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Dacic: Security Council session on Kosovo on 31 October (RTS)

Ivica Dacic told this morning Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) that after a long delay with the UK, Serbia had agreed on some of the dynamics of those regular sessions and that there are no longer any problems. He says that the topic is now on the agenda and the latest UN Secretary-General's report on Kosovo will be discussed on October 31.

"For the state and national interests of Serbia, for the realization of all our ideas and ideas about what to do in Kosovo - Serbs need to vote in Kosovo, they need to vote for the representatives of the Serbian List.

Danas: Vucic and Palmer to talk during the UN General Assembly

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will meet with US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Matthew Palmer next week in New York, during a session of the United Nations General Assembly, diplomatic circles say to Belgrade based daily Danas.

Spiric: Holding of RTS crew at Jarinje crossing, an indicator of what Serbs are facing with (RTS, TV Most)

Holding of the RTS crew at Jarinje administrative crossing is another in a series of indicators of the problems which Serbs in Kosovo are faced with, said Aleksandar Spiric, President of Mitrovica Interim Municipal Council, reported Zvecan based TV Most.

On Thursday, Spiric told Radio Belgrade 1, inter alia, that “persistence always wins” and that RTS has now witnessed that the everyday life of the local people is full of difficulties and problems.

Kosovo Serb political landscape: Progressive Democratic Party (KoSSev)

The Progressive Democratic Party was formed in 2013 at the founding assembly in Gracanica after its leader, Nenad Rasic left the SLS due to difference of opinion. Since then, the party has participated in Kosovo parliamentary elections, as well as local elections, in 2014 and 2017.

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SDP councillors against Ksenija Bozovic's decision (RTK2)

RTK2 reports that SDP councillors in the North Mitrovica Municipality Igor Rajcic and Dusan Milunovic have condemned Ksenija Bozovic's move to the Serbian List and stated that they were not aware of this, and that they had learned about it from the media.

In such an act, Ksenija Bozovic, as they claim, has betrayed the interests of the CI SDP, them as councillors and all those who support the political struggle to find the killer of the late Oliver Ivanovic.

Vucic: Srpska Lista to participate in elections even though Quint and Albanian portals are against them (KoSSev)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Sunday that Kosovo election campaign would not be easy for Srpska Lista, adding he still expects the leading Serbian party to win – if they decide to participate in the upcoming Kosovo parliamentary elections, KoSSev portal reports. “We will see if Srpska Lista will choose to participate (in the Kosovo elections). I advise them to participate, to win even though they will face the most difficult campaign so far.

Srpska Lista will have opposition in elections in Kosovo (RFE, KoSSev)

Radio Free Europe writes that the Serbian community would have a possibility to choose who to vote for in the upcoming elections in Kosovo, given that no Serbian political party responded to a call of Srpska Lista for united participation. Talks between political opponents of Srpska Lista are underway RFE continues, while on the other hand Srpska Lista called “for unity and that all united under a single hat, following the politics of Aleksandar Vucic take part in elections.” “It won’t happen”, Slobodan Petrovic, leader of the Independent Liberal Party (SLS) said commenting on the call.