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Kosovo: Police seized two cell phones to a member of the Central Election Commission (Danas, FoNet)

Belgrade based daily Danas reports that police in Pristina yesterday seized two mobile phones without a reason from a member of the Central Election Commission, a representative of the Serb List, Stevan Veselinovic.

Daily Danas reports, quoting Kosovo based portal Kosovo online, that that his lawyer, Negovan Saranovic, explained that the allegations made by some Pristina media were incorrect that Veselinovic had recorded the vote counting in the premises of the Ministry of Infrastructure by phone.

Jovanovic (DSS): Consensus on Kosovo reintegration needed after Kurti's victory (Danas, Kosovo online)

Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) President Milos Jovanovic says that after the electoral victory of Self-determination leader Albin Kurti, it is important to see whether in Serbia is finally reached ''a consensus on the need to re-integrate the southern province into Serbia's constitutional order".

Bogosavljevic: Vucic is unlikely to win majority support for signing anything around Kosovo (Danas, FoNet)

Aleksandar Vucic is unlikely to win majority support for signing anything around Kosovo, Ipsos consultant Srdjan Bogosavljevic told Belgrade based news agency FoNet.

Bogosavljevic assessed that that the number of negative points increased for the Serbian president, while a possible loss in the referendum would be a blow to pro-European ideas and "very possible turning the pendulum to the other side".

Danas: West also promises financial assistance to Serbia for Kosovo recognition

This was told to Belgrade based daily Danas by representatives of diplomatic circles from the West, referring to the meetings that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had on the sidelines of the annual session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York these days.

Former US envoy to Serbia: Vucic ready to talk, not to sign document (Danas, FoNet, N1)

Cameron Munter, a former US ambassador to Serbia, told belgrade based daily Danas that President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic was ready to talk about an agreement on the normalisation of relations with Pristina, but not to “sign a paper”, quoted Serbian media.

Munter said he believed it was okay since there were people in Kosovo also ready to negotiate.

Danas: Talks on Kosovo in the future in ‘troika’ form

Negotiations on Kosovo in the future "likely to be in troika form" in Brussels, diplomats from EU headquarters told Belgrade based daily Danas.

As they explain, this implies that "in addition to representatives of Belgrade and Pristina, the United States Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Matthew Palmer, the EU Special Envoy for those negotiations, and one of the OSCE-like representatives would be found at the negotiating table."

Danas: Vucic and Palmer to talk during the UN General Assembly

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will meet with US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Matthew Palmer next week in New York, during a session of the United Nations General Assembly, diplomatic circles say to Belgrade based daily Danas.

Opposition leader Rada Trajkovic: I expect from Kosovo Serbs not to vote for Radoicic and Rakic (Danas, N1)

The newly formed coalition of Kosovo's Serbs will go to the polls on 6 October and participate in an unequal and difficult battle, writes Belgrade based daily Danas.

President of the European Movement of Serbs from Kosovo and member of the newly formed coalition, Rada Trajkovic, told Danas that the Serbian List has already begun campaigning against this newly formed coalition, but that it nonetheless expects solid results.

Djilas to Danas : International community needs opposition as ikebana (Danas, Beta, N1)

The leader of the Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) Dragan Djilas told Belgrade based daily Danas that Serbia’s opposition serves “as ikebana” to the international community which, according to him, supports President Aleksandar Vucic who is expected to recognise the independence of Kosovo.

He said the people would “win the fight for their freedom themselves as many times in history and when we win, we’ll know we don't owe anything to anyone.”

Opposition party leader Jeremic says he will boycott elections in Serbia and Kosovo (Danas, Beta, N1)

Opposition People’s Party (NS) leader Vuk Jeremic told Belgrade daily Danas that there is no time left to negotiate with the authorities about the elections coming in the spring of 2020, adding that a boycott does not mean running from a fight.

“On the contrary, it is the most honest form of battle for the benefit of the citizens,” he said.