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Campaign against leader of People’s Party Vuk Jeremic, identical to one led against Oliver Ivanovic (KoSSEv)

Serbian Progressive Party deputy, Marko Parezanovic, tweeted in early November, with a photograph of opposition leaders Vuk Jeremic and Slavisa Ristic from Zubin Potok in front of an Orthodox monastery in Kosovo: “I suppose Slavisa (Ristic) explained to him what kind of politics he should be leading, so that he does not meet the same fate as Djindjic,” KoSSev portal reported.

The Peoples’ Party reacted today, claiming that they are now, following a series of incidents and attacks against their party members carried out by SNS activists, faced with death threats. It called on the judicial authorities of Serbia to urgently and accordingly respond. This party also claim a persecution is being led against its Vuk Jeremic, which is identical to the one led against the assassinated Oliver Ivanovic, KoSSev portal added.

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