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Rama: I do not know what happens behind closed doors (Tanjug, B92, TV Klan)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said he has no detailed information about Belgrade-Pristina agreement.

He denied he had a role in easing communication between Serbian and Kosovo presidents, Aleksandar Vucic and Hashim Thaci.

“When I say “no” I am saying I have no detailed information that would put me in a position to have knowledge about what has happened behind the closed doors and that would enable me to comment on it,” Rama said.

“Certainly, I have spoken with President Thaci, but I know no details,” Rama further explained.

Speaking about communication between Vucic and Thaci, Rama told TV Klan that “he is pleased if that had happened, but it is not up to me to have any role in communication between the two of them. By entering this process, I cannot be someone standing far away, I did my part and I am permanently doing my duties,” Rama underlined.

Commenting on statement of former Kosovo president Ibrahim Rugova, who in 1992 told Zeri he is against division of Kosovo, but for an idea of exchange of territories, Rama said this moment certainly has importance in the history.