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The ZSO Management Team with the Dean of the Faculty of Law in Mitrovica North (KIM radio)

The members of the Menagement Team for the establishment of the Community/Association of Serb municipalities (ZSO) met with the Dean of the Law Faculty of Pristina University with a temporary headquarters in North Mitrovica, Vladan Mihajlovic, reports Serbian media based in Kosovo.

According to the announcement, the meeting discussed the structure and content of the Draft Statute of the ZSO and other legal aspects related to the drafting of this document.

The Dean of the Law Faculty Mihajlovic said that without the change in the Kosovo Constitution, a valid legal basis for the functioning of the Community of Serb Municipalities cannot be established in accordance with what was agreed in Brussels.

Representatives of the Team explained to the interlocutors that they are an independent body, mandated by the European Union, and whose scope and mandate was defined by the agreements reached in the process of the Brussels dialogue.

At the meeting it was specified that "Pristina, or anyone else, has no mandate to control or direct the work of the Management Team, but only at its request, through local self-governments and the Ministry of Local Government Administration, can provide support in the work, which was a framework for holding today's meeting ".

As further stated in the announcement, the Management Team will continue to hold regular consultative meetings with experts both in the field of law and other professions related to the future competencies of the Community/Association of Serb Municipalities.
