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B92: ''Albanians returned eight buses transporting Serbs from the south of Kosovo to a rally in Belgrade'' (Tanjug)

Eight buses with Serbs from three Kosovo South municipalities, who were going to Belgrade for the "Future of Serbia" rally, were returned from the administrative crossing Konculj.

The president of the temporary authority of the municipality of Vitina, Srdjan Nikolic, said that refusing to allow these buses to pass was justified by the fact that the drivers did not have ''adequate administration for the buses owned by the Albanians''.

24 buses departed from Kosovo Morava Valley, and people from those buses that are being returned will most likely continue their journey by vans or private cars.

"They can get us back, not allow us to go, but one they need to know - they cannot forbid us to love our Serbia and our president," the president of the temporary authority of the municipality of Vitina said in a statement.