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Jeremic: Vucic and Thaci met in Rome (BETA, B92)

Leader of Peoples’ Party Vuk Jeremic said a high diplomatic source from an EU country told him that Aleksandar Vucic and Hashim Thaci met in Rome on November 4, BETA news agency reports.

According to Jeremic, Vucic and Thaci agreed there to raise taxes on the goods from central Serbia.

Speaking to the journalists in Kragujevac city, Jeremic further noted everything that came out from raising taxes on the Serbian goods, all tensions that are for the time being kept under control, are planned to remain controlled.

He warned that such occurrences from time to time may get out of the control and then unanticipated consequences might happen, since we have witnessed similar things during the nineties.

“This all happens to create an environment of a collective paranoia, both in Kosovo and the rest of Serbia, and to present the agreement on delineation between Serbs and Albanians is necessary in order to avoid the war. There is neither in Kosovo, nor in the rest of Serbia majority support for the delineation, but the majority has to be created,” Jeremic underlined.

He added, that those playing with a fire and holding secret meetings in Rome and elsewhere, intend to “impose” such majority by frightening the people a war is ahead of them.

“There would be no war, but if irresponsible politicians in power, both in Belgrade and Pristina continue playing with the fire, then anything might happen,” Jeremic said.

However, if people act responsibly and if there is a minimum transparency and democracy in the negotiation process, which is necessary, there is no danger from a conflict.

“But for that it is necessary to have responsible people. Unfortunately, at this moment this is case neither in Belgrade nor in Pristina.”

Asked to comment how the crisis in Kosovo could be resolved Jeremic said it depends upon the people.

“Aleksandar Vucic would not dare to sign delineation with Albanians, that practically means recognition of Kosovo as an independent state, that would later become a UN member. He would not dare to make such a step, without trying to hide behind something that can be presented as electoral will of citizens, whom he would try to manipulate during the election campaign that they are giving him support for a historic peace, without defining what does it actually mean,” Jeremic underlined.