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KFOR for Politika: We deploy troops as part of regular training; no indication of humanitarian crisis (Serbian media)

According to KFOR, there is no danger of a humanitarian crisis in northern Kosovo, and unfortunately such rhetoric does not help normalization of the people's lives, says KFOR spokesperson Vincenzo Grasso for today's edition of Belgrade based daily Politika.

On Tuesday evening, KFOR helicopters were flying over to Mitrovica, Zvecan and part of the Zubin Potok. People were afraid. Tell me, please, what was it about, and what was the reason for the flight?

- The helicopter night flight was the usual training of the new crew because their rotation is in progress. There is no reason to fear.

Is it true that on Tuesday arrived army reinforcement to the Nothing Hill base in Leposavic? An extra force, as it could be heard. If so, from which countries and what is the reason? Or was it a regular movement of KFOR?

As you know well, KFOR moves and deploy troops continuously, as part of regular training. There is no change in the structure of KFOR, and everything is normal.

How do you assess the security situation? Do you have intelligence that something unforeseen could happen?

The security situation is calm and under control. Nothing unexpected can happen and KFOR continues to maintain relations and communication with all relevant institutions in Kosovo and Serbia.