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“Trepca is being taken away, it is disappointing everyone is silent” (BETA, B92)

Serbs did not take part in drafting Trepca Statute, they are neither members of the Supervisory Board nor were they consulted when a draft law on Trepca was made, member of Srpska Lista Igor Simic told Serbian media.

He also termed as disappointing the silence of the international community over the matter.

“This is an example how Pristina is conducting physical and legal violence against Serbian population (...),” Simic told RTS, adding Trepca is one of the examples as why property issues should be a topic in Brussels dialogue.

According to him Trepca issue is the most important topic for the Serbs, since this company employs more than 3.000 workers. When the government adopted the draft law, they said they received it from the Supervisory Board where there are no Serbs, Simic pointed out.

He also touched upon establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-Majority Municipalities saying that amendments to the Kosovo Constitution are possible and necessary.

Simic said he believes the Management Team for the establishment of ZSO would do a good and timely job. He added that over the last weeks number of cases where Serbs are subjected to physical and legal violence is on the rise.

“Returnees are stoned, arrested without evidence and mistreated, health house in Suvi Do where Serbs and Albanians are treated is attacked, cases of attacks against returnees are recorded particularly in Metohija area. This is a synchronised action aiming at intimidating Serbs,” Simic told Serbian media.

“International community must get involved. When they arrived here in 1999 they got a mandate to protect all inhabitants, the Serbs in particular,” Simic added.