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Belgrade Media Report 26 April



Nikolic: EU membership only if there is no requirement for recognition of Kosovo (Tanjug/Novosti)


Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic met Tuesday with Estonian Foreign Minister Sven Mikser, whom he told full EU membership would be an additional impetus for Serbia’s progress, but only on condition there was no requirement for it to recognize the so-called Kosovo’s unilaterally declared independence. Wishing Estonia a successful EU presidency from 1 July, Nikolic expressed the hope the country would continue to support Serbia’s EU membership, the presidential press office said in a statement.


Dacic, Mikser: Statements about Albanian unification worrying (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and his Estonian counterpart Sven Mikser, whose country will take over the EU presidency on 1 July, agreed in Belgrade on Tuesday the latest statements by Albanian leaders about an Albanian unification were careless and worrying. Speaking to reporters after a meeting with Dacic, Mikser said Estonia was an advocate of EU enlargement and that it would work together with other member states towards a peaceful, stable and prosperous Europe, including a peaceful, prosperous and stable Western Balkan region.

Mikser called on all leaders of countries of the West Balkans to refrain from provocative statements. No EU leader encourages such statements and has no wish to undermine regional stability, Mikser told a joint press conference with Dacic.


Turkey behind provocative statements (Novosti)


Novostiwrites that there “exist serious suspicions” that behind the provocative statements from Tirana, Pristina and southern Serbia, stands Turkey and its intelligence services. “This shocking information which has been arrived at by our security services has once again revealed Turkey’s aspirations to create a stronghold on a part of the Balkan territory”. According to operative data of the Serbian security services, “the offensive approach of the Turkish intelligence structures is going through Pristina (…) The first channel of communication and influence is achieved through the Serbian branch of the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA), which mainly operates in the Raska area, but is also present in the municipalities of the Presevo Valley,” Novostiwrites. “The second lever of action is the increasingly frequent meetings of the members of Turkish security services with Albanian leaders in Presevo and Bujanovac, and in Kosovo. All these operations are taking place through the Turkish intelligence station in Pristina, so that their subversive work should remain as far as possible from the eyes of the Serbian services,” states the article.


Joksimovic: I don’t expect Serbia’s EU accession to be conditioned with recognition of Kosovo (Beta)


Serbian Minister without Portfolio in charge of EU integration Jadranka Joksimovic met yesterday with reporters from the EU member states to talk about results and the future activities that Serbia will take in the process of EU accession, the cabinet has said. Joksimovic said that membership in the EU was a strategic commitment and recalled that Serbia had so far opened eight chapters, of which two were temporarily closed. She believes that the country will be ready for two or three more chapters by the end of June - during Malta’s chairmanship over the EU.

She said that she did not expect Serbia’s membership in the EU to be conditioned on recognizing Kosovo’s independence. Joksimovic said that Belgrade, unlike Pristina, had fulfilled a good part of what had been arranged in Brussels, and that the EU should now send a clear message to Pristina to meet its obligations, especially where creating the Community of Serb Municipalities was concerned.


Musliu: Rama is my president, not Vucic (TV Prva)


The President of the Albanian National Council with headquarters in Bujanovac Jonuz Musliu has stated that Edi Rama is his president and not Aleksandar Vucic. In an interview for TV Prva, Musliu explains why he sees Rama as his president. “Of course, Edi Rama is the president,” he says in response to the question whether Aleksandar Vucic or somebody else is his president. In his opinion, according to the Albanian Constitution, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama is the leader of all Albanians, wherever they live. In comment to the journalist that it is written Republic of Serbia at the entrance of the municipality and on documents, he said: “Anything can be written. I live in the Presevo Valley.” Musliu reiterated the stand that he had presented after the recent statements made by Rama and Tachi on the possible unification of Albania and Kosovo, that the Presevo Valley needs to unite in that case. “If the Albanians really unite, why not then the Albanians from Presevo, Medvedja and Bujanovac,” said Musliu. He says he sees nothing disputable in that.


Telenor and VIP to stop broadcasting signals as of 1 May (Beta/FoNet/RTS)


The Telenor and VIP Mobile companies have released statements saying that they will stop broadcasting in Kosovo and Metohija in accordance with the agreement reached between Belgrade and Pristina on implementing the agreement on telecommunications. Telenor and VIP Mobile will enable traffic to their subscribers under unchanged conditions, in agreement with the MTS d.o.o. company, the only operator to keep its license. Since Telenor and VIP Mobile will not be licensed for business in Kosovo and Metohija, they will remove 15 of their base stations: VIP Mobile will remove five and Telenor ten, while they will present two to the municipalities of Leposavic and Kosovska Mitrovica as gifts.


Pristina University to remain in Serbian education system (Politika)


Pristina’s threats that students at the faculties in northern Kosovska Mitrovica, Zvecan and Leposavic will be integrated into the Kosovo education system, have been a matter for concern of not only the students, but also for their parents. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija has stated that such statements had been launched for daily political purposes and to introduce anxiety among the Serbs and other non-Albanians. “The Serbian government will not be abolishing in Kosovo and Metohija municipalities, elementary, middle and higher education, healthcare institutions, and it will do everything to strengthen these institutions that are in the system of the Republic of Serbia. Not a single agreement reached at trilateral meetings in Brussels between Belgrade and Pristina implies the abolishment, i.e. integration of these institutions into Pristina’s system,” the Office told Politika. Assistant Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Ljubomir Maric confirmed in writing for Politika that the University in Kosovo Mitrovica will remain part of the education system in Serbia.


Students join protesters in Savamala district (Danas)


Thousands of protesters gathered on Tuesday evening in the Belgrade district of Savamala to mark the first anniversary of the illegal demolition of buildings in that part of the city and the shocking reaction of police which refused to intervene in spite of hundreds of panicked citizens’ calls. Students, who have been staging so-called “protests against dictatorship” every day following the presidential election joined protesters at the rally organized by initiative Let’s not Drown Belgrade, set up to coordinate protests against the implementation of the controversial Belgrade Waterfront project. Several trade unions also extended their support, including on police and army syndicate.


Conference on Serbia-NATO cooperation organized at Hotel Moskva (N1)


The Atlantic Council and the US Embassy in Serbia organized at Hotel Moskva a conference on Serbia-NATO cooperation. Even though a representative from the Serbian Defense Ministry was announced, he/she didn’t attend. The moderator said that something probably occurred so the representative didn’t come.




RS CC’s Vital Interest Protection Council rules that RSNA’s decision on referendum results does not violate Bosniak people’s VNI (TV1)


The Council for Protection of Vital National Interest (VNI) with the Republika Srpska (RS) Constitutional Court ruled on Tuesday that the RS National Assembly’s (RSNA) decision to confirm the results of the referendum on the RS Day does not violate the VNI of Bosniak people. The Council explained that disputed decision of the RSNA cannot be defined as a matter of VNI of any constituent people, because this decision’s stipulations refer to all citizens of the RS. The Council found that the Bosniak people’s VNI is not violated by the adopted Law on Primary Education in the RS either.


Sepic expelled from SDA, three “renegade” MPs leave SDA Caucus (TV1)


During its session held on Monday evening, SDA Presidency decided to expel Senad Sepic from this party, as well as to issue public reprimands for SDA MPs in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Salko Sokolovic, Sadik Ahmetovic and Semsudin Mehmedovic for failing to support Law on Excise Duties in B&H and Law on Deposit Insurance in Banks of B&H at the last B&H HoR’s session. Izetbegovic addressed media after the session and underlined that Sepic was expelled because he “crossed the red line” adding that Sepic has been claiming for some time that he is not a member of SDA anymore. In their reply to the decision of SDA Presidency, Sokolovic, Ahmetovic and Mehmedovic left SDA Caucus in B&H HoR. Ahmetovic underlined that Izetbegovic has been giving priority to “his people” adding that a number of SDA members who are not part of this group has been increasing. Sepic underlined that he has rejected Bakir Izetbegovic’s policy long ago, while Sokolovic emphasized that he will not be surprised if he is expelled from SDA. Izetbegovic deems that activities of the aforementioned MPs are result of their dissatisfaction with their positions within this party. He reminded that many others left SDA earlier and formed other parties that later vanished from political scene.

Commenting on relations in coalition, Izetbegovic assessed on Monday that the relations are excessively bad. He said that pre-election campaign for general elections has started way too early and added that SDA will try to calm down the situation. Izetbegovic emphasized that he is willing to call even the Republika Srpska (RS) President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik to bring some good to B&H, and not to mention contacts with coalition leaders.


Chaos in SDA deepens crisis in state-level authorities (Glas Srpske)


Chaos in SDA’ has started affecting the Parliament of B&H as well, because after four MPs from SDA announced their intention to form a new caucus in the House of Representatives (HoR) of the parliament of B&H, no one knows for sure if the parliamentary majority at the level of B&H still exists. Reporter noted that majority composed of SDA, HDZ B&H, SBB B&H and the Alliance for Changes (SzP) has been on shaky legs since the very beginning, as they seemed to disagree on all important issues. Commenting on the situation in the Parliament of B&H, SDS’s delegate in the House of Peoples (HoP) Darko Babalj said that formation of the new caucus will result in SDS becoming the strongest political party in the parliament of B&H. “It is obvious that the new parliamentary majority is already in place, and that it is composed of those who did not support the urgent procedure in the case of the set of laws on excise duties”, Babalj said. HDZ B&H’s delegate Ljilja Zovko said that four SDA MPs’ decision to leave SDA Caucus will directly affect the parliamentary majority, although it does not necessarily mean that they will act as an opposition. “If they are opposition to SDA, it does not mean that they will be opposition to reform laws, but we will see,” Zovko said.

SNSD’s MP Dusanka Majkic noted that the parliamentary majority was always questionable, adding that most recent developments are an introduction to new instability and crisis of authority at the level of B&H. Furthermore, Majkic underlined that SNSD will remain an opposition party until the 2018 general elections in the country. She concluded that relations between Bosniaks and Croats are likely to become even more complicated as soon as proposal of changes to the Election Law of B&H, announced by HDZ B&H, enter the parliamentary procedure.


Daily slams OHR for failure to react to Croats’ announcements on annulment of Washington and Dayton Agreements and Bosniaks’ rattling weapons (EuroBlic)


EuroBlic daily papers reminded that High Representative Valentin Inzko strongly reacted when SNSD leader Milorad Dodik “threatened with an empty gun” and promised referendum on secession of Republika Srpska (RS) from “imposed” B&H. The daily argued that it seems as if the Office of the High Representative (OHR) “gets activated only when Serbs are in question” while everything else that happens in the country, such as terrorist attacks “of Islamic fanatics on army or police or open threats of Croat and Bosniak politicians with close outbreak of armed conflict” seems to be less important and hypothetical situation for OHR. The daily also noted that “Inzko’s cry should shake not only bureaucrats in the building of the UN in New York, but also the entire universe” judging by latest statements of leading Croat and Bosniak officials on consequences of requests of HDZ B&H and Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) related to changes to the Election Law of B&H and Law on RTV Service. “However, the OHR is not concerned too much with announcements of Croats on annulment of the Washington Agreement and Dayton Peace Accords, or rattling weapons by (Bosniak politicians) Reuf Bajrovic and Sejfudin Tokic”, the author said and concluded by saying that it is much easier for OHR to justify the purpose of its existence by “slapping Dodik” because of his empty promises and pre-election stories while everything else represents “a hypothetical situation” which does not even deserve a comment by the High Representative.


Legislative committee on NATO on Thursday (RTCG)


Legislative Committee postponed for Thursday consideration of the Draft Law on the Ratification of the North Atlantic Treaty, which provide the conditions for the entry of Montenegro in NATO. The session was postponed because the applicant did not come because of previous commitments, as they said. The parliament will make a decision about it on 28 April at a session in Cetinje. The government reminds that the Euro-Atlantic integration and membership in NATO are one of the strategic foreign policy priorities since the restoration of independence of Montenegro. "Learning from the experience of loss of independence after World War I, Montenegro needs in the current geopolitical circumstances to rationally look at all the options and decide which will be the most convenient and economically equitable manner to protect its national and security interests," it was stated from the government. It was evaluated that this is especially important, considering the regional, but also the broader political, economic and security context.


Milic: Parliament sitting on Friday to be like the one held on 12 July 1941 (Pobjeda)


President of the Socialist People’s Party (SNP) Srdjan Milic said yesterday that he and his party would not be bound by the Parliament’s decision on NATO, which is scheduled for 28 April. Milic compared the Parliament sitting with the one held on 12 July 1941 in Cetinje. “What is important for everyone to know, is that neither I personally nor SNP will accept or be bounded by any decision of this Parliament composed of MPs who have not been elected based on voters’ free will. As for myself, I don’t care about the decision,” stated Milic. He sees the parliament sitting scheduled for 28 April in Cetinje as “the same as the one scheduled by Macolini and Montenegrin federalists for St. Peter’s Day, on 12 July 1941”. Then they also spoke about the “necessity of turning to civilized West and values cherished by the most developed countries of that time”. History teaches us how the former generations responded to the decision of the St. Peter’s Day’s assembly, Milic said. The St. Peter’s Day’s assembly was the parliament’s sitting held on 12 July 1941 in Cetinje by supporters of independent Montenegro occupied by Italian fascist government. The parliament declared the annulment of the Podgorica Assembly’s decisions and proclaimed the restoration of the Kingdom of Montenegro. However, its decisions were never implemented due to the 13 July uprising that broke out the next day.


Parliament continues filibustered debate on the Tirana platform (MIA)


Members of the Macedonian parliament are set to continue the long stalled constitutive session on Wednesday. Called to select a Committee on Elections and Appointments, the session turned into a month long discussion on the controversial Tirana platform, on which the SDSM party and several ethnic Albanian parties plan to form a new government. VMRO-DPMNE representatives have maintained a filibuster on the session with lengthy debates and calls to the SDSM representatives to reject the platform, which they say will radically rewrite the way inter-ethnic relations are regulated in Macedonia. On Tuesday, SDSM leader Zoran Zaev and one of his top members of parliament Ljupco Nikolovski said that they have a plan to unblock the discussions in parliament and that an election of a Parliament Speaker will happen very soon. SDSM agreed with the DUI party to have DUI candidate Talat Xhaferi lead the parliament. Xhaferi, a guerrilla commander during the 2001 conflict, is best known for introducing some of the techniques of filibustering now used to postpone his election. The BESA party, which supports having Zaev elected as Prime Minister but has second thoughts about joining his Government, said that it will not support Xhaferi due to its bitter rivalry with DUI. SDSM affiliated commentators have floated different ways in which Xhaferi could be elected, such as setting up a parallel parliament or forcibly taking over the speaker's chair.


Gruevski: VMRO-DPMNE calls for early elections to remove the post-electoral fraud (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski said that the party insists on holding early general elections alongside the municipal elections as an only way out of the on-going political crisis. Gruevski said that the party accepts and supports the request for early elections that was made by the association For a United Macedonia, which held protests for more than 50 days.

"Macedonia is in a post-election period that is marred by a major electoral fraud. Voters feel cheated. We have thousands of people taking to the streets for early 60 days protesting the electoral fraud. The parties, led by SDSM, who created this fraud are apparently unable to recognize the revolt they caused among citizens", Gruevski said, speaking about the post-election adoption of the Tirana platform, which aims to radically change the way inter-ethnic relations are regulated. Gruevski said that it is becoming clear that SDSM leader Zoran Zaev is unable to renounce the Tirana platform, likely because he is being blackmailed and himself put under strong pressure. "When a party goes to the elections promising one type of program, and adopts a different program after the elections, that constitutes a major case of electoral deception and this party should expect to face the revolt of the citizens. This is what is happening to SDSM right now. Again we repeat that the best way out of this situation is to hold early general elections as soon as possible, alongside with the already planned municipal elections that were postponed due to the SDSM missteps. At these elections, SDSM is free to campaign on whatever platform they choose, including the Tirana platform. If they win the majority of votes, then let them form a government and implement it", Gruevski said, adding that, meantime, between 100.000 and 200.000 people have taken to the streets of dozens of cities across Macedonia. "This is something that should give SDSM pause. They should consider what they are doing, because elections will come, and SDSM will pay dearly for ignoring the will of the citizens", Gruevski said.


SDSM: There will be new government, no fresh elections (MIA)


Fresh elections will not be organized in Macedonia, as a process of electing a parliament speaker is underway, which will create conditions for forming a new government, SDSM said Tuesday in a press release. “This is the wish of 700,000 citizens reflected in the new parliamentary majority of 67 MPs. Only (VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola) Gruevski needs new elections to prolong the political crisis he considers will save him from being held accountable for his crimes,” SDSM says. There is no platform but a program of the new reform-oriented government, the party says, denying the claims for altering of the national anthem, flag, coat of arms, banknotes. The Macedonian will remain the country’s official language, SDSM adds. The new government program, SDSM notifies, is available to public, and it offers new jobs, grater state support for domestic companies, real foreign investments, justice, equality, stability and Euro-Atlantic prospect for Macedonia, the press release reads.


Instead of new elections, a new government should be formed, says Plomp, Staffansson and Jazbec (Meta)


The Ambassadors of Sweden, Netherlands and Slovenia, Mats Staffansson, Wouter Plomp, and Milan Jazbec, said today that Brussels doesn’t see the need of organizing new early parliamentary elections especially because the last elections were marked as fair and free, and the new elections would only deepen the political crisis in Macedonia. “The elections that were organized in December were free and fair, as was confirmed by many international observers. Therefore there would be little use of new elections so fast after the elections in December. I think they would only deepen the crisis, which is lasting too long” said the Dutch Ambassador Plomp.

According to the Swedish Ambassador, “new elections in a situation like that would be held in a climate of extreme confrontation, which would definitely not be good for stability. The solution has to be found within the framework of the Constitution, I also think it is too early for a Przino 3 and I haven’t heard anything about it. Regarding leadership meetings, I have no inside information, but in a situation of such a confrontational political climate as you have in Macedonia, dialogue between leaders, the opposition and the government is not a bad idea at all, but that is up to them,” said Ambassador Staffansson. The Slovenian Ambassador Milan Jazbec said that instead of demanding for new elections, political leaders should focus on implementing the results from the recent elections and the formation of a new government. “Focus on the substance, try to form a government, according to the relations in the Parliament. I don’t see the need for new elections,” said Ambassador Jazbec.

At the meeting, during which the members of the party’s Executive Committee were present, Nikola Poposki, Nikola Todorov, and Vladimir Gjorcev, Gruevski announced to the ambassadors that “the fastest and the best way to solving the political crisis is to carry out early parliamentary elections together with the regular local elections.” The ambassadors didn’t confirm the information published by the German weekly magazine “Spiegel” that the European Union plans to put Macedonia under sanctions i.e. to place a travel ban and a blockade of bank accounts of certain Macedonian politicians including a cut of the IPA funds. According to the Spiegel, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, during the EPP conference in Malta, has warned the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Nikola Gruevski that sanctions will follow if the blockade of democratic processes doesn’t stop. In order for this decision to be made, a consensus of all 27 EU member countries is necessary.


Hoyt Yee will arrive in Skopje to meet with political leaders (Meta)


On Monday, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs at the US State Department, Hoyt Brian Yee will be arriving in Macedonia in an attempt to help overcome the political crisis. The US Embassy in Skopje announced that Hoyt Yee will travel to Macedonia on 1 May to engage political leaders on the status of government formation, bilateral relations, and reforms needed for Euro-Atlantic integration. For now, there has been no information whether the US diplomat will meet with President Gjorge Ivanov. “I sincerely hope that the Macedonian President will allow MPs who have expressed the wish and the parties they represent to form a government as soon as possible because Macedonia needs a government that will continue and finish the processes which they started within the pre-accession process of the European Union,” said Yee from Zagreb.


Rama and Meta meet EP envoys Mc Allister and Fleckenstein (ATA)


Prime Minister Edi Rama and Speaker of the Parliament Ilir Meta held a meeting with European Parliament negotiators Knut Fleckenstein and David McAllister, who arrived in Tirana on Tuesday to mediate a solution to Albania’s ongoing political deadlock. During the one-hour meeting at the Parliament’s presidency, Fleckenstein and McAlister are reported to have presented a platform to end the political crisis. Fleckenstein and McAlister were expected to present the platform also to the main opposition Democratic Party leader Lulzim Basha during a meeting later on during the day. The Delegation of European Union to Albania on Wednesday evening issued a press statement on behalf of the Chairman of the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, David McAllister, and the EP Rapporteur on Albania, Knut Fleckenstein. In its statement, the EU Delegation said “the chair of Foreign Affairs Committee, David McAllister, and the EP Rapporteur on Albania, Knut Fleckenstein, met with leaders of governing coalition and opposition and had a good discussion with them.  The two MEPs tabled proposals that included decriminalization law, the fight against narcotics, technical measures designed to improve the conduct of elections and build mutual political trust. “

The two senior EP envoys – the statement reads – “also forwarded proposals on the election date and possible pre-election government changes in order to build long-lasting confidence in the system. The governing majority agreed on the proposed ideas proven that vetting is voted in parliament. Democratic Party insisted on creation of a technical government and application of an electronic voting system for free and fair elections.”


Basha prior to meeting with MEPs McAllister and Fleckenstein: I will only represent citizens’ interest (ATA)


The opposition DP’s leader Lulzim Basha said that “the opportunity to provide a solution through dialogue is today and that he will not represent himself, either the opposition or the DP,” only hours prior to meeting with MEPs Knut Fleckenstein and David McAllister, on Tuesday. Basha declared that he will enter this process conscious to represent the interests of an extraordinary people’s union, the greatest. “I will not retreat to anything that relates to the fate of citizens, to Albanian democracy, to free and fair elections. The solution we offer is a fair solution,” declared Basha. Basha underlined that “in the end there will not be a voting without the opposition, there will not be a scattering of people, but the victory of a rightful cause. Since I represent the interest of the citizens, it is also very simple to represent the Democratic Party, but there is no retreat therefore we ask them to allow people to decide, without seeking power on the table. I wish all parties understand this to provide Albanians the new Republic and we are obviously determined in doing so.”





Thousands protest against Serb government and flagship project (Reuters, by Aleksandar Vasovic, 25 April 2017)


BELGRADE - Thousands protested in central Belgrade on Tuesday against Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic's government and demanded a probe into a multi-billion euro riverside building project in the Serbian capital.

A yellow duck, a symbol of the movement "Let's Not Let Belgrade Drown" opposing the project, was displayed under flags marking the area along the Sava river where the Dubai-style residential buildings, hotels and shopping mall will be built. The protesters demand a probe into an incident last year when masked men carried out secretive nighttime demolitions to clear part of the site while public attention was distracted by a parliamentary election. Critics charged the government did not consult the public sufficiently. "We are protesting because of government’s violence to its own legal system, and corruption. This is our attempt to fight for the rule of law," Zoran Dimitrijevic, 44, an electronics engineer from Belgrade. The 3 billion euro project, which government officials say should turn Belgrade into a regional tourism hub, will be developed by a joint venture formed by the Serbian government and the Dubai-based company Eagle Hills.

Protesters have organized several anti-government rallies, demanding an inquiry into the demolitions, but the perpetrators have never been identified. Critics cite the absence of public tenders for the project and question its economic viability in a country with double-digit unemployment an average monthly wage of 400 euros ($437). Jovo Bakic, a philosophy lecturer, told the protesters: "We want to send a message to Vucic - we are not subservient to false sultans, Vucic you are Erdogan." Vucic, who won the presidential election in early April and will take over later this month, told Tanjug news agency protests are not harming his popularity.

His new post will be largely ceremonial, but he is expected to maintain influence through his Serbian Progressive Party and to continue a balancing act between the West and Russia.Dobrica Veselinovic, head of "Lets Not Let Belgrade Drown", said the movement will develop into a political party and take part in the 2018 local elections. "We tried to appeal to politicians and we don't have any other option but political activity to achieve our goals," he told Reuters.

Protesters were due to march to the government building later in the evening.


Russia Is Trying, But It Can't Stop NATO Entry, Montenegro Says (Bloomberg, by Misha Savic, 26 April 2017)


Russia is still trying to undermine Montenegro’s NATO membership with continued cyber-attacks after last year’s failed coup attempt, but no one can stop the tiny Balkan nation from joining as early as next month, the country’s defense minister said.

Lawmakers in the Adriatic state of 630,000 people will formally agree to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on Friday, Predrag Boskovic said in an interview in the capital, Podgorica. All 28 NATO members have given consent except for Spain, which is expected to do so this week. Montenegro hopes to attend the alliance’s May 25 summit as a full member, he said.

The approval signals a years-long shift in geopolitical loyalties for the former Yugoslav republic, which has historically shared religious and cultural ties with Russia. Adding its 200 miles of shoreline will clinch NATO’s nearly complete control over the northern Mediterranean. Russia isn’t backing down, though. After Montenegro accused Moscow for trying to overthrow the government and assassinate the prime minister during last year’s elections -- an allegation Russia denies -- its institutions are coming under attack by hackers believed to be backed by the Kremlin, he said. “Neither Russia, nor any other country, can change our course,” Boskovic, 45, said in his office on Tuesday. “Joining today’s 28 most advanced economies, the most advanced civilizations, is a step necessary for Montenegro, for it to become part of the Western world and ensure long-term stability and security.’’


Daily Attacks

Montenegro’s accusations coincide with warnings from other European nations that Russia is stepping up efforts to infiltrate rival governments and influence politics across the continent. Denmark’s defense minister was cited on Sunday as saying Russian hackers gained access to military emails, while French presidential front-runner Emmanuel Macron’s campaign has been hit by cyber-attacks resembling those used against Democratic Party organizations in the U.S.

Boskovic said his ministry is trying to defend against “cyber attacks on a daily basis against state institutions’’ and computers of military officers containing classified data. That follows Montenegrin prosecutors’ indictment this month of 14 people, including two Russians, for trying to seize the parliament, kill the country’s most powerful politician, Milo Djukanovic, and install a pro-Russian administration. “Russia has its interests and has shown that in a most direct way,’’ he said. “Of course it’s the Kremlin. That’s a fact.”


Russian Opposition

Montenegro’s pro-Russian opposition wants to stop NATO entry and wants a referendum on joining. But the government will avoid a vote because it knows the country’s citizens would reject it, Andrija Mandic, of the opposition Democratic Front, said in an interview. He also rejected the government’s accusations against Vladimir Putin’s government, dismissing the overthrow attempt as a “fake coup” meant to raise support for Djukanovic, who won the vote last October and formed a coalition cabinet. By letting Montenegro join, NATO is showing it wants to tighten its grip on the Balkans, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu in Moscow on Wednesday. “The military potential of Podgorica is close to zero, though its geographical position permits a strengthening of control over the Balkans,” Shoigu said. Russia has a point. Montenegro’s has just 1,950 soldiers, two aging frigates, 13 helicopters and two light jets. The country currently spends 1.66 percent of gross domestic product on its forces -- below the NATO’s 2 percent requirement, but it plans to hit the target by 2020, or even perhaps this year if it buys new choppers, Boskovic said. “Montenegro is aware of its size,’’ he said. “But what matters more is that we want to contribute to making the traditionally turbulent Balkans a more secure place. ’’