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Rakic says that the future of Serbian people is being decided (RTS, Vecernje Novosti, Blic)

President of Serbian List Goran Rakic told Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) that these elections directly decide the future of the Serbian people in Kosovo.

''It's simple situation, on October 6, our citizens are deciding whether they will have representatives in the Assembly in Pristina who will bravely fight for their interests or we will allow ourselves to be represented by Pristina’s favourites, who no longer hide but brag about the support they receive from Albanians,'' Rakic said.

Srpska Lista: CEC decision on Kosovo documents in elections unlawful (Kosovo-online portal, N1)

Srpska Lista assessed today decision of the Central Election Commission (CEC) in Pristina that only voters with Kosovo documents may cast the vote in the upcoming elections is unlawful and represents a flagrant violation of the law, aiming to deny the Serbs their right to vote and elect their legitimate representatives, Kosovo-online portal reports. Srpska Lista Chair Goran Rakic told journalists in Mitrovica North that the person registered on voters’ list would not be able to vote with the Serbian documents, underlining that the law clearly stipulates all valid documents ca

Opposition leader Rada Trajkovic: I expect from Kosovo Serbs not to vote for Radoicic and Rakic (Danas, N1)

The newly formed coalition of Kosovo's Serbs will go to the polls on 6 October and participate in an unequal and difficult battle, writes Belgrade based daily Danas.

President of the European Movement of Serbs from Kosovo and member of the newly formed coalition, Rada Trajkovic, told Danas that the Serbian List has already begun campaigning against this newly formed coalition, but that it nonetheless expects solid results.

Srpska Lista will have opposition in elections in Kosovo (RFE, KoSSev)

Radio Free Europe writes that the Serbian community would have a possibility to choose who to vote for in the upcoming elections in Kosovo, given that no Serbian political party responded to a call of Srpska Lista for united participation. Talks between political opponents of Srpska Lista are underway RFE continues, while on the other hand Srpska Lista called “for unity and that all united under a single hat, following the politics of Aleksandar Vucic take part in elections.” “It won’t happen”, Slobodan Petrovic, leader of the Independent Liberal Party (SLS) said commenting on the call.

Serbian List this evening or tomorrow about the Thursday's session participation (RTK2)

RTK2 reports that President of the Serbian List Goran Rakic said during his visit to the Municipality of Gracanica that the ban on employment in the public sector would be lifted very soon, so that, as he said, there would be new jobs very soon. Rakic said that youth employment is expected, adding that it means survival in the area.

Mayors from the north of Kosovo took office (KIM radio, KoSSev, Kontakt plus radio)

In northern Mitrovica, Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic, sessions were held yesterday where the elected mayors of these municipalities officially started their mandate after winning the 19 May elections.

Oaths were laid by mayors Goran Rakic, Vucina Jankovic, Srdjan Vulovic and Zoran Todic.

Protest in Mitrovica, Serbs will remain in Kosovo (RTS)

Radio television of Serbia reported that due to yesterday's action of special forces of the Kosovo police, a peaceful protest was held in the northern part of Mitrovica.

The leader of the Serbian list Goran Rakic said that one who was strong do not show the force over the elderly and sick, as it happened yesterday.

May 19 elections referendum for survival of Serb people in Kosovo (RTS, TV Most)

Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Assistant Director Petar Petkovic and Srpska Lista (SL) mayoral candidate in Mitrovica North Goran Rakic said yesterday the upcoming elections for mayors in four northern municipalities represent a referendum for the survival and remain of the Serb people in Kosovo, RTS reported. “This victory is needed to prove that the determination of the Serb people to defend their dignity is unbreakable (…),” Rakic told TV Most.

Srpska Lista reacts to investigation against Todosijevic (KoSSev)

“I would like to warn Pristina that Serbian people will not allow the ethnic cleansing of Serb political representatives through the use of institutional pressure and violence and with the aim of subjugating and decapitating the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija,“ Srpska Lista Chair Goran Rakic stated, reacting to the news that the Kosovo Special Prosecutor’s Office opened an investigation into statements made by Ivan Todosijevic, a member of Srpska Lista and recently dismissed Minister of Local Government Administration. Full statement is available at: (link is external)