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Kossev: Srpska List and Srdjan Vulovic on Slavisa Ristic: “An errand boy of Ramush Haradinaj”

While massive protests are being held in the Serbian capital against the rise of verbal and physical violence in Serbia and the policies carried out by Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic, with one of the four demands of the protesters for the perpetrators and the instigators of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic to be found, the most influential Kosovo Serb party – Srpska Lista continues to sign statements in which it negatively describes those it sees as opponents of that policy. The primary problem is not with the politicians, but with the media that publish such announcements, the President of the Association of Serbian Journalists on Kosovo, Budimir Nicic warned. This is the vocabulary of Aleksandar Vucic, deputy Slavisa Ristic stated.

Before their latest announcement demanding the release of detained Serbs (describing the arrest as unfounded and that it had angered the Serbs), who are suspected by the Kosovo Special Prosecutor’s Office of being involved in the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, Srpska Lista negatively described the deputy in the Serbian Parliament,the former long-time president of Zubin Potok municipality and a member of the opposition Union for Serbia, which is lead by the opposition movement Otadzbina in Kosovo, Slavisa Ristic.

This announcement by Srpska Lista was signed by the name and surname of Ristic’s fellow citizen and colleague – the president of Zubin Potok municipality, Srdjan Vulovic.

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