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Kosovo: Police seized two cell phones to a member of the Central Election Commission (Danas, FoNet)

Belgrade based daily Danas reports that police in Pristina yesterday seized two mobile phones without a reason from a member of the Central Election Commission, a representative of the Serb List, Stevan Veselinovic.

Daily Danas reports, quoting Kosovo based portal Kosovo online, that that his lawyer, Negovan Saranovic, explained that the allegations made by some Pristina media were incorrect that Veselinovic had recorded the vote counting in the premises of the Ministry of Infrastructure by phone.

According to lawyer Saranovic, police probably was bothered with the recording of their action in a public place on the street in front of the ministry, when members of the commission were kicked out of the building due to alleged poisoned envelopes with Serb votes.

"After Besnik Buzhala said that the work was being stopped, everyone had a medical examination and was forbidden access to the premises. Of course, the Veselinovic examination, it turned out that there was no health problem," Saranovic said.

He added that Veselinovic was detained in a pizzeria across the ministry with several other people, where he spent three hours in an informative interview.