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Romanian war over Kosovo and Jerusalem (Politika)

Anyone even remotely monitoring how the internal political situation in Romania is unfolding, recently has noticed an irreconcilable conflict between the two leading palaces - the presidential (Cotroceni) and the government (Victoria), write today Belgrade based daily Politika.

Immediately after the 2016 parliamentary elections, where coalition partners (Social Democrats and new liberals) took a convincing victory, Klaus Iohannis placed himself as the leader of the opposition and launched an open war against the government formed by a major coalition.

Bitter rivals, as Politika write, based in the palaces of Victoria and Cotroceni, began to use both, permitted and prohibited means in hitting the opponent.

Thus, the leader of the ruling coalition, President of the House of Representatives of the Parliament (third person in the country's ranking), Liviu Dragnea made an ambush for President Iohannis. Dragnea publicly joined US President Tramp when he announced that Washington would move his embassy to Israel from Tel Aviv. Thus, Dragnea, as the leader of the main ruling party, instructed Prime Minister Viorica Dancila to take the official steps and start the process of moving the Romanian Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, without any matching of the move with the president, as foreseen by their constitution, the daily writes.

Denial of confidence to the prime minister followed and the demand to resign.

Politika further states that the internal political war continues in full strength, and that President Iohannis will prepare his answer and that a further rubble and even deeper "domestic foreign political crisis" will take place.

Politika writes allegations, from a discussion at a round table in Romanian TV channel B-1 (April 29), stating that President Iohannis is preparing a "Kosovo's response" to "the Jerusalem's offside", which cost him so much.

According to Politika, namely on TV channel B-1 (and not only there), the opinion is expressed that at the upcoming EU summit in Bulgaria, with the participation of the Balkan countries, the President of Romania Iohannis will go out with the new Romanian "bomb" - a statement that Romania will change its official position towards Kosovo, that is, this time recognizing Kosovo's "legitimate independence" from Serbia. So the President of Romania Iohannis would find himself in the role of the "America's favourite".

It would be 1: 1 in the match between the two Romanian palaces, Politika writes.