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Srpska Lista reacted to Rada Trajkovic statements (Vecernje Novosti, KoSSev)

Since the founding of Srpska Lista, the biggest attacks on us have come from those who work on coins and who have placed material and personal interests ahead of the national interests, such as Rada Trajkovic, a self-declared styled politician without voters, Srpska Lista said in a statement, Serbian media reported.

“Recently, her nonsense went so far that she claimed, during the attacks on Serbs and their properties across Kosovo and Metohija, that Pristina was a safe place for Serbs to live. But probably, by chance, she has forgotten to mention that today, there are 40.000 Serbs who do not live in Pristina, who have been expelled.”

“Also, she has forgotten to mention that her family does not live in that safe Pristina, nor in Kosovo and Metohija, but in Belgrade, in an apartment in Sarajevska Street, which according to the evidence from the Special Prosecutor’s Office, was bought from state money intended for housing care for the socially endangered Serbian population in Kosovo and Metohija.”

“Nevertheless, such attitudes towards hating Serbian are not surprising because Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija remember that Mrs. Trajkovic laughed at the question a journalist asked Bernard Kouchner about the trafficking of human organs and the “Yellow House,” (…),” Srpska Lista said in a press statement.