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Blic: Indications that EU will appoint Special Envoy for Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (NMagazin)

There are indications that some countries will ask the new chief of European diplomacy, Josep Borell, to appoint a special representative to directly handle the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, reports Belgrade based daily Blic.

The daily finds out that as the main candidate for the post is mentioned Dutch Angelina Eichhorst, who has been working for the EU for two decades.

Diplomatic source of Blic says that the wrangling over the entry of new players and specialists into the dialogue is since part of the European Union countries does not look favourably on the election of Spaniard Borell because of Spain's decisive attitude not to recognize Kosovo's independence.

"A way is being searched for to mitigate this by appointing a special envoy. Borell will lead the line for which he has been appointed, but there are indications that some countries will influence him to appoint a special representative to engage in direct dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina," said a source to Blic.

The source added that explanation that it can be heard is dissatisfaction with the performance of outgoing Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini, who was allegedly not fully committed to the job and that someone needs to deal only with this topic.

Dutch Angelina Eichhorst was an official at the European External Action Service (EEAS) and headed the Western Europe, Western Balkans and Turkey departments, and was mentioned as a key figure in shuttle diplomacy in the Belgrade-Pristina talks, Blic writes.

Borell and other members of the new European Commission have yet to get the green light from the European Parliament.