Oroshi: Why Rada Trajkovic was not invited as witness in Oliver Ivanovic murder investigation? (KIM Radio)
Regardless of intentions to present that criminal groups are behind the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, Kosovo based long-term journalist Violeta Oroshi thinks his murder is a political, KIM Radio reported.
“Political segments are behind this murder, regardless of who has carried out the very act of the murder,” Oroshi, who is a German WDR Radio correspondent said, KIM Radio added. Asked why Serb representatives in the institutions do not make stronger requests to shed the light on this murder, Oroshi responded – if that would suit them, maybe they would insist harder.” “At the end, isn’t it odd that Rada Trajkovic who is voicing a high number of accusations and points finger at one person she believes is behind the murder, and the same person in the meantime becomes Srpska Lista deputy chair, and then how is it possible that Rada Trajkovic was never invited to the prosecution to give a statement as potential witness?” Oroshi said. She also added, media and the public are not dealing sufficiently with the murder of a Serb politician, because there is no progress in the investigation.