Russian daily Kommersant.

If not, Serbia will continue its rapprochement with the EU and NATO, balancing between the West and Russia, assesses the Moscow daily.