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Vecernje Novosti: Elections in Serbia to be called on 9th May, voting in June?

Another option "in the game" is to go to the polls on 30th June, and in this case the elections would be called on 16th May, writes today Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti.

If Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) goes with a decision to call the extraordinary parliamentary elections, most likely they will be called on May 9th, and the voting will take place on June 23rd, according to Vecernje Novosti.

The other option adds the daily, that is "in the game" is to vote on June 30, in which case the elections would be called on May 16th. This election schedule includes a 45-day campaign, and the final decision, as announced by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, should be made around Djurdjevdan, after his talks with leaders of China, Russia, Germany and France.

According to the daily, apparently everyone at the top of the SNS ruling party are in favour of extraordinary elections, and ''the pressure grows on Vucic to call the elections, after radicalization of protests in which a part of the opposition took part, led by the Alliance for Serbia.''

SNS official Goran Vesic said on Wednesday that the progressives after the Easter and May holidays would decide on two important issues - countermeasures against Pristina authorities for introducing tariffs on goods from Serbia and extraordinary parliamentary elections:

- Until then, it will be clear in what direction the situation will develop in relation to the permanent resolution of the KiM problem. When deciding on calling for elections, we will not be guided by party interests, but by interests of Serbia.