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Stefanovic: We are committed to finding killers of Oliver Ivanovic (BETA, TV N1)

Serbian Internal Affairs Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said there were “lots of speculation and spinning in the public” about the murder of Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice leader Oliver Ivanovic, but that Serbia remains committed to finding his killers and those who have ordered it. This is important for the security of citizens in Kosovo and Metohija, but also for the general security of Serbia, BETA news agency reported today.

Stefanovic made these remarks while presenting the report on the work of his ministry from October 2017 to June 2018, saying that the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija is marred with Ivanovic’s murder and is rather difficult, since EULEX, KFOR and KPS do not exchange information with the Serbian Prosecution for Organized Crime.

He noted that despite of numerous contacts and requests, addressed foremost to the EULEX that is responsible for communication related to security in Kosovo, Serbian investigative bodies received no significant or relevant information in order to conduct the investigation. He also underlined that all support Serbia has offered, being it to be part of the investigative teams, or to send forensics was rejected.

Stefanovic also said EULEX is the biggest disappointment, since they have conducted investigations for much less serious offenses, while regarding Ivanovic’s murder there had almost no activity at all.

Member of Social-Democratic Party (SDS) Marko Djurisic said that the Minister Stefanovic blames all the others because the killers of Oliver Ivanovic were not found and asked him if the Serbian Interior Ministry (MUP) could have investigated who has ordered and payed the video spot, aired on the national TV Pink during the latest Kosovo electoral campaign, depicting a target on Ivanovic’s forehead.

Member of Democratic Party (DS) Balsa Bozovic said that the media hunt was a political background of Ivanovic’s murder, TV N1 reported.