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Belgrade Media Report 07 June



Dacic: We’ll apologize to Haradinaj if he doesn’t get fed in jail (B92/Sputnik)


Acting Prime Minister Ivica Dacic said on Wednesday the only reason to apologize to Ramush Haradinaj would be if he did not receive regular meals in prison. Earlier in the day, Haradinaj said that both Dacic and President Aleksandar Vucic should apologize for crimes committed in Kosovo. “A man for whom there are tons and tons of evidence that he took part in the gravest crimes committed against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija now wants Serbia to apologize,” Dacic said in his reaction, given to Sputnik. “We should apologize to whom? To Haradinaj, who belongs in prison, serving a long sentence? We should apologize for what? For not giving up on showing the whole world that he, who has participated in crimes, must be prosecuted and end up behind bars?,” Dacic asked. Perhaps, he continued in the same tone, we should apologize for Haradinaj’s message that he would, if he becomes prime minister, continue to do what he was doing as a member of the terrorist KLA, and expand the Greater Albania all the way to Nis.

“The only apology we could give afterwards, as a country that respects the rights of inmates, is if he did not have regular meals in Zabela, or some other prison,” Dacic concluded.

Vucic also reacted, when asked for comment during a news conference.  “What should I apologize for. I didn’t commit crimes. He committed crimes. He and his men were slaughtering, murdering, beheading,” Vucic said, and continued:  “An odd sense of humor - I have no idea what he's talking about.” According to Vucic, criminals seek to find excuses for themselves in something somebody else had supposedly done, that is not true. “I better not say what I think about that, because I’ll end up saying all kinds of things,” Vucic concluded.


Dacic: Serbia expects the EU to value it adequately (RTS/Beta/Tanjug)


Acting Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said it would be extremely useful for the EU to include in the decision-making process and the preparation of strategic documents in the field of common foreign and security policy the countries that started membership negotiations. Speaking at a conference dubbed “Deepening of the EU’s Security and Defense Cooperation in a Multi-Speed Europe” organized by the ISAC Fund, Dacic pointed out that Serbia has been waiting for three years to get from the European Union a report from the screening of Chapter 31, although the bilateral screening, which took place as early as October 2014, was evaluated as very successful. To our great discontent, he added, the question of Serbia's cooperation with the EU in this area is primarily viewed, and seemingly evaluated, through only one segment – Serbia’s siding with the decisions and declarations of the EU, in particular those concerning Russia. That is also almost certainly the main reason why EU member states could not agree on the contents of the report, which has been under approval for already a year and a half, Dacic said. He added that Serbia is faced with already defined decisions which it can only accept or reject, which it occasionally does, so our accession percentage in recent years stands at around 64% annually. I think that, at this stage of our European integration and taking into account all the challenges we are facing, that is realistic, Dacic noted, adding that all decisions regarding the association are carefully weighed and balanced, taking into account our national interests. Serbia is not in the position to join the decisions and restrictive measures relating to Russia and China, as permanent members of the UN Security Council, because our territorial integrity is threatened by the attempt of secession of a part of our territory and these two countries insist on the respect for international law. We have the same attitude towards all the other countries that support us regarding Kosovo and Metohija. In that sense, our position is consistent, it has never changed, but in the meantime the position of the EU and of part of the international community regarding the Russian Federation has changed. Why? As they say, because of the respect for international law, which must be respected when it comes to Ukraine, but it seems it does not have to be respected when it comes to Serbia, Dacic said. He stated that the principles and rules should apply to all equally, and the EU should react in an equal way when those principles and rules are violated, whether by Serbia or by somebody else.


Vucic: Belgrade to resume dialogue with Pristina (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said at the meeting with State Secretary of the German Federal Foreign Office Markus Ederer that Belgrade would continue a dialogue with Pristina, which had yet to fulfill its obligation to set up the Community of Serb Municipalities. They agreed that a significant improvement in the political relationship between Serbia and Germany went hand in hand with more active cooperation in all areas, the Press Office of the Serbian President reported. “Serbia wants to be Germany’s reliable and credible partner, and we are thankful for the support Chancellor Angela Merkel and other German officials have been providing for Serbia, both in the EU accession and in terms of commitment to the stabilization of the situation in the Western Balkans, especially through the Berlin Process,” Vucic said. The German diplomat thanked Vucic for having unveiled the monument to the Danube Swabians in

Backi Jarak, the presidential press office said.


Ederer: EU not to import unresolved bilateral problems (RTS/Beta)


State Secretary of the German Federal Foreign Office Markus Ederer told the same conference in Belgrade that it was clear that the European Union couldn't afford to have yet another unresolved bilateral conflict imported through the enlargement process, referring to a dispute between Belgrade and Pristina. Ederer said that he believed that Belgrade and Pristina had to identify durable solutions to their problems, despite the obstacles, and that both sides were interested. The German diplomat praised Serbia’s commitment to the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, adding that the EU hoped for progress in the process, perhaps as early as after the Kosovo elections. Ederer said that Germany’s messages to Belgrade and Pristina about the north of Kosovo and the Community of Serb Municipalities were unambiguous. “We have made it clear to both sides that they can’t block each other’s talks in the EU integration process,” the German official said. He underlined that the politicians in the Western Balkans needed to stand behind their words when they said they were committed to the EU integration, adding that they shouldn’t blame the EU if there was no visible progress. Ederer said that it would be advisable for Serbia to bring its foreign policy close to the EU in the accession process. “The EU doesn’t insist that the states of the region should suspend their traditionally good relations with other countries... We might be sensitive in the case of Ukraine though,” the German official said, adding that at the end of the enlargement process all members had to accept joint rules.

When asked for a comment on the German official’s remarks, Dacic told reporters after the conference that Serbia had its own opinion on some painful issues, including the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state. Dacic recalled that there was no consensus between

EU members on Kosovo’s independence, adding that he was traveling to Spain on June 6, one of the five EU states that hadn’t recognized Kosovo’s independence. “Serbia is not standing in anyone's way, we don't slow anyone down, but we don’t want to be the subject of political experiments regarding territorial integrity and sovereignty.” He said that the Belgrade-

Pristina talks constituted an active process that had to be stepped up, but that Serbia would not take steps that were not in line with their national interests. Dacic said that it made no sense to make the opening of new chapters in Serbia’s EU accession talks conditional on progress in the

Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, because then the progress would not depend only on Belgrade.

“If Haradinaj is actually elected Kosovo’s prime minister, our path to the EU will depend on him and his view of the dialogue,” Dacic illustrated the point.


Relations with France on upward trend (Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic received yesterday on a farewell visit French Ambassador to Serbia Christine Moro, and on this occasion he expressed gratitude for the cooperation and her personal contribution to the promotion of relations between Serbia and France. Dacic also expressed gratitude to France for its support to Serbia's European path, with the expectation that it will continue in the future. In a cordial conversation, the two officials noted that bilateral relations between the two countries are traditionally good and that cooperation takes place successfully in many fields. They agreed that the economic bilateral cooperation is developed and that there is a tendency for its further improvement. Moro, which is about to end her mission in our country, expressed her gratitude on the excellent cooperation, as well as hope that bilateral relations will be improving and that Serbia will continue to make progress on its road towards EU membership.


Joksimovic: Serbia viewed and assessed positively (Tanjug)


Serbia has an important place in the European integration process, as well as in the future of the EU, says Serbian Minister without Portfolio in charge of EU Integration Minister Jadranka Joksimovic. Speaking from Brussels, where she was attending a one-day conference on the Western Balkans, organized on Tuesday by the European People’s Party in the European Parliament, Joksimovic said Serbia had a positive image in the EU, expressing the expectation the trend would continue under the next government in Belgrade.


Hahn announces opening of two new chapters ahead of visiting Belgrade (RTS/Beta/Tanjug)


EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn said on Tuesday that later in June he expected the opening of two new chapters in the accession talks with Serbia, Serbian media reported. Hahn, who will visit Serbia on Thursday, said at a press briefing in Brussels that following the opening of two chapters in June, he expected that the “same rhythm would be continued” in the second half of the year, too. Chapters 7 (intellectual property law) and 29 (customs union) are expected to be opened in June.


Vucic wraps up consultations; Pasztor, Zukorlic under impression that Vucic is under pressure (Beta)


Vucic finished yesterday consultations on forming a new Serbian government with representatives of four election tickets that had entered parliament. Vucic met in the Serbian Presidency with representatives of the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians (SVM), Bosniak Democratic Union (BDZ), Party for Democratic Action (SDA) and the Green Party (ZS), but not with representatives of the Party of Democratic Action of Sandzak because it did not respond to calls to attend consultations with the president. SVM leader Istvan Pasztor said following consultations with Vucic that “he had an impression from talking to him that there were certain pressures” about election of the new prime minister. Pasztor told journalists he saw a solution in electing a person who would be supported by Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). After the consultations, Pasztor did not want to specify what pressures he referred to because it was only his “personal impression”, as he put it. “President did not say who the prime minister would be, but I could see he was worried about this matter”, Pasztor said to journalists. Pasztor said that election of the prime minister “was not the question of personnel, but of principle” and that stability of the country should be taken into account. “I am convinced that the issue would be solved, if we obtain the prime minister designate who enjoys support of SNS regardless of the fact whether the prime minister will be from SNS or a non-party person, who will have their support,” Pasztor said. BDZ leader Muamer Zukorlic said he shared Pasztor’s impression that President Vucic was taking pressures related to this matter, but he did not manage to specify either what pressures he was referring to and who they were coming from. Zukorlic said that his party was not supporting anyone when it came to the post of new prime minister, and that a name of the future prime minister was not mentioned in the talks, but only a “profile” of the future prime minister was discussed. He said it was important for BDZ that this person should unify expectations of all the citizens and unite all the differences. When asked to describe in more detail the reasons why it appeared to Pasztor and him that Vucic was under pressure regarding election of the new prime minister, Zukorlic said it was completely logical to him. “Power is a special passion and it cannot be resisted, there are different interest circles (…) we know how it works here, they will not easily give up having their candidate in the office of prime minister, but I believe Vucic will not bow to pressures and will propose the best solution,” Zukorlic said.




Members of B&H HoR Collegium address media after meeting PIC SB Ambassadors (


Members of B&H House of Representatives Collegium Sefik Dzaferovic, Borjana Kristo and Mladen Bosic addressed the media following their meeting with Ambassadors of the Peace Implementation Council’s (PIC) Steering Board.

Bosic said that very existence of PIC sows that B&H failed in establishing of all functions and that the international community is still making decisions, which proves that B&H is not sovereign state in full capacity. “The main problem is economy and state of economy reflects the entire society and the current situation is that there is some growth of GDP, but this growth clearly shows that we will not get out of the poverty for many years”, said Bosic. He reminded that 2016 was marked by the lowest level of foreign investments in B&H, which clearly speaks about political issues that prevent the development. Bosic underlines that non-existence of the rule of law is a big issue. “We will see next week, on June 14th, if there is a political will in B&H Parliament to reach certain decisions and laws together, which can change the situation in judiciary and which can unblock processes of fight against crime and corruption. Bosic deems that the OHR has completed its mission and stressed that High Representative Valentin Inzko stated today that “further decrease of staff, follows”. “It is evident that OHR is on its way out of B&H. That would be a good news, if it would be connected to realistic progress”, said Bosic.

Dzaferovic said that he deems that B&H needs to change Election Law, in a way to implement decisions of the ECHR and of the Constitutional Court of B&H. “This can be done by the model, which former Commissioner (Stefan) Fuele started earlier, when it comes to decision of ECHR. If we are speaking about decision of B&H CC. this can be done in a way to copy the provision from the Federation of B&H Constitution into the Election Law, which peaks about election of at least on delegate from every constituent people in House of Peoples, from each of the cantons, if such delegate was elected”, said Dzaferovic. He stressed that it is unacceptable to condition holding of 2018 General Elections and implementation of the results by changes of the Election Law. Speaking about excise duties, Dzaferovic said that this is the “bitter medicine that has to be swallowed” in order to secure economic development.

Kristo said that they discussed situation in B&H and she informed the Ambassadors that there is no political will for making a step forward in some urgent matters, and the reason for this is non-existence of parliamentary majority in state Parliament. She stressed that change of Election Law is priority and asked the media not to report about blockades of elections: “Nobody is saying that elections will not and cannot be held. However, the fact is that they (results) cannot be implemented”. Kristo stressed there is no reason whatsoever not to support HNS’ proposal. As for priorities, Kristo underlined excise duties, reform of judiciary and enacting of the law on RTV system.


PIC SB unanimously condemns announced concert of support to ICTY indictees (TV1)


A two-day session of the Political Directors of member states of the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board (PIC SB) in B&H commenced in Sarajevo on Tuesday. Among other things, PIC unanimously condemned concert of support for the Croat six in The Hague (Wartime leaders of Herzeg-Bosnia) that should be held in Mostar on 8 June.  Reporter reminded that member states of PIC SB are France, Italy, Germany, Japan, Canada, Russia, the USA , the UK as well as representatives of the EU Presidency and  the European Commission and Turkey as representative of the Organization of Islamic Conference. PIC stated that all institutions in B&H, including political and religious institutions, as well as civil society organizations should act to promote reconciliation, mutual understanding and tolerance, as well as to avoid activities and rhetoric which deepens divisions, including glorifications of sentenced war criminals. “Political Directors of PIC SB are convinced that those supporting gatherings aimed to provide support to indicted and sentenced war criminals are not acting in line with European values, rule of law and aspirations towards the EU”, reads the statement of SB PIC. The reporter noted that if the PIC SB happens to raise the issue of further work or possible closure of OHR in light of B&H’s path towards the EU, this session might be different than previous ones. However, none of them wanted to confirm or deny whether this issue will be discussed. High Representative Valentin Inzko and his deputy are expected to hold a press conference after the session on Wednesday.


Representatives of IC comment announced concert of support to Croat ICTY indictees in Mostar (TV1/


The concert of controversial Croatian singer Marko Perkovic a.k.a. Thompson should be held on Thursday as sign of support to six wartime leaders of Herzeg-Bosnia tried before ICTY for war crimes. In a statement for portal, the EU Delegation to B&H stated that all political actors and public figures in B&H have responsibility to honestly assess developments from the period of war in interest of truth, reconciliation and peaceful future. It also stated that respecting the rule of law, as well as support to the work of the ICTY are priorities of the EU. In its statement for the abovementioned portal, the European Commission (EC) said that organizing of events aimed to express support to sentenced war criminals is not in line with ground values of the EU – rule of law, justice etc.  The Office of High Representative (OHR) called on institutions in B&H to work on achievement of reconciliation and to show true commitment towards the European values. “No one should be doing anything in Mostar or elsewhere that will result in deepening of division or in increase of tensions”, reads that statement of the OHR. Head of the OSCE Mission to B&H Jonathan Moore said that any activity related to war criminals or “nationalistic past” is not beneficial for development and stability of B&H. Moore added that the goal of such activities is to score some political points. The US Embassy to B&H stressed that B&H needs politicians promoting tolerance and respect towards victims, and not ones working on undermining of important democratic values. Austrian Ambassador to B&H Martin Pammer underlined that activities honoring war criminals need to be condemned, because such activities can represent illegal acts. Pammer went on saying that political engagement of individuals supporting such ideology should also be condemned. TV1 requested comments of Croatian President, Croatian Prime Minister and Slovakian Foreign Minister regarding this issue. However, they failed to provide any answers.


Delegation of Vojvodina meets with RS President Dodik (RTRS)


The delegation of the government of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina led by Vojvodina Prime Minister Igor Mirovic paid a visit to Banja Luka on Tuesday. On this occasion, Mirovic met with Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik after which they addressed a joint press conference. Mirovic told reporters that it is necessary to turn declarative willingness for improving cooperation of Vojvodina and the RS into the most concrete forms possible. Addressing the reporters, Dodik emphasized that cooperation between Vojvodina and the RS has been good but that it should be intensified in the coming period, particularly in the field of infrastructure and in terms of joint applications for using international funds. Dodik announced that a comprehensive agreement on cooperation between governments of Vojvodina and the RS should be signed in the fall of this year. In addition, Dodik also announced that the RS and Serbia will soon re-initiate holding of joint sessions of their governments, in line with the Agreement on Special and Parallel Relations. Dodik specified that one of such sessions should also be held in Novi Sad. Following the meeting with Dodik, the delegation from Vojvodina met with RS Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic and ministers in the RS government on which occasion they agreed that there is mutual interest to improve cooperation in various fields.


B&H CoM adopts Platform for Peace (Hayat)


The B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) adopted on Tuesday the Platform for Peace and thus strongly supported the implementation of activities aimed at strengthening peace in B&H. The B&H CoM also adopted five decisions on the criteria for the allocation of funds in the fields of culture, innovation, sports, preparation of projects for EU funds and strengthening of regional cooperation. Project Platform for Peace will be implemented in 60 municipalities and will gather all key stakeholders in building of peace in B&H – authorities, media, non-governmental sector, religious communities and victims of war. The CoM also adopted information prepared by the Ministry of Security of B&H about measures that have been taken to implement 15 GRECO (Group of States against Corruption) recommendations about prevention of corruption among members of parliaments, judges and prosecutors.


“Berlin Plus” to save B&H and the Balkans (Dnevni list)


Dnevni list daily reads that the Berlin process will end next summer, which should result in final restoring of order, work and discipline in the Western Balkans. According to the daily, the next, fourth summit of the Western Balkans’ countries is scheduled to take place in Trieste, Italy, on July 12. It should gather Prime Ministers, Foreign Ministers and Ministers of Economy of: B&H, Albania, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Macedonia. According to the daily’s information, B&H should be represented by Chairman of the Council of Ministers of B&H Denis Zvizdic, Foreign Minister Igor Crnadak and Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Mirko Sarovic. The Trieste summit will focus on economic unification of the region, and that special attention will also be paid to security, rule of law and strengthening of small and medium sized companies. All these topics will be included into “a lifesaving belt” for the Western Balkans’ countries. The daily was told by unnamed Western diplomats in Sarajevo on Tuesday it is about Germany’s ‘life saving belt’ that Berlin is offering to B&H and the Balkans.


On Balkans behind closed door (EuroBlic)


Parties of the right center in the European Parliament (EP) is holding a meeting behind closed door, on which occasion the parties assessed that the Western Balkans countries is faced with “political, economic and social challenges and lacks in good management and rule of law, even worsening in those fields”. Leadership of the European People’s Party (EPP) invited European Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn to present his analysis of the situation in the Western Balkans as well as of devised measures and results that are expected from the summit of leaders of the countries in the region with EU officials in Trieste on June 12. Hahn especially insisted on creation of a single economic space in the Western Balkans, which should attract foreign investments primarily from the EU. The EPP stated that participants of the discussion behind closed door are officials of EPP, MPs in the European Parliament, politicians from the EU and leading officials from the Western Balkans close to the EPP, including Serbian Minister for European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic.


Party chief says HNS won't enter government (Hina)


The Croatian People's Party (HNS) leader, Ivan Vrdoljak, said on late Tuesday evening after a five-hour-long session of the party's presidency that this Opposition party was not going to form a coalition with the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), and added that he was resigning from all political positions. HNS official Andro Vlahusic said that he was happy because the HNS had become "a real political party" that had refused very generous offers in exchange for support to the HDZ-led government.


NATO membership does not have anti-Russian nature (RTCG)


Montenegro’s NATO membership does not have anti-Russian nature, but it represents a contribution to the peace and stability in the region and in the interest of Montenegrin citizens, Western Balkans and Russia, said Minister of Defense, Predrag Boskovic. Commenting on the statement of the Russian Foreign Ministry stating that Moscow gives itself the right to respond to a "hostile policy" of Podgorica regarding formal completion of the procedure of NATO accession, he reiterated that NATO membership was not directed against anyone, even against Russia. "We are witnessing the unfavorable Russian position on the issue of Montenegro's membership in NATO. We took note of it, we surely would not top up the oil on the fire and react to this statement of Russia or the way it  wants to present it to its public," said Boskovic at a press conference with his Slovak counterpart, Peter Gajdos. Boskovic said he assumed that the statement was published mostly because of the Montenegrin public who does not look favorably on Montenegro's NATO membership.


Government initiates procedure for dismissal of Public Prosecutor Zvrlevski (MIA)


The government initiated on Tuesday a procedure for dismissal of Public Prosecutor Marko Zvrlevski due to illegal and inappropriate execution of the function. At yesterday's second session, the Government also appointed Pece Mircevski to the post director of the Office for General and Common Affairs, replacing Vase Donevski. “The goal is to kick-start reforms in every area, especially in terms of the judicial system. The first major step in this field is an expert solution that should be appointed to assume the post of a state public prosecutor. This is the way to show whether our society is prepared to kick-start reforms with the ultimate goal of getting an independent judiciary, courts and state prosecution” Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said.

"The aim is to restore rule of law and I expect everyone to provide their assistance in the process. Once processes are launched to nominate and the process to elect a state prosecutor, we will open a debate in a very transparent manner. I expect expert solutions to be proposed and experts to feel motivated enough to grab the chance of writing history in the Republic of Macedonia with the purpose of restoring the rule of law," Zaev told reporters. Next week, he said, talks would take place over the dismissal of Mitko Cavkov, head of the Public Security Bureau, and the appointment of a new director of the Bureau and head of the Security and Counterintelligence Administration. As regards the nomination of candidates for other state offices, Zaev cooperation with all partners of the government coalition was 'excellent.' "I believe we will nominate people with quality since we are guided by the idea that a man's expertise and readiness to serve the people will be of primary importance while discussing appointments of these offices," PM Zaev said. He said he would be accompanied next Monday by Deputy PM Bujar Osmani and Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov on his first official visit as premier to Brussels, where he is scheduled to meet top EU officials for talks on the country's urgent reform priorities, the Priebe report and the EU progress report on Macedonia.


Hahn to send group of independent experts to Macedonia (MIA)


EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn said in a statement Wednesday that a Senior Experts' Group will visit Macedonia soon. “As part of the EU readiness to work with and support the new government in its reform efforts, I am again sending a group of independent senior rule of law experts, led by Reinhard Priebe, a retired Commission Director, to help and advise the new government on systemic rule of law issues,” Hahn said. He explained that this group will include the same Senior Experts who prepared a report with recommendations related to the intercepted communications in 2015. Their work contributed to the Urgent Reform Priorities drawn up by the Commission which was enshrined in the Przino Agreement. “The Senior Experts’ Group will visit the country soon to carry out an analysis of the current situation, follow-up on their previous findings and provide recommendations on how to address concerns in relation to systemic rule of law issues, on which there has been backsliding in recent years,” Hahn added. He said that he asked the EU Head of Delegation to discuss broader EU-related reform priorities with the new government, with specific deliverables and timelines, and how the EU can provide EU assistance and advice to accompany these reforms. “We are committed to work with the new government, as well as the opposition, in bringing the country back on its EU integration path that the citizens want and deserve,” Hahn concluded.


Basha: Mandate of technical minister is functioning properly (Klan)


The chairman of the Democratic Party (DP) Lulzim Basha said in an interview on Klan television last evening that the technical ministers in the government aim at ensuring an electoral process that will put an end to intervention of the administration and every power-holder into the electoral process. Basha pointed to the fact that there are about 25 administration officials who have been denounced for violation of the electoral law while adding that the technical ministers are fulfilling successfully the task for which they have got a mandate. “The technical ministers in government have the mission to ensure free and fair elections and punish by the force of the law the persons who influence the campaign and vote of the people”, said Basha. “For the first time it is denounced at the prosecution office even an MP for allegations of political manipulation. The MP is caught in the act and detained together with the head of the hospital while buying votes. Therefore, I appeal to the prosecution office to rigorously implement the law”, emphasized Basha. According to him, thanks to the agreement of May 17 it is taking place what has never happened until now, everyone who attempts to trade votes will be send to jail for at least one year. However, Basha denied that the agreement of May 17 stipulates a co-governance between the DP and SP after the June 25 election.


Vetting process –Ad hoc Committee holds hearing session (ATA)


The 12-member Ad hoc Committee convened on Tuesday at the Assembly Presidency premises to hold hearing session with the candidates for the Independent Qualification Committee and Public Commissioners in the framework of the vetting law. The Ad hoc Committee is composed by members of the ruling majority and the opposition (6-6) and is headed by the Socialist Party MP PandeliMajko and Oerd Bylykbashi (vice-chairman) from the Democratic Party. According to the Vetting law, the Independent Qualification Committee will make an evaluation of all the judges and prosecutors, irrespective of their level and jurisdiction. It will have a limited five-year mandate. Its members will be lawyers with at least an experience of 15 years like judges, prosecutors, or professors of constitutional right, but even high-profile figures. The subject of re-evaluation or the public commissioner can complain against the Committee’s decisions. The complaint will be examined by the Special Qualification College at the Constitutional Court. All re-evaluation process will be carried out under supervision of the international observers aiming at building reliability to the process. They will have access to the files of judges and prosecutors and will monitor all the decision-making process through assisting the process in all the levels. While aiming at guaranteeing the process and prevention of corruption within the Committee and the College of Appeal, its members will have a special treatment for themselves and their families. The state will also guarantee a special protection to them.




The Case For US Engagement In The Western Balkans (Huffington Post, by David L. Phillips, 5 June 2017)


The United States has extraordinary influence in countries of the Western Balkans (Macedonia, Albania, and Kosovo). Engagement enhances stability, as well as economic and democratic development. Engagement also advances US security goals, acting as a bulwark against Islamists seeking to radicalize Muslims and recruit them to join ISIS.

Macedonia, with its ethnic and religious diversity, is especially volatile. Violence erupted on April 27, after nearly two years of domestic political crisis. Ultranationalists with Macedonia’s governing party, VMRO, attacked the parliament blooding Zoran Zaev, the leading opposition figure and Ziadin Sela, an ethnic Albanian politician. The incident risked a spiral of deadly violence potentially engulfing the country and precipitating its fragmentation.

Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, tried to mediate during the crisis. But, when push came to shove, US diplomacy was critical.

The Trump administration has not yet named senior officials for European affairs at the State Department. Yet US ambassador to Macedonia, Jess Baily, and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Hoyt Yee, did yeoman’s work, forging an agreement between Macedonian politicians on a peaceful transition of power. Baily and Yee deserve commendations for distinguished service.

Something similar happened in Albania. The Democratic Party (DP) threatened to boycott elections on June 18, citing corruption and drug dealing by the current government. US diplomacy helped broker a pledge by the DP to participate in elections in exchange for a post-election power-sharing arrangement between the DP and the ruling Socialist Party. A boycott would have been disastrous for Albania, entrenching political dysfunction and a zero-sum game approach to governance.

Kosovo is also at a critical fork in the road. Three major blocks are contesting for seats in national elections on June 11. It is highly unlikely that any one block will win enough seats in parliament to form a government. US engagement will be vital to help Kosovars come together and form a coalition government. Despite the rise of Islamism in Kosovo, no nation is more pro-American. The US led NATO’s intervention in 1999, preventing genocide. It spearheaded international recognition of Kosovo’s independence in 2008. Washington’s influence is unparalleled. The Trump administration must not ignore the region, letting developments run their course. Stable, transparent, and democratic government is essential for Kosovo to gain greater global recognition. The Obama administration neglected the Western Balkans. Disengagement created a gap filled by nefarious forces ― Serbia’s meddling, Russia’s militarism, and Turkey’s Islamism. Hundreds of Kosovars went to Syria and fought with ISIS. Macedonian Muslims were recruited by the Islamic State. Islamism in Albania became a problem. The US needs a coherent strategy for the Western Balkans, aimed at promoting moderation and undermining the appeal of radical Islam. The strategy should be based on strengthening democratic institutions and the rule of law. Accountability mechanisms are needed to crack down on criminality, corruption, and cronyism.

Countries in the Western Balkan aspire to greater integration into Euro-Atlantic institutions. To this end, the Trump administration needs to work with European allies accelerating Macedonia’s NATO membership, EU visa liberalization for Kosovars, and strengthening security cooperation with Albania. The recent NATO Summit and G-7 meetings did not inspire confidence. The Trump administration apparently does not place much stock in trans-Atlantic cooperation. In the Balkans, however, integration into Euro-Atlantic institutions is critical for reform and stability.

American diplomats did a remarkable job narrowly averting disaster in Macedonia and Albania. But smoke and mirrors only go so far. The Trump administration needs a policy towards the Western Balkans. Washington must confront adversaries, develop an alternative narrative nullifying the appeal of ISIS, and support pro-Western governments in Macedonia, Albania, and Kosovo. Of course, no policy works without the personnel to manage it. Countries in the Western Balkans want US engagement. If Washington neglects them, radicalization will result. Violence and fragmentation may occur.

David L. Phillips is Director of the Program on Peace-building and Rights at Columbia University’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights. He served as a Senior Adviser and Foreign Policy Expert to the State Department during the administrations of Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama. He is author of Liberating Kosovo: Coercive Diplomacy and US Intervention.


Montenegro’s accession to NATO a purely geopolitical project, won’t boost security – Lavrov (RT, 6 June 2017)


Montenegro joining NATO won’t make the alliance stronger or the country safer and would likely increase spending on the part of the block’s other nations, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said after the US-led military alliance welcomed its 29th member state on Monday. “It’s a purely geopolitical project. Obviously, it doesn’t strengthen NATO's security. It’ll most likely lead to additional expenses on the part of NATO member states because they’d have to also develop Montenegro’s territory in military-technical terms,” Lavrov said on Tuesday. The move also “isn’t increasing Montenegro’s own security even a bit because Montenegro wasn’t threatened and can’t be threatened by anybody,” he added. The Russian foreign minister said the “hysterical Russophobic voices, which are heard coming from Podgorica [Montenegro’s capital] from time to time can only cause regret as well as a smile, to a large extent.” NATO used the Ukrainian crisis to “unprecedentedly boost” the block’s military-technical presence near Russia’s borders, he said. “In order to fulfill those plans, an image of an enemy needed to be created. The Russia-NATO Council was frozen – there was no dialogue, only demands, ultimatums and empty claims.” As part of NATO’s eastward expansion, all of the nations in the Balkans faced demands to join the anti-Russian campaign, he said. “Some countries like Serbia and Macedonia refused to do it, and NATO leaders took offense against them, but in Montenegro the seeds fell into fertile soil, especially taking into account that Montenegro’s leadership was promised that some of their problems with the law will be forgotten in the context of joining the alliance,” Lavrov said. Montenegro’s support of anti-Russian sanctions was exploited by the West to drag the country into NATO, he said. “This trend again takes us back to the policy of dividing lines In Europe, undermines the numerous promises of Western leaders about the necessity of providing equal and indivisible security.” “The line is a dead end, it won’t end well,” the minister warned. Lavrov reiterated that Moscow is ready for dialogue with NATO, but “talking must be done on an equal basis, on the basis of concrete facts and concrete comparison of potentials and military activity."

Montenegro officially joined NATO on Monday becoming the block’s 29th member state.

The Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dusko Markovic, visited Washington for the accession ceremony where he met US Vice President, Mike Pence, but not President Donald Trump.

A video of Markovic’s first encounter with Trump during a NATO summit in Brussels in May went viral after the US president shoved him aside to stand in front of the cameras.

Markovic meekly said that Trump’s actions were justified as protocol required the US leader to stand next to Jens Stoltenberg, NATO’s Secretary General.


Russia: Moscow to respond to Montenegro’s NATO membership (Sputnik