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President Vucic last night: "Serbs showed love for Serbia - this is 10: 0" (B92, RTS, Tanjug)

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic held a conference last night at the Palace of Serbia declaring the Serbian List victory in Kosovo’s elections on Sunday 6 October.
He said the Serbian List won more than 98 percent of votes in Serbian areas in Kosovo.

Vucic reiterates Belgrade ready for talks with Pristina after tariffs are lifted (FoNet, N1)

Aleksandar Vucic, President of Serbia, confirmed that Serbia was ready to resume the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue on the normalization of relations as soon as Kosovo lifted the 100 percent import taxes on goods from Serbia and Bosnia introduced last November, the FoNet news agency reported.

US envoy to N1: Ideally, resumption of Kosovo talks before election campaign in Serbia

Pristina will have to lift the import tariffs on goods from Serbia and Bosnia, and Belgrade will have to take some steps towards a compromise to resume the dialogue on the normalisation of relations, the US outgoing ambassador to Serbia Kayle Scott told N1 TV morning show on Tuesday.

Danas: Vucic and Palmer to talk during the UN General Assembly

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will meet with US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Matthew Palmer next week in New York, during a session of the United Nations General Assembly, diplomatic circles say to Belgrade based daily Danas.

Belgrade urges US to 'bring Pristina to reason' (Beta, Blic, N1)

Serbia’s Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Wednesday that Belgrade counted on the US help and its wish to be constructive regarding the dialogue with Pristina on the normalisation of relations, but that Washington should “push” Pristina into the reason, the Beta news agency reported.

PM Brnabic: Continuation of the dialogue depends on the tax, not the election (TV Prva, B92, Tanjug, Radio Mitrovica Sever)

The continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue has nothing to do with the possible elections in Kosovo, but solely with taxes, said Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic this morning in morning TV Prva Show.

Brnabic called the current political developments in Kosovo a farce, thus answering the question how the possible elections and political turmoil in Kosovo will reflect on further dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and when its continuation can be expected at all.

Taxes remain, no dialogue without Serbia's recognition, Kosovo's PM says (KoSSev, Beta, B92)

Ramush Haradinaj, Kosovo's Prime Minister, told KoSSev portal that a solution for the normalisation of relations between Pristina and Belgrade was in Serbia’s recognition of Kosovo's independence and that without it the import taxes would stay in place and there wouldn’t be any dialogue.

Vucic ‘European Robin Hood’, hospital chief says supplies are low, residents don’t want goods from Pristina (Serbian media)

President of Serbia in today’s press conference told reporters that the situation in northern Kosovo, was increasingly more difficult, while the political-security situation in his view is very complex.

He says that the biggest problem with the supply is caused by Pristina’s tariffs, i.e. 100 per cent on goods from central Serbia.

Odalovic: Serbs cannot be silent over the Pristina's deeds (RTS)

Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Veljko Odalovic, told RTS this morning that the closure of all shops in the north of Kosovo is a protest that should show the general public that the Serbs will not be silent.

"The Serbs have to raise their voices, they cannot be silence over Pristina’s deeds. Pristina provokes and blocks the topic of dialogue, in which, it is brought before the final act to fulfil its obligations, primarily to form the Community of Serb municipalities", notes Odalovic.

German ambassador to Serbia: Brussels dialogue isn’t dead; it’s just not happening right now (Serbian media)

German ambassador to Serbia Thomas Schieb says that the Belgrade - Pristina dialogue is not dead even after the cancellation of the Paris meeting.

According to Schieb, the idea was not to change the role of the EU and the format of the talks, but to support the current framework of the dialogue.

“The dialogue is not dead, it is just not happening at the moment,” the ambassador told the state Radio and Television of Vojvodina (RTV).