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“1 out of 5 million” protest at Jarinje border crossing (KoSSev)

The ninth “1 out of 5 million” protest organized in Kosovo was held on Saturday for the first time in the vicinity of the Jarinje integrated border crossing. As the organizers emphasized, the reason why the protest was held there was to remind the public that the government of Aleksandar Vucic established “the border between Serbs and Serbs” and not the previous government, as the Serbian Progressive Party had repeatedly claimed.

Approximately thirty citizens attended the protest which symbolically started a minute before 12h with a moment of silence as a show of respect to the victims of NATO bombing.

The leaders of the ‘Otadzbina’ movement, Marko Jaksic and Slavisa Ristic, as well as the Vice-President of this movement, Nebojsa Radulovic, and the organizers of the “1 out of 5 million” protests in North Mitrovica, Marko Jaksic and Dejan Nedeljkovic, were also present.

Ristic and Radulovic addressed the protestors, dedicating a large part of their speeches to criticism and accusations at the expense of the current government of Aleksandar Vucic, as well as the Serbian List.

„Dear brothers and sisters, there is no retreat, no surrender, no partition, no delimitation, Kosovo is the heart of Serbia,“ Nebojsa Radulovic stressed.

In addition to the organizers and representatives of the “1 out of 5 million” protests in North Mitrovica, representatives of these protests from Raska also attended the protest held at Jarinje crossing.

A retired professor from Raska, Miroslav Karanovic stated that he came out today to stand in solidarity with his „neighbors“ and their problems. He described Kosovo as a „temporarily occupied territory.“

Karanovic said that protests are being held in Raska every Friday and urged citizens to join him in Belgrade on April 13th, where a large “1 out of 5 million” protest is planned.

The road remained free for traffic during the rally, and one of the organisers, Nebojsa Radulovic, shook hands with the police officers on duty, confirming that they would not make any obstacle to the free movement of traffic. The protest had not been officially reported to KP prior to the event.

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