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Belgrade Media Report 12 June



Vucic: “War coalition” to create us many problems (Tanjug)


“The co-called war or veteran coalition of parties that received the majority at the elections in Kosovo and Metohija, is the group that has most openly threatened the Serbs, and this will create us many problems,” Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told the press in Gornji Milanovac, but pointed out that this coalition in Pristina has opposite itself a united bloc of political representatives of Serbs who are protecting the interests of Serbs and Serbia in Kosovo and Metohija. According to him, the key thing is that the Albanians haven’t succeeded to achieve with the Serbs what they had wanted, both them and some from the outside, this being to have some kind of control over Serb MPs in passing decisions in Kosovo. Vucic says that the outcome of the early parliamentary elections in Kosovo will represent difficulties and many problems, but, he says we will fight to preserve stability and continue the dialogue, and that Pristina will have a united Serb bloc during the formation of the government. “It remains to be seen what kind of coalition they wish to form, they have a pretty united bloc of Serbs who will protect their interests,” he said. He said that he wished somewhat different results as regards the will of the Albanian people, but that he couldn’t vote on their behalf. He says he will wait for the final results, that a good result was achieved by the Serb list and that we need to see whether it will have eight or all of the ten mandates. He thanked the Serbs for being disciplined and voted for their interests, and for wanting to continue the dialogue. “They showed they wanted to have a serious dialogue with the Albanians, but they also know that we need to preserve the interests of Serbs and Serbia in Kosovo and Metohija. They turned out in higher numbers than at the Serbian presidential elections because they understood the significance of these elections,” said Vucic. “It’s not a small thing to receive 90 percent of the votes,” he said, noting that he is proud of such a high number of received votes, especially having in mind the great interest and significance of voting for our citizens.


Djuric: Serb list receives most probably ten seats (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said last night in Kosovska Mitrovica that the Serb List at least 90 percent of the votes in most Serb communities in Kosovo and Metohija and most probably all guaranteed 10 mandates. He says that the representatives of the United Gorani Party that took part in the election with the support of the Serbian state Adem Hoxhaj, who is in the Serb List caucus, won a mandate. “Thus, it is highly probable that the Serb List receives more than 10 mandates in the future assembly,” said Djuric. “The Serbs won at these elections more votes than ever, which shows that there are many more Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija than claimed by certain Albanian politicians. As things stand, it is highly probable that even the formation of the new government in Pristina will not be without the Serb List,” said Djuric. “The Quint wished to elect Serb representatives, Pristina wished to elect Serb representatives, they all wished to elect Serb representatives without the Serb – well, they can’t, the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija elected legitimate Serb representatives, responded to Vucic’s invitation,” said Djuric. He said that Serbia and the Serb people are tonight one of the certain and absolute winners in Kosovo and Metohija, and that now it is on the Serb representatives to justify expectations and trust. Immediately after the closure of polling stations, Djuric told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that elections had been marked with numerous pressures and attempts of intimidation, and noted that more than 10 people were detained. He said that there had been numerous attempts at politically erasing and marginalizing the Serbs but despite this, the Serbs answered massively to the invitation of the state and government to turn out for the elections that are of fateful importance for our nation. He pointed out that four Serb municipalities were the first in turning out on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija and noted that this proved that there are many more Serbs than claimed by Pristina. “This is a clear message that the Serbs wish to stay,” said Djuric.


Drecun: There will be no room for Albanians to cheat (RTS)


The Chairman of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun has told the morning news of RTS that the results of the Kosovo elections will bring political instability since the winning parties in the winning coalition stem from the terrorist KLA organization, so it is impossible to expect from leaders who are bearers of corruption in Kosovo to bring the much needed stability. The leaders of the Albanian parties are defined in NATO’s white book on crime in Kosovo and Metohija as the leaders of organized criminal groups, said Drecun and added that they were destabilizing inter-ethnic relations. “Haradinaj threatened that in case of his victory there will be no Serbia in Kosovo and Metohija. Through the Serb List, behind which President Vucic stands, it turned out that Serbia will be present in the political life in Kosovo and Metohija and that it will be the key obstacle in passing decisions of Albanians to the detriment of the Serb people,” said Drecun. “The Serbs hold power in ten local self-administrations, international capacity has been raised through the Brussels agreement, unity of Serb representatives had been reached and there will be no room for the Albanians to cheat and look for individuals who would vote to the detriment of the Serb people,” explained Drecun.

Commenting the turnout of the Serbs and Albanians at the elections, Drecun said that it is obvious that the Serbs understood the significance of elections and participation of Serbs in the provisional institutions of the self-administration and all this through the connection with the Serbian government. He says that nobody can dispute the fact that Serbia is an unavoidable and only factor that can negotiate on behalf of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. If this ruling coalition offers to the Serb List to enter the executive power, and this coalition remains on the position that there will be no Community of Serb Municipalities, which would be a suspension of the normalization process, then how could the Serbs take part,” wondered Drecun. “We will have pressures of the international community to have minority representatives in the new government, and it would suit them for these to be Serb representatives, these are two opposed processes. Having in mind that many representatives of the winning party can be on the warrant arrests, it is possible that then we would have an unstable political situation, but stable when it comes to the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija,” concluded.


Vucic: Serbia building new image toward West and East (Tanjug/B92)


President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday in Kazakhstan that Serbia is building a new image and a new face not only toward the West but also the East. Vucic stressed he was happy and proud, primarily because of the citizens of Serbia, to attend opening of the Astana Expo 2017, along with world leaders such as Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, prime ministers of Luxembourg and Pakistan, and other heads of state or government. “I will have the opportunity to be in their company at dinner. Kazakhstan is one of a few countries that can bring all these people, and all of them have been brought by President Nursultan Nazarbayev,” said Vucic. “I think that Serbia is building a new image and a new face toward the world, not only the West, but also her in the East. I believe that our country, which has just over seven million people, which is territorially very small, especially compared with Kazakhstan - that is the 9th biggest in the world - managed to occupy a very high position due to our policy of preserving independence and sovereignty and independent decision-making in foreign policy action and address,” he underlined. Vucic said that he was proud of citizens and grateful that they wanted to build such a policy and have it represented in that way. He said he was certain that either Kazakhstan’s president or prime minister would attend his inauguration, who will in that way show a great honor and respect toward our country. Vucic met in Astana with Prime Minister Bakytzhan Sagintayev and they discussed cooperation between the two countries, highlighting the significance of cooperation in the economy, defense industry and technology. “In some areas we are also closer to concrete cooperation. For the first time, we also saw interest from your companies in our chemical complex, but there is still work for us to do on development of tourism, especially spa tourism,” Vucic said.


Kopac: EU still has not made a decision in procedure against Serbia over Russia gas (Beta)


Energy Community Secretariat Director Janez Kopac said in Vienna that the Community had not yet reached a decision in a procedure against Serbia over violating the rules of competition in an agreement with Russia on gas deliveries. “We are still thinking about how we will react,” Kopac told Beta and EurActiv on the margins of a meeting on sustainable development, adding that the Energy Community would consult with Brussels on the matter. The Energy Community in late March said that Serbia had two months to correct the irregularities. The agreement with Russia contains a controversial provision under which Russian gas is meant exclusively for the Serbian market, which is not in line with the Energy Community's rules. Serbia was then given two months to fix the irregularities. “Nothing has happened since then,” said Kopac. The Energy Community Ministerial Council may impose sanctions on a country over failure to abide by its regulations, but rarely does.


Less than 12.000 Albanians live in Bujanovac (Politika, by Dejan Spalovic)


The new census of the population, revision of the voters lists and control of residence: these are the requests of the Chairman of the Human Rights Committee in Bujanovac Svetislav Velickovic. This activist thinks that only this way is it possible to determine precisely the correct number of Bujanovac residents, whereby the rights of all citizens will be equalized, and possible planned increase of the Albanian population in this town in southern Serbia will be prevented.

Over the past ten years, certain Albanian politicians from Kosovo have been saying that the just solution for them would be to exchange the north of the southern Serbian province for the so-called Presevo Valley – which, according to them, includes the municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja. Over these pretensions, inter-ethnic relations have seriously deteriorated, while they are additionally burdened with frequent speculations on exchange of territories with Pristina. Proof that the Albanians are seriously counting on three more Serbian municipalities is that the towns of Tirana, Pristina, Tetovo, Ulcinj and Presevo formed on 26 November 2016 the Union of Albanian municipalities in the region. Thereby, a union of main municipalities in the region, headed by Albanians, has been formed for the first time, and which has the goal of building mechanisms necessary for mutual cooperation in various fields. It is not accidental that Albanian President Bujar Nishani visited on 7 March this year Presevo and Bujanovac. He wasn’t giving incendiary statements at the time, nor was he speaking about Greater Albania, but, outside diplomatic protocols, simply bypassed Belgrade.

Problems in Serbia’s Albanian-populated municipalities date from 1991, when the Albanians boycotted the census, in solidarity with Kosovo fellow-nationals. The then estimate of the Federal Statistics Institute established that the Albanians make up the majority in Bujanovac, which is disputed by the Human Rights Committee. The new census was held in April 2002, after the uprising of Albanians in 2001, but these data cannot be considered relevant either. The last chance to determine the precise national structure in these municipalities was missed in 2011, when the Albanians boycotted the census again. The reasons given were census ballots in the Serbian language, as well as that the census includes those who have moved out over the past years. According to experts, the last relevant census in three municipalities in southern Serbia proper is the one conducted in 1971. “The decision on the boycott of the 2011 census has stayed without the support of the international community, and some Albanian leaders considered it a mistake as well. Data from the census is very important during projections of various financial aids in many fields and that is why it is necessary to determine the number with which everybody will agree, so we resorted to the method of estimating the number of inhabitants that we conducted the first time according to international standards. A team of international experts engaged by US and British embassies, the EU and OSCE delegations, at the initiative of the Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Administration and with mediation of the Coordinating Body, established in June 2015 the estimated number of inhabitants of these municipalities that will be used officially until the next census,” the Chairman of the Coordinating Body for the municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja Zoran Stankovic tells Politika. The Serbian government adopted this conclusion, recalls Stankovic, and political leaders in southern Serbia, including the Chairman of the National Council of Albanians, agreed with the estimate even though they thought that there are 25.000 more members of the Albanian national minority and that the estimated number of inhabitants is not good. “The number of residents in these three municipalities was estimated without ethnicity. It was estimated 38.300 inhabitants in Bujanovac, 29.600 in Presevo and 7.442 in Medvedja,” says Stankovic. Velickovic claims that the main reason why the Albanians boycotted the census is their wish to conceal how many of them exactly live in this part of the state. “According to our information, less than 12.000 Albanians live in Bujanovac, which is half than what was established at the 2002 census. Nobody knows exactly how many citizens are there with the right to vote in this municipality, and voters include dozens of people older than 100 years. All political power is in the hands of the Albanians who politically discriminate the Serbs,” claims Velickovic, adding this is one of the reasons why they are requesting an extraordinary census in this part of Serbia.

Stankovic warns that according to the Law on the Census of the Population, Households and Apartments, which is passed for each census individually, and the last one was passed in 2011, an extraordinary census is not possible. “The law does not permit this possibility, because otherwise, let’s say, every national minority that, for any reason, doubts census results could request an extraordinary census,” says Stankovic.

However, Velickovic warns that most of the investments and state aid ends up in Albanian villages and that only members of this minority receive jobs in the local self-administration and public companies. This is the reason why the Serbs fear segregation. “A large number of young Albanians went abroad, a number of people moved to Kosovo, so that their number is much lower than estimated. That is why the best thing would be to apply the Croatian method, where their competent services went from house to house several months ago and determined whether somebody lives there at all and if they didn’t find anybody they erased them from the voters list. If this could have been done by a state that is an EU member, then why couldn’t we also do something like that?” wonders Velickovic. The Serbs are not requesting the dismissal of the local authorities nor straining of relations with the Albanians, but to take part in the municipal authorities in accordance with the number of inhabitants. “The truth is that birthrate is also falling among the Albanians and that in places where 200 babies used to be born, ten times less babies are born now and that the Serbs are not leaving,” said Velickovic.




PIC demands changes to Election Law (Vecernji list)


The Peace Implementation Council (PIC) demands changes to Election Law on grounds of Ljubic’s appeal before B&H Constitutional Court this happened for the first time since establishing of the PIC. The PIC’s conclusions call for observing of rights of constituent peoples without imposing of decisions, and was said that the Election Law of B&H must be amended in a way which will enable regular election the next year “despite claims by certain Bosniak political manipulators it is possible to do this even the next month when the Constitutional Court removes disputable provisions”. The author goes on to say that the Peace Implementation Council let the authorities know that they find changes to the Election Law of B&H very important. “Address as a matter of urgency the implementation of outstanding decisions of the B&H Constitutional Court, including the 1 December 2016 (‘Ljubic’) case, which specifically concerns the elections to the Federation of B&H House of Peoples, seeking political consensus and respecting relevant institutions, while preventing further divisions in B&H,” reads one of the PIC’s conclusions. The author comments that earlier “black and white approach, which mostly served as support to political Sarajevo, has now been more balanced towards political processes in the country”. Daily finds it particularly important that it includes the rulings in cases ‘Sejdic-Finci’, ‘Pilav’, and ‘Zornic’, as well as the Constitutional Court of B&H’s ruling regarding Mostar. “Address the implementation of the decision of the B&H Constitutional Court on Mostar and thus enable the holding of elections in this city. Mostar must remain a single, coherent, multi-ethnic unit of local self-government, with some level of local authority/administration below that of the city”, the PIC concluded. The author added that all conclusions were passed unanimously.


Inzko commenting on political situation in the country (Nezavisne)


High Representative in B&H Valentin Inzko, commenting on the overall political situation in the country, said that it can be best described as ‘unpredictable’, with two parallel trends, one positive and the other one negative. “If we look at the past year - regardless if we are talking about controversy related to possible revision of the (ruling of) International Court of Justice, referendum which was organized contrary to decisions of the Constitutional Court or talk about territorial reorganization of B&H - we can see that politicians on all sides and in both entities are far more turned to nationalistic issues which divide people, than to changes that would be positive for the country, changes that would result in bigger economic prosperity and bigger integration into the EU. Changes that would encourage young people to stay here,” Inzko said, adding that “the majority of his colleagues in the Peace Implementation Council (PIC)” share his concerns over the current situation in the country. “It is clear that some politicians are deepening divisions and undermining institutions, as they are constantly raising issues which lead to divisions. International community firmly believes that this negative trend has to be changed as soon as possible,” Inzko said. The HR added that the time until the 2018 elections in B&H has to be used to resolve outstanding issues, such as ‘Sejdic-Finci’ case and other rulings rendered by the European Court of Human Rights, the issue of Mostar or the issue of excise duties. “Political parties have to refrain from entering political campaign too early,” Inzko said, adding that 2017 and the first half of 2018 have to be used to implement positive reforms. Commenting on the report he had submitted to the UN Security Council, Inzko said that his reports are well received, apart from criticism which usually comes from the same sources. Furthermore, Inzko underlined that reports submitted by the High Representative are the only official reports on implementation of peace in B&H. “Any other ‘alternative’ report, regardless of how flashy its title sounds, has no official importance whatsoever,” Inzko said. Commenting on the issue of so-called political corruption in B&H, Inzko said that the international community feels frustrated because corruption and political sponsorship are an obvious part of political system in B&H, with very little consequences for those involved. “It seems to me that they (politicians) are not trying to systematically resolve issues in judiciary, they are rather occasionally express doubt in it or even bring the very existence of certain judicial institutions into question. They are often trying to make sure that certain cases are transferred to lower-level judicial institutions, closer to their center of power. This country and its citizens, regardless of their ethnicity, need something else. They need strong and efficient judicial institutions at all levels, which they can trust, and which are working in an independent and professional manner, so that all citizens can be equal before the law,” Inzko said. Asked to say if the Office of the High Representative is about to be closed soon, Inzko said that conditions and goals named ‘5+2’ have to be met for the OHR to be closed. “It is clear that at least two goals related to state and military property have not been fulfilled”, Inzko said. He added that some other goals were considered to be fulfilled, but in the meantime steps back were made in those fields as well. “Also, the second condition - ‘positive assessment of political situation’ - is not even close to be fulfilled. Therefore, the conclusion is that the OHR will remain as an international community’s instrument for responding to challenges in B&H,” Inzko explained.

Asked to comment on conclusions of last week’s session of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) Steering Board, Inzko said that the international community wants authorities at all levels to fulfill commitments already taken, in order to implement reforms in the interest of citizens. “B&H should especially focus on issues related to the EU integration, such as more efficient public administration and ‘providing a comprehensive and single set of answers to questions from the European Commission’s Questionnaire’. You can see in the Communique that the international community is strictly against additional divisions and blockades in B&H. The International Community would also like to have B&H and its institutions more functional, and authorities more efficient,” Inzko said. He concluded that PIC expressed unanimous support to the OHR, and sent a clear message that entities have no right to secede.


SDA is most responsible for crisis in Federation (Dnevni avaz)


Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina President and Vice President of HDZ B&H Marinko Cavara stated in a brief interview for the daily that all parties of coalition, mostly SDA, are to blame for situation in the Federation of B&H where parliamentary majority has been lost. He explained that SDA often cooperates with opposition and passes certain laws in the parliament with help of the left-wing parties, which damages partnership relations and creates mistrust. He stressed it is necessary to turn to dialogue and agreement among SDA, HDZ B&H and SBB B&H, but also not to rule out others who wish well to B&H. “It would be unacceptable to say that someone else is 100 percent to blame for losing parliamentary majority. In this case it is lack of readiness of agreement among parties. The biggest culprit is ambient of pre-election campaign. Campaign started too soon. There are also individuals who want to promote themselves as only defenders of B&H, or that they are only defenders of Bosniaks or left-wing, which creates tensions in relations. We first must create ambient for agreement. Such ambient apparently does not exist in this situation of pre-election campaign,” Cavara stressed. He further noted that there is no alternative to current partnership, and that he does not understand how come there is no more readiness to solve fundamental issues such as Election Law. In the end of the interview the Federation of B&H President said no one can be happy with current situation as long as majority of citizens is dissatisfied. “Reforms have to be speeded up, we should have done that earlier. We fail to reach agreements on all issues. More communication between the Government and MPs, one chamber (of the Federation of B&H Parliament) and another is apparently needed, more coordination and understanding. Otherwise, we cannot make success”, Cavara concluded.


Izetbegovic: I will not let Radoncic have B&H (Nezavisne)


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic stated over the weekend in Gorazde that B&H needs to become a normal European country, underlining that he will “not let SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic have it”. Izetbegovic underlined it is most important to maintain peace and the state. “Today, Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik is ridiculing the representatives of big forces, the OHR and others. If he could, Dodik would divide B&H tomorrow, and if not then he would return the things to the so-called original Dayton. He will not get that”, Izetbegovic said and added that he will not allow any other political project not in the interest of B&H, such as creation of a third entity. “I will not allow third entity, nor will I let Radoncic have the post of member of B&H Presidency,” concluded Izetbegovic.


Dodik, Preda meet to discuss European road of B&H (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik met in Banja Luka on Friday with European Parliament (EP) Rapporteur for B&H Cristian Dan Preda. Dodik informed Preda on this occasion that the RS has met all its obligations on the EU path of B&H. “The RS is committed to the EU integration process, but it expects acknowledgment of the political reality of B&H established by the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and the Constitution of B&H, which clearly define the responsibilities of the RS,” Dodik stated at the meeting. Preda stressed that the RS is part of B&H and that answers from the RS also need to be integrated in the overall answers B&H will give to the European Commission’s (EC) Questionnaire. RTRS reminds of Preda’s statement from February, when he said that he has never met Dodik nor he plans to do that and warned that there is a system of sanctions intended for persons who pose a threat to implementation of the DPA. Reporter commented that representatives of European institutions in B&H have overcome the story about the RS leaders who block B&H’s development from the beginning of this year, now confirming that the EU path of B&H is impossible without the RS.


RS officials strongly react to Zvizdic’s letter to Mogherini (Nezavisne)


The Republika Srpska (RS) officials fiercely reacted to the letter that Chairman of B&H Council of Ministers Denis Zvizdic sent to EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, in which he accused the RS of obstructing European road of B&H. The RS officials warned it is exactly the Council of Ministers that obstructs this road and that the crucial obligations stemming from the Reform Agenda are failing owing to that. Namely, Zvizdic said in his note to Mogherini that all those familiar with the EU processes in B&H know that state institutions, especially the CoM, act as promoters of European future of B&H, while obstructions are coming from lower levels of authority, dominantly from the RS institutions. RS Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic commented that Zvizdic is shifting the arguments and that it is a continuous practice of Sarajevo to deceive European representatives. Cvijanovic further noted that the CoM is not capable of meeting its obligations and it also does not stick to what relevant actors in B&H agree on. According to her, this was Zvizdic’s desperate attempt to respond to criticism addressed to the CoM by shifting the responsibility. Chairman of the RS National Assembly’s Commission for European Integration Branislav Borenovic said that the truth is somewhere in between. He deems that integration is hindered exactly by those who are the most responsible ones in that process – entity prime ministers and B&H CoM Chairman.


Parliament confirms new ministers (Jutarnji list)


The parliament has approved new ministers proposed by Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. The ministers have been confirmed with 78 votes in favor (the minimum number for the majority is 76). The new ministers are: Predrag Stromar, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Construction; Tomislav Coric, Minister of Environmental Protection and Energy; Lovro Kuscevic, Minister of Administration; Davor Bozinovic, Minister of the Interior; Marko Pavic, Minister of Labor and Pension System; Blazenka Divjak, Minister of Education and Science; and Drazen Bosnjakovic, Minister of Justice. Stromar and Divjak are representatives of HNS, HDZ’s new coalition partner. Five of HNS’s MPs voted for the government, while another four, who are against the cooperation with HDZ, voted against, as expected. They will be expelled from the party. After the vote, Prime Minister Plenkovic gave a statement to reporters. “I think we have ended this political episode in the best interest of stability and the citizens. That motivated me to come to an agreement with HNS,” said Plenkovic. “We have shown that we are ready for dialogue. The transformative process which I pursue will be continued in the period ahead of us, in order to reduce divisions in our society. The decision of HNS to enter into a coalition with HDZ was correct, politically wise and helpful. Time will demonstrate the correctness of that decision,” said Plenkovic. When referring to Divjak’s statement that she would not be “blackmailed” by other parties’ demands regarding the curriculum reform, Plenkovic said that he expected the whole government to pursue common policies. He said that HDZ and HNS have their separate electorates, but also have elements of compatibility and that they can find a common denominator. Asked whether having the majority of just 78 MPs would be enough for stability, Plenkovic said there were many governments which were able to function with such a majority and that he was sure it would be stable. This marks the end of the latest government crisis, which began in late April when MOST ministers supported the opposition's motion of no confidence against Finance Minister Zdravko Maric. Plenkovic immediately dismissed them and began a search for a new parliamentary majority. He finally came to an agreement with HNS, which was ironically one of the opposition parties demanding Maric’s dismissal. HNS has split over the decision on whether or not to enter into a coalition with HDZ, with five MPs supporting the decision and four voting against, the nay-sayers have effectively left the party.


Trump accepts Croatian President’s invitation to attend Summit in Poland (T portal)


On Friday, The White House announced that US President Donald Trump will officially visit Poland in July, before attending the G20 Summit in Germany. His visit to Poland will include a summit of the Three Seas Initiative (Adriatic-Baltic-Black Sea), reports T portal.

The visit should again confirm the United States' full support to one of its closest allies and the administration's concern to demonstrate that the strengthening of collective defense within NATO is a priority, said a spokesperson. The visit of the US President has also been confirmed by the Polish Presidential Office, adding that it will take place on the 6th of July. Trump will meet with Polish President Andrzej Duda and talk about bilateral and regional issues.

The White House stated that Trump would also give a speech and take part in the summit of the Three Seas Initiative. Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic, who is one of the initiators of the Three Seas Initiative, briefly commented on the news about Trump's participation at the summit:  “Last night, the White House announced that President Trump will come after he was invited by me and the Polish President. I have been working on this since last year and the summit of the initiative in Dubrovnik. This confirms the importance of the initiative and the fact that this is the biggest initiative which Croatia has so far launched in international relations,” said the President, pointing out that Trump’s visit will demonstrate strong ties between the United States and NATO countries, adding that this was the strategic repositioning of Croatia.

President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic spoke briefly with US President Trump during a recent NATO summit in Brussels, Belgium.


Mogherini tells Zaev: If reforms are implemented, the EU is ready to respond (Meta)


The first official diplomatic visit which was realized in Brussels, together with the ministers responsible for the implementation of foreign policy priorities of Macedonia, showed the determination of the government of the Republic of Macedonia to increase the EU integration process, said Prime Minister Zoran Zaev at the meeting with the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini. “In the interest of the citizens of Macedonia, there is an initiative for a new dynamic in the EU integration process. Our goal is to ensure sufficient progress in key reform areas by Autumn, which will give sufficient arguments to the European Commission to present a new report to the Member States, with a renewed recommendation to start negotiations for Macedonia’s membership in the EU”, said Zaev. At the meeting he said that the new government is committed to good neighbourly relations and regional cooperation, based on mutual respect and stressed the importance of the opening of chapters 23 and 24 in the accession negotiations. The Prime Minister’s cabinet stated that Mogherini had expressed strong support for the reform efforts of the new government and announced that Macedonia has a strong ally in the EU during the implementation of reforms. She added that if the reforms are implemented, the European Union is ready to respond.

In Brussels, Zaev is accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister, Radmila Sekerinska, Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Bujar Osmani and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov. The purpose of the visit is to confirm the commitment of the new government for Euro-Atlantic integration.


Merkel to Zaev: You have Germany’s support and we’ll be seeing you on 12 July (Meta)


German Chancellor Angela Merkel has sent her congratulations to Zoran Zaev on his election to Prime Minister and on the occasion of forming a new government. “I cordially congratulate you on your election as Prime Minister. The Federal Government firmly supports the objective of your country becoming closer to the European Union and NATO. The Federal Republic of Germany will gladly support you in your efforts”, said Merkel in her greeting. “I am personally happy that we will be introduced at the next conference on the Western Balkans on July the 12th in Trieste,” added the German Chancellor in her greeting to Prime Minister Zaev.


Zaev to EU Ambassadors: We will cooperate with the opposition, the president and NGOs (Meta)


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, accompanied by Deputy Prime Ministers Bujar Osmani and Radmila Sekerinska, met on Friday with ambassadors of member states of the European Union in the government building, where he stressed that for a better future of the country and its citizens, the government will cooperate with the opposition, with the president and civil societies. The meeting was held three days before Zaev’s official visit to Brussels where he will be holding meetings with European Commissioners Federica Mogherini and Johannes Hahn, as well as with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. “We are committed to defining a short-term and medium-term agenda for the urgent reform priorities. We will talk with Commissioner Hahn in Brussels on the matter. Euro-Atlantic integration is a strategic goal for Macedonia to acquire democratic institutions,” said the Prime Minister to the ambassadors, stated the government. At the meeting, key areas that require urgent reforms, together with the judiciary, the media, securing professional institutions and the functionality of parliament. At the meeting, Zaev again emphasized that they are ready to cooperate with the opposition and the President, as well as the civil sector, for joint contribution to the development of Macedonia and ensuring quality of life for all citizens.




Vucic Set to Skip Opening of Montenegro’s Serbian House (BIRN, by Dusica Tomovic, 12 June 2017)


Serbian leader Aleksandar Vucic is unlikely to attend the opening ceremony of Serbian House in Podgorica despite Belgrade authorities backing the 3.5 million euro project.

Serbian House, the cultural and national centre of the Serbian community in Montenegro, is scheduled to open on June 28. However, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is unlikely to attend its opening in Podgorica despite having personally supported the project. Vucic’s cabinet told BIRN that there are presently no plans for the newly-appointed Serbian president to visit Podgorica for its opening, which coincides with Serbian religious and national holiday Vidovdan. Vucic never officially visited Montenegro as vice-premier nor during his four year term as Prime Minister. Ever since taking power in Serbia in 2013, Vucic has seemed reluctant to publicly meet Serbs from Montenegro and address their complaints. However, in the past few months communication has intensified with the Serbs in Montenegro. The previous distance can be explained by Vucic’s close relationship with the former Montenegrin prime minister, Milo Djukanovic; the Serbian leader did not want to give political legitimacy to the Montenegrin opposition. Serbs make up at least a third of the population of Montenegro but they found themselves outvoted and politically marginalised under Djukanovic who, in defiance of their wishes, sought to distance the country from Russia, a historic ally, and from Serbia. He championed both EU and NATO membership. As the result of an agreement between then-Serbian Prime Minister Vucic and the leader of NOVA, the strongest pro-Serbian party in Montenegro, Andrija Mandic, on May 25 the government in Belgrade decided to allocate around 3.4 million euros for Serbian House. The move aimed to “confirm that Serbia cares about Serbs in the neighbouring country.” Serbian House will be at the centre of all institutions and organisations established to “preserve the cultural and national identity of the Serbian nation.“

It will also be the home of Matica Srpska, the Institute of Serbian Culture, the Serbian National Council, the Association of Serbian Writers, Serbian television, Serbian radio, newspapers, portals and the Serbian Cultural Center. In a recent interview with BIRN, Mandic said that said Serbia’s government was beginning to understand the problems of the Serbian community in Montenegro, although he admits that relations in recent yearshave not been particularly close.

When asked about his frequent meetings with Vucic in recent months, and about shifts in relations between Serbia and the pro-Serbian opposition in Montenegro, Mandic said relations were improving. He and other Serbian community representatives have met Vucic in Belgrade at least five times since the alleged coup in October, but Mandic said that this was at the demand of Serbian political and cultural representatives in Montenegro. Serbian House was the main topic of those meetings, Mandic noted. “Over time, people who advocate the rights of Serbs in Montenegro, all close to our party, have managed to build better relations with the Serbian government, the [ruling] Progressive Party and with Vucic,” he said.