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Belgrade Media Report 14 November



Belgrade, Pristina reach agreement on telecommunications (RTS)

Belgrade and Pristina have reached an agreement on telecommunications, which includes the unimpeded work of the Telekom Srbija in Kosovo, and dialing code for Kosovo,

Belgrade media reported on Sunday evening. Based on the agreement, Telekom Srbija’s assets in Kosovo will be transferred to MTS d.o.o., Telekom’s subsidiary in Kosovo, and the agreement also ensured a three-digit dialing code for the Kosovo geographic area, which Serbia will request. According to the agreement, telephone calls between towns in Serbia proper and towns in Kosovo will be treated as long- distance. The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that the agreement on telecommunications preserves the entire Telekom Srbija assets, and added that the agreement would have a positive effect on overall relations with Pristina and with the European Union. “Now it turned out that it was a good thing that we did not accept the achievement of the agreements that were not in the interest of our people and we want to achieve those that are. In the accord on the implementation of the 2013 agreement, i.e. 2015 agreement on telecommunications, Telekom Srbija’s entire assets have been preserved, which is apparent from the EU statement. That is not something that only we are claiming,” Djuric told RTS. Djuric said that Pristina wanted to “seize Srbija’s property” but that Belgrade did not accept an agreement formulated in that manner, and that it reached an agreement that represents a significantly better solution for all, even for the media, because part of the digital spectrum in Kosovo will be reserved for media in Serbian language. However, he avoided clearly stating that the agreement with Pristina includes Kosovo getting a dialing code. According to Djuric’s interpretation, the agreement ensures a three-digit dialing code for the “geographic territory of Kosovo,” and that calls between towns in central Serbia and Kosovo will be treated as long-distance. “Pristina and the Albanians are now using others’ dialing codes – Monaco, Slovenia, using our dailling code… With this Serbia will get another dialing code for the geographic are within Serbia, in line with UN Resolution 1244. The citizens will be able to normally call Pristina and Kosovska Mitrovica without any dialing code and additional charges,” he said.


Implementation of the telecommunications agreement (Beta/B92)

“Representatives of both parties under the EU facilitation reached an arrangement on further implementation of the agreed and signed Telecommunications Agreement from 2013 and the 2015 Action Plan stemming from this Agreement”, the European Union External Action said in a press release. “The agreements will ensure that a three-digit dialing code is allocated by the International Telecommunications Union to Kosovo. “The arrangement enables the newly-established subsidiary company MTS d.o.o to operate fully-licensed fixed telephone services in Kosovo and to obtain a temporary authorization for mobile telephony. Kosovo will be allocated a three digit dialing code by ITU, at the same time that the new company will become operational. “The parties agreed on the mobile telephony and frequency bands and spectrums to be allocated to MTS d.o.o in Kosovo, enabling it to continue to provide the current level of coverage to its customers. The arrangement also enables the transfer of assets to MTS d.o.o without any customs, taxes or charges. “The parties agreed on a migration period of two years during which a dual numbering approach will be used, in order to allow customers of the new company to continue using their existing number in Kosovo in which the company operates.


Kosovo didn’t receive international dialing code, but a code for geographical region (Tanjug/RTS)

The Serbian government is satisfied with the agreement on telecommunications that was reached with Pristina, primarily with the fact that Telekom Srbija will work officially in Kosovo as a company that will be legally recognized by the international community and Pristina institutions, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric told a press conference. Djuric states that Kosovo will receive the dialing code +383 not as international code but as a code for a geographical region whose owner is the Republic of Serbia just as China has several dialing codes, one for Hong Kong, one for Macao, one for Taiwan, while Great Britain has one for the Falkland Islands. “Telekom Srbija and the Republic of Serbia remain the only members of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and Serbia possesses this dialing code,” said Djuric.


DS: We welcome agreements leading to normalization of relations (Beta)

The Democratic Party (DS) welcomed the reaching of the agreement on the implementation of the Brussels agreement on telecommunications signed by the government in 2013. “Agreements regarding life topics, such as the dialing code, lead to normalization of relations and have the support of the DS because we think that life must come first,” this party’s statement reads. At the same time, the DS calls on the government to be honest and finally tell the public what has been signed and agreed in Brussels. The DS assesses that, instead of “verbal wars and invocations of nationalism”, the government needs to devote itself to economic cooperation because the largest market for domestic products is in Kosovo. “Serbia’s main goal in the Kosovo policy must be rule of law, protection of people and property because the key interest of the Serbian economy and citizens in Kosovo is for relations to develop upward and for the region to stabilize finally,” reads the DS statement.


DSS: Serbian government complicit in breaking up the state (Beta)

The Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) has pointed that the Serbian government is incorrectly and incompletely depicting the agreement on the implementation of the Agreement on telecommunications with Pristina. This party assesses that at issue is not success but yet another step in the process of recognizing independence of self-declared Kosovo. The DSS assesses in a statement that the essence of the agreement on telecommunications is being concealed and that the government is a complicit in breaking up the state. “The truth is that Serbia has committed itself to inform the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) that it agrees to assign an international dialing code to Kosovo that only states can receive,” the DSS stated. The party adds that the daughter company of Telekom Srbija MTS d.o.o., which will be operating in Kosovo on a temporary basis until a tender is announced, will be established and registered according to Kosovo laws. According to DSS, at issue is just another in a series of non-constitutional and detrimental agreements with which Serbia is fulfilling, for the sake of continuing EU integration, requests of the EU in view of completing Kosovo’s statehood.


Popovic: Serbian government to terminate Brussels agreement (Beta)

The leader of the Serbian People’s Party (SNP) Nenad Popovic, whose party is a member of the ruling coalition, has called on the Serbian government to terminate the Brussels agreement.

He also urged the government to launch a wide-ranging diplomatic initiative in order to remove the issue of Kosovo from EU’s jurisdiction and return it to that of the UN Security Council, where Serbia enjoys the principled support of Russia and China. In a statement carried by Beta, Popovic assessed that the geopolitical situation in the world in changing, and - at last in favor of Serbia. “Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S. presidential elections, Brexit, as well as announcements of new referendums in European states who wish to leave the EU, along with Russia's economic and military strengthening, point out that geopolitical circumstances in the world are changing in favor of Serbia’s national interests,” Popovic said. He stressed that those who supported terrorists and (human) organ traffickers, and who stood for the independence of the fake state of Kosovo, have never been weaker. “Serbia must no longer suffer the humiliation by Brussels and Albanian terrorists and should instead terminate the Brussels agreement that is being implemented the whole time to the detriment of the Serbian national interests. Now is a historic moment for that, and as a state and a nation, we must seize it,” Popovic concluded.


Office for Kosovo and Metohija condemns transfer of four Serbian convicts to Podujevo (RTS/Tanjug)

By transferring four convicts of Serbian nationality from prison in Kosovska Mitrovica to Podujevo, the safety of these people became an issue, Office for Kosovo and Metohija emphasized on Sunday and condemned the decision of Pristina. The Office emphasized that this “provocative move stepped over the basic principles of humanity and human rights of convicts”.

This led to the decision of Serbian convicts in Kosovska Mitrovica to start a hunger strike, “after being afraid that they could be transferred to some of the prisons in which only Albanians were imprisoned,” the announcement stated. Inmates of Serbian nationality in Kosovska Mitrovica detention center, including the leader of Civil Initiative SDP Oliver Ivanovic, started a hunger strike after the decision that four Serbs should be transferred to the prison in Podujevo.

The Office stated that it would use all available instruments of legal aid and try to contribute to reasonable resolution of this situation, “and that means creating conditions for safe accommodation in detention and serving sentences for all prisoners and convicts of Serbian nationality”. “We are warning that such unilateral actions of Pristina are really playing with human lives and it is necessary for international organizations that take care of judiciary functioning in Kosovo to react,” the announcement added.




Wigemark and RS officials discuss EC’s 2016 Country Report for B&H (BN TV)

Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H and EU Special Representative (EUSR) Lars-Gunnar Wigemark held a meeting with RS officials in Banja Luka on Friday. On that occasion, the officials discussed, among other things, the European Commission (EC)’s 2016 Country Report for B&H. According to the report, B&H delivered convincingly on its EU integration reform path but there are many outstanding issues for the forthcoming 12 months, such as strengthening fight against corruption and organized crime and improving conditions for the exercise of media freedom. Namely, the report states that B&H made no progress in fight against corruption and organized crime, and that the country has made a step backwards in terms of freedom of expression and freedom of the press. Commenting on the issue, PDP leader Branislav Borenovic informed Wigemark that his party is not satisfied with the results of the fight against crime and corruption, as well as with the current state of public broadcasters in B&H, RTRS in particular. However, the PDP leader underlined that the country’s progress on its path towards the EU is evident and reminded that European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn is expected to pay a visit to B&H in December, on the occasion of which he will hand over the EU questionnaire to local authorities. Following the meeting, Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H Igor Crnadak (PDP) addressed a press conference and pointed out that B&H needs to begin fighting corruption and crime, which the EC’s report warns about. He reminded that Commissioner Hahn, who called for a more resolute fight against corruption and organized crime and establishing of independent judiciary, recently stressed that the EU expects investigations, indictments and processes in corruption cases. Crnadak added that it represents EU’s last warning to B&H judiciary to finally start tackling this issue in a more efficient manner. Furthermore, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H underscored that EC’s report reads that a lot remains to done in economy, noting that the public sector is inefficient and the private sector is developing too slowly.


Finci: B&H will not be able to obtain EU candidate status without implementation of “Sejdic-Finci” ruling (Hayat)

European diplomats claim that youth unemployment is one of the biggest problems in B&H. European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn presented on Wednesday the European Commission’s (EC) 2016 Country Report for B&H. In the aforementioned report, it was pointed out that the authorities of B&H must focus on crucial issues such as youth unemployment, and that they must not allow the rhetoric of divisions to prevent them from doing that. It was also underlined that it is of crucial importance for this country to implement necessary reforms and solve the issue of implementation of “Sejdic-Finci” ruling. Commenting on the issue, Head of the Jewish Community in B&H Jakob Finci underlined that the implementation of “Sejdic-Finci” ruling will accelerate BiH’s integration process. “Without the implementation of this ruling, B&H will not be able to obtain the candidate status,” Finci argued.


Croatian PM on alleged charges by B&H Serb entity: We have no fear (Hina)

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Friday that in the case of war crimes allegations against Croatian generals in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it was yet to be seen what the charges were about, but stressed that Croatian authorities would talk with the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and, without interfering in the work of judicial authorities, ensure the protection of national interests and Croatian Army officers. “One should see what this is about, as long as there are no indictments, things are at the level of such attempts as this and they happened previously as well. We will approach cooperation rationally,” Plenkovic told reporters after a conference on the present and future of the European project. Plenkovic said that Croatian officials would hold talks with officials of B&H and ensure protection of both national interests and the Croatian Army officers in question. “We have no fear. The Croatian Army was involved in liberating the territory of B&H from the Great Serbian aggression headed by Slobodan Milosevic. Everything we did was based on the agreement between Presidents Franjo Tudjman and Alija Izetbegovic. We have no dilemmas as to our strategic contribution,” said Plenkovic. Asked if the criminal reports constituted interference of politics in judicial matters, Plenkovic said that that remained to be seen. “All war crimes, all criminal acts should be investigated, prosecuted, and those responsible for them should answer. That is the principle we will not give up. We condemn orchestrated or selective prosecution. We do not interfere in the work of the judiciary but protect Croatian national interests,” he said.


New Montenegro government led by Markovic to be completed within next ten days (CDM)

New government led by Dusko Markovic will be completed within next ten days, CdM unofficially learns potential ministers. New government will have a new Ministry of Diaspora, most likely lead by someone from Bosniak Party. There are speculations that Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism will split, and there are same plans for Ministry of Foreign Affairs and EU integration. CdM unofficially learns that Damir Sehovic will succeed Ivan Brajovic as a Minister of Traffic. Brajovic is set to most likely become new president of the Parliament. Vujica Lazovic will continue to lead Ministry for Informational Society, while Vladan Jokovic will most likely be minister of finance. Daliborka Pejovic is set to become minister of tourism, and Melvudin Nuhodzic of interior affairs. Zorica Kovacevic will continue to lead Ministry of Labor. Nikola Janovic will be new minister of sports. It is still unclear who will lead agriculture, BS asked for this mandate. Should they get it, Petar Ivanovic will remain as vice prime minister. Possible candidate for the spot is Milutin Simovic as well. Minister of economy could be Vojin Vlahovic, Milo Djukanovic’s advisor. Sanja Vlahovic, Predrag Boskovic and Budimir Segrt currently have uncertain positions. Political platform of minorities will be agreed upon next week, after which they will start official negotiations with DPS. BS is interested in economy, development, agriculture. They will also have one vice presidency in the Parliament, most likely Rafet Husovic.


Minority parties require ministries and editorial positions in the public broadcaster (Dnevne novine)

Minority parties prepared negotiation platform Minority parties’ negotiation platform to be offered to DPS will be signed by the end of the week at the latest. Dnevne novine’s sources from these parties explained what the parties would request from their future coalition partners after the platform was signed. Croatian Civic Initiative’s (HGI) president Marija Vucinovic said that the platform was still being deliberated and that it would be finished within the next two days. Asked what positions they would require from coalition partners, she said that they would have realistic requirements. “We will not have megalomaniac requests... We will ask what is realistically achievable and what we pointed out in our election campaign. These are for example concessions for ports, but personnel solutions are not finished yet”, Vucinovic told DN. She explained that minority parties would have a common platform, but that each party would sign a special annex with future partners specifying its requirements. The Bosniak Party (BS) prepared an offer for future associates. They will demand that Deputy Prime Minister Rafet Husovic remain in that position. In addition, BS will request positions in four more ministries: labor and social welfare, agriculture, one position of a minister without portfolio and a position within the new ministry for diaspora, if it is formed. Former MP for BS and the party official Resad Sijaric confirmed that for DN. He also mentioned that a common platform would define what is of each party’s interest, and it is not expected there would be overlapping with the other platform signatories’ requirements. The Albanian Resolute coalition (Forca, the Albanian Alternative and the Democratic Union of Albanians – DUA) has also prepared the requirements for future partners. According to information obtained by DN, they will request the positions of the vice president for the political system in the government and the minister of tourism. They want more of their staff in state institutions. DN has had access to the draft platform prepared by minority parties for the ruling party. It summarizes the objectives of the minority parties in 13 key points. Among other things, the draft platform states that the minority parties’ objectives include strengthening stability and cohesion in Montenegro, accelerating Euro-Atlantic integration, as well as the further democratizing society in accordance with the regulations and standards of the EU. One of the minority parties’ objectives will be proportional representation, i.e. the implementation of the right to representation in employment of minorities in all state bodies and institutions, the judicial authorities, as well as public services and local governments, which is guaranteed by the Constitution and the law. Also, the platform signatories will seek the amendment of the electoral legislation that would allow affirmative action with the aim of guaranteeing seats to Albanians in Montenegro. They will also require “improving the system of education in minority languages at all levels”. “The reform of the education system should guarantee quality control, de-politicization and improvement of education in all segments, including the necessary infrastructure in schools. The revision of school curricula in order to eliminate negative stereotypes and content that offend the feelings of minorities in any way”, it is one of the stated objectives. Minority parties will also seek the adequate participation of minority peoples in culture and education programs, as well as forming editorial boards for minorities in the public broadcaster (RTCG) and RTCG regional TV stations. “Improving the personnel structure in technical and journalistic staff of the public broadcaster and editorial positions from the ranks of competent representatives of the minority peoples”, the draft platform states. The document also says that each of minority people political entities will conclude special agreements with the joint coalition partner.


Kukan: Russia wants influence on Balkans, follow EU rules (Pobjeda)

The top priority of new Montenegrin government should be to continue reforms needed for EU and NATO integration, believes MP in European Parliament Eduard Kukan, adding that the new structure led by Dusko Markovic will have all the conditions to keep up the good results. He also said Russia is attempting to influence Western Balkans. Speaking to Pobjeda, Kukan said that the current situation in the country requires the new government to work hard and focus on EU expectations. “I expect the new government to continue the process of reforms. Full NATO membership is very important, and needs to be a priority. I personally believe new Prime Minister Dusko Markovic will make it so. He was very successful in his job so far, so I believe that the new government has all the conditions needed to create good results,” Kukan said. He also discussed Russia’s influence on Montenegro. He said our country needs to follow EU guidelines in this case. “Russia is attempting to influence the events on Western Balkans. There are a lot of investments in Montenegro and a strong economic cooperation. I believe it is important for Montenegro to continue following EU rules. It is not a problem to have good relationship with Russia. But you need to follow EU rules and deal with issues in accordance with EU attitudes.” Kukan said for Pobjeda. Eduard Kukan said that Montenegro needs to investigate the case of attempted terrorist attack as soon as possible. “The sooner this problem is solved objectively, the better for the state. There are certain damaging speculations in play, and Prosecution must cooperate with Serbia in order to resolve all doubts,” Kukan said.


Noyes: Russia’s behavior impertinent (CDM/Jutarnji)

Russia is becoming more aggressive on the world stage. It is trying to influence Montenegro’s membership in NATO, said US Ambassador to Croatia Julieta Valls Noyes. “It is clear that Russia is becoming more impertinent and aggressive on the world stage, starting with Ukraine, and also Montenegro. We have seen reports of their possible influence in Montenegrin elections,” she said. When it comes to Croatia, Valls Noyes said that they are pleased that Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic met Ukraine President Petar Porosenko, during his visit to Council of Europe. “He clearly demonstrated Croatia’s support for Ukrainian integrity and sovereignty, their western values and objection to Russian violence,” Ambassador said, Jutarnji reports. It was a strong and positive signal that US appreciates.


Macedonia: Twelve coalitions, parties submit candidate lists for December 11 elections (MIA)

Twelve coalitions and parties have submitted lists of candidates for the December 11 early general elections in Macedonia, the State Election Commission (SEC) informed on Saturday. The VMRO-DPMNE-led coalition 'For a Better Macedonia', the SDSM-led opposition coalition, the coalition for Change and Justice, VMRO-­Coalition for Macedonia, the Coalition 'Alliance for Albanians' -­ made up of DPA Reform Movement, Uniteti and NDR, and the parties DUI, DPA, PDP, LP, new left-­wing party 'Levica' SDPM, Besa and NDM have all submitted their lists of candidates for MPs before midnight, SEC said. The VMRO-­DPMNE-­led coalition sets Nikola Poposki as front-runner in the first election district; Nikola Todorov in the second; Ilija Dimovski in the­ third; party leader Nikola Gruevski in the­ fourth; Antonio Milososki in the fifth; Vlatko Gjorcev in the sixth and Ramazan Iftarovski in­ the seventh. Stevo Pendarovski is the list carrier for the SDSM coalition in the first election district; Oliver Spasovski-second; Lupco Nikolvski -­ third; party leader Zoran Zaev -­ fourth; Radmila Sekerinska -­ fifth and Petre Silegov -­ in the sixth one. DUI enlists Artan Grubi as a front-runner in the first election district, Ejup Halimi in the second, Nafi Durmishi ­- third; Artan Spahiu -­ fourth; Agim Sakiri -­ fifth and party leader Ali Ahmeti in the sixth. DPA party leader Mendih Thaci is the list carrier in the sixth electoral district. The Coalition for Changes and Justice, bringing together the Democratic Union, FRODEM, MORO ­ Worker's Party and DEMOS, puts DU leader Pavle Trajanov as a front-runner in the first election district, FRODEM's Jove Kekenevski in the second; Vesna Stojmenova ­- 3rd; Slobodan Bogoevski -­ 4th, Aleksandar Delov ­- 5th; and Branko Majstorovski in the sixth one. Den Doncev, Lupco Balkovski, Stojance Angelov (Dignity party leader), VMRO-­NP leader Ljupco Georgievski, United for Macedonia leader Ljube Boskovski, Zoran Velkovski and Stojadin Naumovski are list carriers of the VMRO ­Coalition for Macedonia in the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh electoral districts respectively. The new left-­wing party 'Levica' selects Dimitar Aspatiev, Trajce Stojanov, Maria Jones, Mitko Nikolov and Zdravko Savevski as list carriers for the first, second, third, fourth and fifth election district. The State Election Commission (SEC) now has 48 hours to examine the lists for possible irregularities, On November 20, the SEC will hold a lottery which will determine the ballot order for the lists of candidates.


Trump's Adviser Burns says US President-­elect will not allow Macedonia's Constitutional name to be changed (

After the election of a new president, the US will continue to advance its good cooperation with Macedonia, Donald Trump's spiritual adviser Mark Burns said in an interview for the TV program 'People's Voice'. In regard to the name of your country, the one some want to change so as to deprive you of the right to call yourselves Macedonians is something unheard of in the world's history -­ nobody can change your name and identity as you are born as Macedonians and will keep on living and referring to yourselves by that name, Burns stated. It is rather dishonest, he said, that Greeks give millions of dollars to the US Democratic Party to gain its support and make you change your name. 'After Trump's victory be certain that this will not happen. I guarantee that after Trump's election for US president, each initiative of the US Democratic Party will be halted immediately. This also refers to the change of Macedonia's name,' Burns said. Speaking about December 11 elections in Macedonia, Burns said he expects for VMRO-­DPMNE's leader to once again score a victory. "Mr. Trump is familiar with Mr. Gruevski's work and offers him full support for everything he has been doing for the people of Macedonia. We expect him to again obtain a mandate (to form a government) by the choice of the citizens at the forthcoming elections, as we consider that Nikola Gruevski will continue, with the same commitment as thus far, to work on the country's economic development and security,' Burns says.




Enlargement package: business as usual? (The Brussels Times, by M. Apelblat, 14 November 2016)

The European Commission adopted last week (9 November) its annual enlargement package of country reports on the candidate countries and its enlargement policy or strategy. The reports assess where the countries of the Western Balkans and Turkey stand in implementing key political and economic reforms, and what needs to be done to address the remaining challenges before they can join the European Union. The reports were in the past called progress reports since they dealt with to what extent the countries had made any progress in preparing themselves for EU membership. They still do but the reports nowadays avoid any political assessments. In 2015, the Commission introduced a number of changes to the reporting methodology. The aim was to improve the assessments as well as the usability of the package as a source of information and guidance for all stakeholders. What has not changed is a feeling of déjà vu. This year’s reports repeat more or less the same problems and challenges as in previous reports and all candidate countries are far away from being ready to become member states. The enlargement process goes back and forth, with setbacks and only limited progress in key areas such as the rule of law, democracy, public administration reform, freedom of expression and the fight against corruption. In fact, there has been considerable backsliding in the path towards EU, especially in Turkey during the state of emergency which entered into force after the failed military coup in July, but also in some countries in the Western Balkans where the parliament has been boycotted by the opposition parties and a divisive political culture remains. It can be questioned whether these countries meet basic political criteria for continuing or starting accession negotiations. But the negative development did not deter the Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, from expressing some optimism when he presented the Enlargement Package, a least as regards Western Balkans: “The prospect of EU membership continues to drive transformation and anchor stability in the countries of Southeast Europe, and a credible enlargement process remains an irreplaceable tool to strengthen these countries and help them carry out political and economic reforms.” Given “the complex nature of the necessary reforms, it is a long-term process and structural shortcomings persist, notably in the key areas of rule of law and the economy”, the Commission states. Hahn continued. “Today we reiterate the EU's continued support for these efforts and call on the governments of the enlargement countries to embrace the necessary reforms more actively and truly make this their political agenda – not because the EU is asking for it, but because it is in the best interest of their citizens, and Europe as a whole". Western Balkans countries are moving forward It remains to be seen if Hahn’s words will encourage the candidate countries to continue on the reform path or fall on deaf ears. In Western Balkans, some progress has been made during the last year and the countries need to build on that and use the momentum to implement new legislation, meet remaining benchmarks and overcome political crises. The Commission lauds the elections in Serbia (last April) and Montenegro (last October), the only Western Balkans countries where formal accession negotiations have started. In Montenegro the parliamentary elections were conducted under a revised legal framework and a voter turnout of 73 %. Serbia held elections at national, provincial and local levels in a calm atmosphere. Negotiations might also start with other countries in the region. The Commission recommends that member states consider opening accession negotiations with Albania, this subject to credible and tangible progress in the implementation of the judicial reform that was recently adopted by the parliament. The Commission is also prepared to extend its recommendation from 2009 to open accession negotiations with Macedonia. This shall, however, be conditional on progress with overcoming the political crisis in the country, notably the holding of credible parliamentary elections, scheduled for December this year, and progress in the implementation of reform priorities. Negotiations have been blocked by Greece because of the name issue but in recent years the obstacles were self-inflicted. Bosnia and Herzegovina has delivered on the priorities stemming from its reform process. On this basis, the Council has tasked the Commission to prepare an opinion on its membership application, a first important step in the accession process that may lead to a recommendation to start negotiations. Kosovo has also taken some major steps in its relations with EU. In April 2016, the EU-Kosovo Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) entered into force. It also only needs to meet two remaining benchmarks to finalize the visa liberalisation roadmap: to ratify a border agreement with Montenegro and continue to strengthen its track record in the fight against organised crime and corruption. Turkey is moving away from EU Hahn was very candid about Turkey: "We are gravely concerned about the degradation of the rule of law and democracy unfolding in the aftermath of the failed coup attempt. In its own interest, Turkey urgently needs to stop moving away from the EU.''  Talking to the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Commissioner added that it is Turkey that has chosen to move away from the EU. “We are measuring Turkey against the highest standards because it’s a candidate country. The ball is now in the Turkish court. They must say what they want.” On the positive side, the Commission underlines that Turkey remains a key partner for the European Union. It also highlights the close and constructive cooperation, until now, with Turkey to end irregular immigration to EU. The Commission also understands that “given the seriousness of the threat against the democratic institutions, a swift reaction to that threat was legitimate”. Nevertheless, “the broad scale and collective nature of measures taken since the coup attempt raise a number of very serious questions.” EU has called on the Turkish authorities, “given the subsequent scale and collective nature of measures taken since the coup attempt, to observe the highest standards in respecting the rule of law and fundamental rights, in line with Turkey's international commitments and status as a candidate country. Instead, the crackdown has continued since the failed coup and been broadened to pro-Kurdish and other opposition voices. The measures has affected the whole spectrum of society, with a particular impact on the judiciary, police, gendarmerie, military, civil service, local authorities, academia, teachers, lawyers, the media and the business community. Overall, according to the figures in the country report on Turkey, as of the end of September 2016, some 40 000 people had been detained and more than 31 000 remain under arrest, including 81 journalists. 129 000 public employees remain either suspended (66 000) or have been dismissed (63 000). Over 4 000 institutions and private companies were shut down, their assets seized or transferred to public institutions. Additional 10 000 civil servants were dismissed by decrees under the state of emergency at the end of October and further media outlets closed and journalists detained.  Besides destabilizing and polarizing Turkish society, these measures have also a negative impact on Turkey’s capacity to carry out the reforms required in the accession process. “The impact of the high number of recent dismissals on the professionalism and efficiency of the public administration remains to be assessed.” In view of the serious situation in Turkey, Commissioner Johannes Hahn was asked by both members of the European Parliament and journalists if not the negotiations with Turkey should be frozen or suspended. “We should stay in contact with Turkey,” he replied. “There are indeed concerns about the negotiations. That’s why we have prepared a thorough factual analysis of the situation in Turkey. But it’s up to the European Council to draw the political conclusions.”
Consensus to start Albania-EU adhesion talks, Italian FM (ANSAmed, 14 November 2016)

BRUSSELS - Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni on Monday said the EU will open formal adhesion talks with Albania. The 28 foreign ministers have expressed ''a consensus of all member states so that in the month of December the European Council can formally start Albania's adhesion talks with the EU'', said Italian foreign minister arriving at the council after a breakfast promoted by Italy and Austria with Albanian Premier Edi Rama in Brussels. ''It is an important result for which Italy has worked over these years with recent visits of the president of the Republic'', observed Gentiloni, stressing it is also a ''good sign of vitality'' for Europe ''in this moment in which it needs to confirm its ability to attract and consolidate''. It is even more important for the Balkans, added Gentiloni, which ''need stability'' and are ''a region in which a very delicate match has always been played''. ''Albania is an Islamic-majority country'', concluded Gentiloni, adding that he considered a ''good sign of vitality'' the fact that, ''based on the opinion of the commission and the consensus attained this morning, there are the conditions to start formal adhesion talks''.